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My Problems with the Jesus Christ Birth, Crucifixion, and Resurrection story

Most christians are very fond of the story about their mythological hero named "Jesus Christ". How he died for the sins of mankind. How he helped people out that are sick, couldn't walk, other physical and/or mental problems. Stuff like that. Even christians show their support for this bible story and their hero by putting crosses on top of their churches. Putting pictures of Christ in a window or on a wall. Some of them even wear small crosses around their necks like a necklace. Obviously the event of the birth crucifixion and resurrection story of there myth character Jesus Christ is important to them. However, here is the question that I was pondering. What was the point of this event (for the sake of argument, assuming that this event have existed)? How does this event benefit anyone. I am going to explain the problem that I am having with this story in a list form, so everyone can understand what I am talking about much easier.

Here are my problems:

1.) The birth of Jesus Christ. According to the christian bible, there deity impregnated a virgin named Mary in order to bring this "Jesus Christ" character into the world, pure of heart and sinless unlike everyone else. Most christians and their bibles claim that Jesus Christ is the first son of God. Here is where I have a problem with this. If this God wanted to create a perfect human being that does not make any mistakes, never disobey him, or never sin, then why not just create one through the same way that he created every other man and woman on this planet? Why not just find someone he already created and change that person into a sinless person, or everyone into perfect people free of sins? What was the point of impregnating a virgin woman? Also, why is it that Jesus Christ is the son (probably his first son) of this god? Why not Adam? He/she/it created him first did he not. So why is he not the not the first son of god and this "Jesus Christ" character is? Also, since he is the one that created all of mankind on this planet, then why is mankind then is not all of his sons and daughters?

2.) The story never explains in clear detail how this guy's death has freed mankind from it sins.

3.) It seems like to me that this Christ character dying on the cross was a selfish act. According to the story in the bible, he was marched up the hill by a bunch of heavily armed centurions while the state was getting ready for his crucifixion. Was he really saying things like "That's alright everyone. I want to do this. It's part of my plan you see?"

4.) Regardless of whether his death was selfish or not, why does it make any difference how this Christ character died. If he wanted to died why doesn't he just say something like...."Well guys, I'm fixing to kill myself so I can save you all from your sins." and then jump off of the nearest 1000ft cliff in a canyon, or have someone run him through with a sword, or something like that. Why have him die by crucifixion?

5.) According to the christian bible, this Jesus Christ character, after his crucifixion stayed dead for about 3 days and then all of a sudden return to the earth in his physical body and then float onto heaven (I know there is more to this story than this, but I'm making myself brief). First off, why was he dead for 3 days? What was he doing for those 3 days. Why only those specified number of days? Also, what was the point of even sacrificing himself for whatever reason if he really isn't going to stay dead. It seems royally stupid to have yourself died for people's sins if you are in fact planning on coming back from the dead. It also makes the crucifixion thing pointless.

6.) To some christians, Jesus is God. If that is the case, then how was killing Jesus a sacrifice then. If this god is a onimpotent and immortal type of being, then how is it possible to inflict pain on a onimpotent and immortal being? For all you guys know, maybe he was scamming everyone into thinking that he have died.

7.)Also, if Jesus is God and the crucifixion was part of some plan of his, then I don't think that there was really a sacrifice going on here at all. I think that this Jesus being god (provided by most christians) being onimpotent and virtually can do anything he/she/it damn well please, probably manipulated events to his/her liking and forced everyone to follow up to these events.

8.) Isn't sarcrifice is some form of suicide? Isn't suicide a illegal act in the bible?

9.) How come Jesus didn't let the disciples know about his "plan" from the start.

There are other inconsistencies involving the Jesus Christ character as well, like Judas betraying him, and making family members turn on each other, but I'm saving that for another document.

Anyway, those are some of my problems that I have with the Jesus Christ story in the christian bible. Too add on to the story, if this Christ character did died for everyone's sins, then why is it that most preachers and pastors in churches and whatnot keep pestering us about sins? Correct me if i am wrong, but since all of mankind's sins fall on Jesus' back, then for all we know we can sin all we want and still end up in heaven (or wherever good people go after they die). If not, then why not? Also, if most people have to accept Jesus Christ in their hearts in order to go to heaven, what about those that existed long before christianity even existed and never ever heard of this Jesus Christ character? If they live a good life and still go to heaven, then the Christ crucifixion story seems pointless and irrelevant in the first place. As a matter of fact, if all that most christians have to do is follow the bible everyday and live a good life based on what the book says, then what is the point of the Christ crucifixion story anyhow?

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