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Joining :

Upon joining there will be a waiting period of 2 weeks trial.

This is to assure that the one(s) joining are suitable to be here,

Aswell as being trustworthy,



And loyal.

After the trial period you must register at ChatArea.com for the DEM Forums & create a character profile if you plan to RP.

(Note: If you join and have followers,collars,pets or chylders,they must either join or make guest profiles on the forum to be seen as there respected status to you. I will not allow you to have half dozen parents and so on...ect. ect. Also,upon becoming a member you must drop all titles & statuses with past clans and families. I will not have members that hoard people because it causes problems. We don't need inbreeding to occur in RP. If you wish to join and have clan leaders or parents that will cause drama than do not bother asking to join. However,I will allow guest profiling and validity without membership. I am not asking you to stop talking to your past relations but I am asking you not to call them what they use to be. If you do join and than choose to leave the clan...there are no second chances and your status in DEM will die with your membership.)

General Chat & Room Requests:

All are more than welcome to be here but must also follow all the same rules for RP as the members.

If you do not wish to join there are and will be a few Non-RP rooms to chat in. In these rooms Rules of RP do not apply.

As a guest (non-member of DEM) if you plan to RP and frequently visit...I ask that you also register at ChatArea.com and make a guest character profile.This is not mandatory but any major role play or character actions will not be considered valid inside or outside of DEM with its members.

Room requests will be taken and you are only allowed one public room.

Tools will not be given unless I make you a DEM moderator but I will allow one or two private rooms per person.

If you have any questions or suggestions for or about DEM and no one is present on the server,please visit the forum and post your message in my Dungeon of Thoughts thread. Thank you.

Courting and being Mated/Married:

You are able to court without permission.

Please inform the council of anything beyond courting such as being mated/married.

There should always be at least one witness for mating.

Please post matings on the DEM Forum in the Announcements thread.

Turning Others Vamp/Undead or Lycan & Feeding:

Before embracing (turning another into a vamp,lycan or any of the likes)

Please inform Me & your Elders so that it can be noted. All that are turned under you are your responsibility.

Also,you must have permission from the hunted/victim outside of the clan rooms and you must save the text to post on the DEM Forum in Announcements.

Those who step foot on DEM server grounds are fair game.

Death & Execution:

There will be no death without reason and permission.

Ones that do not have reason or permission to kill will no longer be welcome.

Otherwise this entire server is a "No Kill Zone".


Please take fights and quarrels to the proper area.

Those who fight and do not leave when asked will be warned only once before being placed back on probation or banned.

No one likes to deal with such and this server will stand to be a "No Drama Zone" as much as possible.

Problems and issues:

If there are any problems or issues that you would like to be enforced please call a meeting so that it can properly be dealt with. Otherwise post your troubles in the DEM Forum.

(note: you have to be a clan member to call a meeting)

Avatar Status:

When going brb,bbl or afk please remember to scan line your avatar, it lets people know you are not there and not just being rude or ignoring people.

If your avatar is made specifically to be a brb, bbl or afk and states such you do not have to scan line.

Under-age warning!:

Please,if you are under the age of 18…

I hold no responsibility for your actions and it would suit you to leave if there is any adult content.

Collars,Servants and Blood dolls:

Before anyone is to take a part in being or creating any of which is stated...

You must consult and be approved by ME,your sire/dom and or Elder(s) before doing so.

In some cases the situation may be delicate and may require waiting periods for knowledge that the best choice is made. You are to post this announcement on the DEM Forum as well.

Gorean Rules:

If you are or wish to be Gorean on this server I ask that you follow general house rules that apply to old school Gorean role play.

Vampire,demon or magic using characters will be allowed to hunt,seduce,turn or request service from all Gorean slaves.

All Gorean masters that are members of DEM must share slave collars. Mate collars or special term collars are allowed but must be approved by me and posted on the forum or in your profiles in a similar fashion as mating/wedding rituals.The Mated & special term collars will not be shared with the clan like regular collars.

Back Up Server Info:

All these rules will not apply to the whole back up server.

These will only apply to the DEM rooms on the server.

Private rooms I can not add so if they are wanted you must ask the appropriate back up server's owner.

I will post any allied & back up servers on the forum.

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