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Why the "True Christian" Argument is Worthless

Say, for instance, you see a person beating up a homosexual, and then going around ranting words like "God hates fags!" or something to that extent. Then you go to a christian about this to let him/her know that some guy that is a christian beat up a homosexual and that you know he/she was a christian because he was wearing a t-shirt that said "WWJD" or ranting out the words, "God Hate Fags". After you tell this person that, he comes up with an outrageous claim saying that "not everyone that say they are a christian, is a christian. Only true christians would not do something like that."

Believe me, I have heard this argument many times. Everytime I tell a christian that one of their own have done something bad to another, they flat out dismiss the argument by saying that those people are not true christians and that only true christians would not do that.

Now everyone should know that this argument is totally bogus to me, and I will give reasons why they are bogus.

1.) Most christians that do use the "true christian" argument make up some examples like this:

"I can claim to be a mailman, but that doesn't mean that I am one."

Okay fair enough. That makes sense. Someone claims to be someone like a mailman and not necessarily mean it. However, there is one problem with that "logic". Religious beliefs isn't the same as applying for a job to be a mailman. Most mailmen would have applied for a job first. Then be trained to know how to be a mailmen at the post office they work at. They also have badges and I.D's (or if the badges or I.D.'s are fake they can look up on the employee's profile) on them to let everyone know that they are real mailmen and not just someone pretending to be them. However, regarding religious beliefs, everyone is suppose to be entitled to their own beliefs. You don't sign up to be a christian just like you sign up to be a mailman. All you have to do to be a christian is mainly believe that a fictional character named Jesus Christ existed and believe that some higher power called a "god" exists.

2.) Most people that do make the "true christian" argument is expecting you to act like them or act under their own intepretation of the word "christian" and not your own. For instance, I have met many catholics that claim that potestants are wrong about their beliefs. I've met many Jehovah Witnesses that come at people's door and claim that you can only learn the power of Jesus Christ through reading the "Watchtower" pamphlets (no wonder people get annoyed and make jokes about these people). Believe me, the "true christian" argument might work if everyone on this planet follow only one definition of the word "christian" and that everyone follow only one religion and one holy book (and have the same intepretation of that book too). However, since there are many people who view christianity and it's religious scriptures differently, then the "true christian" argument cannot or will not ever work. There are many religions out their that view the word "christian" and the holy bible in a different manner. We have baptists, Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, Lutherans, Catholics and so on. Really people. All those group of people don't follow the holy bible or the word "christianity" in the same way. Also, no one can be certain of which group of people is right or wrong (that's why everyone is entitled they own small beliefs). Therefore, since everyone can believe in whatever they want and anyway they want to, then the true christian argument will most definitly not work.

3.) Those people that make the "true christian" argument when implying that those that do bad stuff to those that do not agree with them need to ask themselves this. Does the bible support things like homosexuality, having sex before marriage, etc? According to many christians (and the bible), no it doesn't. As a matter of fact the bible say, for instance, that anyone doing any of those things shall be put to death (and please don't email me stating bible verses that counteract those things that I've just said, because then you are telling me that the bible do have contradictions in it). For instance, in Leviticus 20:13 practicing male homosexuals are to be put to death. In Deut. 25:11 A wife who grabs her husband's opponent by his "private parts" must have her hand cut off and is to be shown no pity. Now if someone actually kills a homosexual because of that bible verse or if a husband actually tries to cut off his wife's hand for touching his opponents genitals, then don't be surprise that someone would be claiming to be a christian and doing things like this to people. The bible says that christians can do this or recommend this type of behavior. Also since they are the ones doing what the bible tells them to do (inspite the fact that people like this need some serious mental help), they are ones that are probably being the "true christians", not the person that utters the comments. If christians that make the "true christian" argument agree that homosexuals should be put to death and wives that touch the genitals of their husband's enemies should have their hands cut off, then why not do it then? If christians cannot do this then and they want people to follow the bible, then why should those that do not agree with the religion follow it then if "true christian" arguers cannot. Makes you wonder just how sane religious people can be doesn't it?

4.) Those people that do imply the "true christian" argument are also implying that they are perfect human beings and that they can never do any wrong (inspite the fact that they know that they are not perfect). If that is the case, then they are hypocrites as well as insane.

Now granted that not all christians are bad people and do not harm those that do not agree with their religious beliefs. However, I'm only speaking to those that believe in the "true christian" ploy, because it is a very weak and asinine argument. When those that do use the "True christian" argument say "those that commit crimes like that are not true christians", can they honestly know for sure that person that is a christian won't do horrible things to people just because they do not agree with the religion? Do they have control over people's actions? If christians are not perfect people, then it is certainly possible that a christian can go beserk and harm those that do not agree with them. It has happen before.

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