CHAPTER SIX Godzilla Wins Again
*in the darkness of early morning, Disciple sits and
"It has been quite a while since I was dropped off in
Japan. Many things have happened to me that I would
have never dreamed I would be part of. My schedule is
a very busy one. I had been waking up to a beautiful,
bright, low, warm sun, but today I was awaken one hour
earlier and instructed to write in my new Journal.
Master says it will calm the wrestling of my soul.
Then I will join the Master in the garden for morning
exercise. Then I eat a small but satisfying, rice,
fish, and seaweed breakfast. Then I start my morning
chores. I wash dishes, scrub floors and windows, then
continue my long term assignment. This week my
assignment is painting the shrine, whereas last week
it was planting the garden. After a while, the summon
bell will ring, signaling me to join the Master in the
courtyard. Ever since I got here, we would go over
sword routines and physical toning exercises which
would alternate day to day. That is how it's been
for...well I haven't been keeping track, so I don't know
how long.
All I know is that throughout my training, I
have not seen the day of battle, AT ALL! I thought
this was samurai and kendo, not housemaid training! I
have to admit...this is a little disappointing. So,
yesterday, I was painting the wall, which seems to have
been neglected for years. Up and down, up and
down...this reminds me of a movie I once saw, I never
saw all of it, I was discovered and kicked out of the
theater before I could make an excuse. It was an old
theater, known for playing classic movies and old
nickelodeons. I only wish I could have gone more
often...GONG! GONG! GONG! I jumped slightly making my
brush scratch the wall, I had been working so hard on.
"Crap...I guess I'll get back to you tomorrow," I say
to the wall I scratched. It seems like it's the only
thing that listens to me, for a change. I reverently
place the brush in its designated area and walk to
the courtyard.
As I arrive, I bow to the Master before entering the
room. I walk to him and stand a few feet from him and
bow again. It is a sign of personal respect. He knows
how to speak English, but his sentence structure skills
are very poor.
"Today is different." he tells me.
"Why Master?"
"Today you will have first fight".
That's what I'm
talking about! A real fight! Time to kick some old
timer butt!
"I will call for your opponent now."
What? I'm not gonna fight the master?? Just as I
thought that, there was a drum that began beating real
slow. DUM dum DUM dum... It sounded like I was gonna
fight King Kong or something! Suddenly a door opened.
I didn't even know it was a door, it looked like a
large pillar. But it opened like a double sided door,
revealing...oh god...I see what the dramatic drum was
for. The guy stood like 7 feet tall! In his hand, he
was holding a kendo stick like a baseball bat, beating
his other hand rhythmically. Up and down, up and down.
Master told me how to deal with intimidation but
somehow I don't think that applies to Godzilla, over
there. There is a kendo stick at my feet, but right now
picking it up might give the other guy the wrong idea.
Then 'King kong' shows me something that really made
my day. Fangs. He's was a vampire.
"Well, ready to begin?" Master asks me.
"UUhhhhhh...Yeah! Sure! Let's go, bring it on!"
"Ok, young one. Now, Nogusha will not stop fighting you
until you beat him or you give up. Whatever the
outcome you make this learning experience. Nogusha
will not kill you, but you don't give up, you may
regret tomorrow. Now, BEGIN!"
When he said that, Nogusha sprang forward, sword ready
and on the attack. Great. That means I have to take
the defense. Master always told me I excelled greatly
in defense, lets just hope he was right. Nogusha swung
down hard on the stick I swooped down for. Instantly,
he took a swing at my head. SMACK! A loud echo bounced
back from the blow, I unknowingly received. My face
felt like a balloon being inflated. There was no doubt
in my mind that you could see every detail of the
stick just by looking at my face. I was on my back. I
look up and Nogusha is coming down on me again!
AAAAAAHHHH! I roll over. Smack! He hit the floor. I
roll backwards, landing me on my feet again.
There is a
rack of sticks on the wall. I dash for them. My left
eye is swollen shut. Crap. I hear Nogusha cry out,
almost warning me of the oncoming attack. When I stand,
I grab a stick at the same time. I turn around to face
my opponent. WHACK! He bluffed when he cried out.
There was no attack, but then...the attack began: This
one caught me on the opposite side of my face. This
one make my whole face feel like jelly. This one
caused me to temporarily lose hearing in one ear. This
one sent me flying. Heck, THIS ONE HURT!!!! I get up
instantly, pushing aside the pain and want to just lay
down and sleep. I raise my stick in a defensive
position. He swings at me. Wow, he got close real
quick! I swing my stick as hard as I can at the
oncoming locomotive, better known as a kendo stick.
CRACK! No, the sticks didn't crack, but that's what it
sounded like. Blow after blow, I blocked and dodged
for what seemed like hours.
"Stop!" Master calls out.
Instantly I collapse to the
floor and close my eyes, letting the adrenaline
subside and the pain settle in. My opponent/attacker
turns around and heads back to the door he came from,
bowing to the master first. The master talks to a few
of his servants in Japanese. They pick me up and carry
me off. Now to sleep...
"Wake up my student. You have work to do."
It was the
Master's voice. No doubt, I'm in trouble for sleeping
"I'm sorry, Master, it wont happen again."
But then, I
notice that it is still dark and he hands me this book
and a pen.
"I know. You fought well yesterday. You are persistent,
indeed. But not good enough. You must be better than
that. AND SOON! You need to work peace with struggle
in your heart. Write what you think about. Write what
you feel. Let anger or confusion come out on here,
paper, not here,*touches Disciple's hands* fist."
left. So now I am writing, but it is getting late, and
Owww. My face must be big enough to jump on like a
trampoline! Time to get to work...I have much work to
*Master stands watching Disciple approach the garden.
He smiles slightly at the slow movements of Disciple's
obvious sore body. He makes a strong effort to not
look at the horribly swollen eye and upper lip. They
bow to one another, then Disciple steps beside him and
both take the ready stance. The day has begun. Master
will miss this bright and eager student, but he knows
Cham will call for him soon. He must work faster.*

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