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Here are some screenshots of some elemental powers in action !

The all common fireball, it really needs no introduction.
Lightning bolts are cool, especially at night (yes there will be day
and night cycles in the World of Divinity), not only does it pack quite a
punch to your enemies but it will also temporarily stun them giving you a
chance to run for the hills from larger stronger enemies

Gives you an idea of how deadly cold spells really are.  First it
immobilizes your target and renders him in a paralyzed state, now it is up
to you how to perform the coup de grace
Shows an elemental bolt in action.  Although this screenshot does not
do it justice, you will be in for a treat when you see in action.  It is a
homing ball of pure elemental energy that chases your enemy

Elemental Showers are not something you get down at your local gym,
instead it is the power of the elements combined raining down on your foes
incinerating them to a pulp.