Mullen fell to his knees in pain. His heart was pounding, his head
throbbed. He clutched his chest where the vampire had scratched him.
The deep gashes had blood running down his chest, through his hands
and down his arms. He felt the blood coursing through his veins, and
the pain was unbearable with every pulse. He looked around the room
for a bandage or a substitute to stop the bleeding. He spotted a
shirt on the body of a man on the floor. As he edged towards the body,
Mullen noticed the dead man was a probation officer, by the emblem on
his shirt. He stood to his feet and slowly walked the rest of the way
to the dead man. He leaned over and ripped the front half of the
shirt off him. As he ripped the shirt, it revealed several scars and
a fresh wound on the man's neck. He was obviously the vampire's
ghoul. Mullen waded the shirt piece up and held it on his chest wound
with his left hand. He fell to his knees with the pain, as he pressed
against himself, trying to stop the bleeding. The pounding in his head
slowly faded to silence as he wilted to the floor and slipped into
The smell filled his nose, as he opened the door of the cabin: Home
made cinnamon rolls. "Mmmmmmmm, My favorite!" Mullen said to himself,
as he walked into the kitchen to see Gra'ma pull out a dozen of those
warm, luscious rolls from the oven.
"Hello dear. I didn't hear you come
in," Gra'ma looked up and smiled.
Mullen dropped his backpack to the
floor and ran over to hug Gra'ma tight. She laughed slightly, hugging
him back with one arm, and carefully placing the rolls down, with the
other hand, on the counter. Then she gave her grandson a tighter hug
in return. She pulled back and patted his cheeks with both hands and
in mock scolding, pointed toward his abandoned backpack,"Now put your
stuff away and get that skateboard out of my kitchen!" Gra'ma giggled
a bit as she pulled out a butter knife to start spreading the icing
over the still warm rolls.
Mullen went to his room dropping his skateboard to the floor and
scooting it under his oak bunkbed. He plopped down on the lower bunk
that he'd fashioned into more of a couch than bed and flicked on the
color tv, situated on the shelves lining the far end of the bunk.
Mullen stood up letting the backpack fall back onto the floor beside
the bed and walked around to the desk at the other end of the bed. As
he shuffled through the pile of mail Gra'ma had laid on his desk for
him, his head snapped to attention as he heard a scream coming from
the kitchen. The mail scattered on the floor as he immediately ran to
see what was the matter. Mullen reached the kitchen doorway. A large
man was holding his grandmother in what seemed like a passionate
embrace. Mullen's eyes widened in shock as he watched. Soon he
recognized this was not what it seemed. A large red stain began to
spread over Gra'ma's shoulder and trickled down her
back. "NOOOOOOOOoooo!" Mullen yelled. The man looked up sharply,
blood dripping from his bared fangs. He had a large scar across his
left cheek and a single 3 inch spike driven through his right
earlobe, and his eyes...his eyes glowed a deep threatening red...
Mullen's eyes popped open with a gasp. He sat up with eyes wild,
searching his surroundings...
Heylo watched in awe as her mistress disappeared under the door to
the old house. She took a deep breath and thought "misty thoughts",
trying to change and follow Vilona. No luck...she was still in
body...and not floating through the crack under the door. She waited
until Vilona could unlock the door. Heylo felt so insecure and
unaccomplished as she participated in this rescue attempt. She felt
more 'in the way', rather than 'helpful'. It was to be her job to
find Mullen and help protect him. *sighs* She hoped she could help
her rooftop friend. She certainly didn't want anything to happen to
him. It was also her job to not reveal herself to Mullen, but to
make him forget about our presence here tonight. *sighs* Once
again, she could only try, since she had no mastery of this
discipline, yet. As she waited for Vilona to unlock the basement
door, she tried again to turn into mist. Once again, without luck.
She waited.
Heylo heard the bolt in the door slide...and a click...then a creak,
as the door swung open. Heylo entered. Her eyes were able to see
well, inside the dimly lit basement. She glanced at Vilona, then
noticed the familiar smell of Mullen. She spoke softly to Vilona, "I
can tell...Mullen is upstairs...should I go on up?"
Vilona looked at Heylo with desperation,"I hope we aren't too late.
April didn't say when Mullen came in, if it was during the day then
he may already be dead. I smell human blood, fresh. Let's hope it's
on a LIVE body...and not the aftermath of a feeding. Be careful, If
this blood is Mullen's he may be dangerous. You must protect
yourself and the clan before a mortal. If he is wounded you have
permission to take him home and tend him...but remember do NOT reveal
what you are. He will notice a difference, and there is a chance he
will KNOW what has become of you. If that happens, you may have to
kill him." Vilona placed a firmly, but loving hand on Heylo's
shoulder, "Be careful, but do what you must do."
Heylo sniffed the air more. The smell of blood was strong. There
was vampire blood spilled, she could distinguish that fact...and there was human blood, as well. Heylo
moved up the stairs to the main floor...slowly...cautiously. Because
she was not to reveal herself, she kept her human form. She could
feel her eyes glowing a bit, but she kept that in check. She had
worn her cloak...and she pulled it tightly around her as she moved up
the steps, closer to the place where the blood was. She hoped her
friend, Mullen, was ok. She worried for him. After coming to the
first floor, she waited...quietly, to get her bearings.
Cham and Cantaria slipped into the front room with no trouble at all.
The tree in the front yard gave perfect shadows to hide their entry
from the prying eyes of anyone on the street, but that didn't shield
them from the eyes within. As Cantaria stepped into the house a huge
hand reached out and caught her by the throat, and pulled her up into
the air. Cham slipped into the room seconds behind her. Clave growled
at Cham and then sneered back at Cantaria, "So, you bring my enemy
into My stronghold? Are you Brujah? or are you a Ventrue scum,"
Clave pointed toward Cham with his other hand, "Like him?!" Clave
tightened his grip on Cantaria's throat then grinned widely and
pulled her face into his, "I'm love!"

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