You should know that Priestess Vilona has been restored to her youthfullness with only one slight change... Her hair is now a permanent silverish white from her extended time without nurishment. Heylo has been embraced and is now a Ventrue Vampire sired by Vilona herself. Natashia has been captured by the Brujah . Priest of Death is in America and on his way home. Disciple is in Japan training and studying with Death's old friend in the art of Kendo. Watcher is pursuing an animal rights lawsuit and is kind of out of the Vampire loop for a time. I am also very sorry to say but we have heard not hide nor hair of Tainted. I believe he felt it better to untangle himself from this mess once he recovered from his hangover the night of the Abyss fire. Scarlet did allow the Dectective to interview her, but then was not heard from again.