DragonCountess: *Ryujinn walks over, carrying a mangled, drool-covered, white book...* *drops it on the ground in front of Simgar, grinning* SilverPhoenixGod: *Laughes* SilverPhoenixGod: Seriously, I'm laughing aloud DragonCountess: ^_^ SilverPhoenixGod: Although it gets less and less humurous every time I read it... SilverPhoenixGod: Except for that time... DragonCountess: Then stop reading it...duh. SilverPhoenixGod: You have to imagine it...in your head SilverPhoenixGod: "Ready?" DragonCountess: *grins* I've been ready... SilverPhoenixGod: *Sits up and wipes the sand from his eyes* SilverPhoenixGod: "Now how did THAT get in my eyes?" SilverPhoenixGod: *Looks over at Ryujinn* DragonCountess: *Ryujinn settles near him* DragonCountess: Well, I suppose I'll go to a cave now? SilverPhoenixGod: "Everyone still know the plan?" DragonCountess: Yah, pretty much. SilverPhoenixGod: Ok then... SilverPhoenixGod: "Well here goes" SilverPhoenixGod: *Mounts Ryujinn* DragonCountess: I can always improvise, ya know...*grins* Good luck! SilverPhoenixGod: *Chuckles* SilverPhoenixGod: "Well Ryujinn lets go" DragonCountess: *Ryujinn flaps his wings furiously, lifting off the sand* SilverPhoenixGod: SilverPhoenixGod: SilverPhoenixGod: SilverPhoenixGod: {It's alright Sirtax, I'm on my way} SilverPhoenixGod: DragonCountess: *continues flying* SilverPhoenixGod: {We'll meet you, and we'll show you} SilverPhoenixGod: SilverPhoenixGod: *nods* DragonCountess: *flies straight ahead towards Sirtax's home* SilverPhoenixGod: "Well, so far so good" DragonCountess: *privately* SilverPhoenixGod: Who's gotta go to the bathroom????? SilverPhoenixGod: ME! DragonCountess: {Oi.....} SilverPhoenixGod: "Almost there, Ryujinn?" DragonCountess: SilverPhoenixGod: "Wow...can you feel the heat?" SilverPhoenixGod: "It's getting hotter" SilverPhoenixGod: "It's usually not this hot though... I wonder why" DragonCountess: SilverPhoenixGod: "Aye. Same here" SilverPhoenixGod: "It's never this hot though... it's never supposed to get this hot ever unless...." *voice trails off sharply* SilverPhoenixGod: "Oh my god..." SilverPhoenixGod: *Pulls the parchment out* DragonCountess: SilverPhoenixGod: "In the case of extreme temperatures, groups of Phoenixs generate this case of extremity" SilverPhoenixGod: *Gasps* DragonCountess: SilverPhoenixGod: "Usually, when groups of Phoenixs band together, it is for clans, and fierce combat arises to show off to the females in the group" SilverPhoenixGod: "This is not good" SilverPhoenixGod: "I hope Sirtax is alright..." SilverPhoenixGod: {Sirtax, are you OK?} SilverPhoenixGod: SilverPhoenixGod: {SIRTAX!!} DragonCountess: *flaps faster* SilverPhoenixGod: SilverPhoenixGod: {Almost there, friend} SilverPhoenixGod: *Points finger* "Look at that bright light!" SilverPhoenixGod: *Frowns* DragonCountess: *swoops down to the ledge outside of Sirtax's home* SilverPhoenixGod: *Demounts* SilverPhoenixGod: *Runs over to Sirtaxs nest* SilverPhoenixGod: "Gone." SilverPhoenixGod: "He's not here" DragonCountess: *approaches cautiously* SilverPhoenixGod: "Ryukinn...call Shinketsu and tell her" SilverPhoenixGod: "They might have taken him...or he might have been..." DragonCountess: SilverPhoenixGod: *Runs back to Ryujinn* SilverPhoenixGod: "I can fog here and back in less than a minute" SilverPhoenixGod: "but..." SilverPhoenixGod: "No! I can't! SilverPhoenixGod: "The barrier...." SilverPhoenixGod: *Grumble* SilverPhoenixGod: "Well, I guess we should just do what we can now" DragonCountess: SilverPhoenixGod: *Mounts Ryujinn* SilverPhoenixGod: "I can try and locate him" SilverPhoenixGod: *Simgar appears to be focused* DragonCountess: *flaps over the forest, looking for any signs* SilverPhoenixGod: *Simgar's face pales* SilverPhoenixGod: *Studies the parchment carefully* SilverPhoenixGod: *blinks* DragonCountess: SilverPhoenixGod: *examines it more* SilverPhoenixGod: *flips it over and looks on the back* SilverPhoenixGod: "It ends..." SilverPhoenixGod: "It says about a secret place...but it's been torn out of the Histories" SilverPhoenixGod: "You never can trust merchants..." DragonCountess: DragonCountess: *as SilverPhoenixGod: "I'm guessing it would be in a very hot place" SilverPhoenixGod: "Which would be...where Sirtax usually stays" SilverPhoenixGod: "Gefnor." DragonCountess: SilverPhoenixGod: "Let's go get Shinketsu" SilverPhoenixGod: "She might know something" DragonCountess: *turns around immediately* DragonCountess: *dives toward her cave* SilverPhoenixGod: [brb gotta put medicine on cat sorry] DragonCountess: No prob... SilverPhoenixGod: [As I said, he hurt his paw] DragonCountess: {Yah, I know} SilverPhoenixGod: "So, do you anything, Shinketsu?" DragonCountess: *Shinketsu emerges, and climbs on once Ryujinn lands* Pardon? SilverPhoenixGod: "Ah, you don't know, do you?" DragonCountess: *looks at him* Know what? SilverPhoenixGod: "Well, we believe that Sirtax has been taken away by other phoenixes." SilverPhoenixGod: "It happens every 15 years" DragonCountess: *flaps off again* SilverPhoenixGod: "When all the phoenixes travel to a place, where they "live" for awhile" SilverPhoenixGod: "That's all I know" DragonCountess: So this plan will have to wait, huh? Very well then, but where exactly are we going? SilverPhoenixGod: "I think the first place to check is Gefnot" SilverPhoenixGod: "The active volcanoes" SilverPhoenixGod: "I have no idea if the heat is even bearable for ur" DragonCountess: *falters in his flying, then steadies himself* SilverPhoenixGod: *nods* SilverPhoenixGod: "That is why Sirtax always goes there" DragonCountess: I know you're probably tiring of us asking, but can you concoct a fire-proof spell, perhaps? SilverPhoenixGod: "Hmm..." SilverPhoenixGod: "Well, if I could make Sirtax able to swim, then I'm sure I can do that for us" SilverPhoenixGod: "just a few barriers..." SilverPhoenixGod: "But...I would need an herb to replenish my strength" DragonCountess: DragonCountess: {BRB} SilverPhoenixGod: "You might be able to find some on the western plains...but I'm not quite sure. They were always given to me by the Healers" DragonCountess: {Back...Had to rescue my Backstreet Boys CD...} SilverPhoenixGod: It is the Toran Leaf, if I'm not mistaken. SilverPhoenixGod: *Torban DragonCountess: *heads toward the plains* SilverPhoenixGod: Ah...circular leaf, bright pink flower DragonCountess: *turns to her airheaded self* Oooh...Pretty! *smiles* SilverPhoenixGod: *Chuckles* DragonCountess: *searches the plains, then exults* *swoops down gently, next to the flower* SilverPhoenixGod: "That was quick" SilverPhoenixGod: "Get a hanful of them...never know" DragonCountess: *grins* DragonCountess: *Shinketsu jumps off* Need help? SilverPhoenixGod: "I never doubted you. I was just surprised you can see it from that far up" SilverPhoenixGod: *Slides off Ryujinn* SilverPhoenixGod: *Grabs a handful of leaves and stuffs them in his drawstring pouch* DragonCountess: SilverPhoenixGod: *shrug* SilverPhoenixGod: "Hmm...there's got to be more" SilverPhoenixGod: *Forages around, but finds nothing* DragonCountess: *Ryujinn scans the extent of the plain* SilverPhoenixGod: "Well, I guess that's it" SilverPhoenixGod: *Climbs back on Ryujinn's back, feeling the comforting feeling of his scales* DragonCountess: *follows* If you need some more later, I'm sure we can find some... SilverPhoenixGod: *nods, sure of her assumption* DragonCountess: *flaps off* SilverPhoenixGod: *nods, unsure of the heat* SilverPhoenixGod: *Simgar appears distracted* SilverPhoenixGod: "He said something!" SilverPhoenixGod: "He's alive!!" DragonCountess: *smiles* Good. Ask him of his location. SilverPhoenixGod: *frowns* SilverPhoenixGod: "He doesn't know where, but it isn't hot there" SilverPhoenixGod: "He says...that it's cold there" SilverPhoenixGod: "Well that's strange" DragonCountess: SilverPhoenixGod: "Well, I believe it is furthest south" SilverPhoenixGod: "The north is inhabited by trolls, and is basically all mountains anyway, and he said it's flat" DragonCountess: *turns around yet again* SilverPhoenixGod: "I wonder why he's there..." DragonCountess: Could it be that the other Phoenixes are holding him captive for some reason? SilverPhoenixGod: "I suppose so..." SilverPhoenixGod: "But why?" SilverPhoenixGod: SilverPhoenixGod: DragonCountess: SilverPhoenixGod: DragonCountess: *suddenly* Simgar, can the cold hurt him? Or is it just water? SilverPhoenixGod: {Do you know where, Sirtax?} SilverPhoenixGod: "Well, water more...cold....just stunning, I believe" SilverPhoenixGod: "And if you lay unconscious for a long time...you die" SilverPhoenixGod: "So basically I'll have to heat him, or the place to an inferno" DragonCountess: *a worried look flashes over her face* Ryujinn could do that, couldn't he? SilverPhoenixGod: "Yes, I could too. wouldn't hurt for him to heat the room..." SilverPhoenixGod: *Simgar appears distracted, and his eyes look blank* DragonCountess: Simgar? You OK? SilverPhoenixGod: "He is 5 miles southwest of here" SilverPhoenixGod: "I was locating him" SilverPhoenixGod: "apparently the other phoenixes left awhile ago" DragonCountess: *adjusts his path slightly* SilverPhoenixGod: "No...it couldn't be" SilverPhoenixGod: "Or...it could be something else entirely" DragonCountess: *quietly* Is it some kind of...punishment? SilverPhoenixGod: "You might be right...maybe........." SilverPhoenixGod: "Maybe they sensed that he did what he did... that he was not supposed to" SilverPhoenixGod: "And now he must pay" SilverPhoenixGod: "I think that's it" DragonCountess: *looks away* I'm sorry... SilverPhoenixGod: "Of course I might be wrong" SilverPhoenixGod: "He might be doing this to himself" SilverPhoenixGod: "Maybe he wants to know if I really care about him, since I have been spending so much time with Ryujinn" DragonCountess: *startled* You mean, he could be attempting suicide?! SilverPhoenixGod: "Suicide...if you could call it that. But maybe he is letting us know because......because of me SilverPhoenixGod: *points forward* "Look! I think that's him!" DragonCountess: *flaps harder* *dives forward* SilverPhoenixGod: "Sirtax! Are you alright?" SilverPhoenixGod: *Goes over to hug it* SilverPhoenixGod: "OW!" SilverPhoenixGod: *Backs away quickly* SilverPhoenixGod: "It's...not him" DragonCountess: *screeches to a stop on the slippery ice* SilverPhoenixGod: "It can't be him..." SilverPhoenixGod: "This one is much too big...and...it burned me" DragonCountess: Ask him if he knows where Sirtax is... SilverPhoenixGod: "If it was Sirtax, it wouldn't have burned me" SilverPhoenixGod: "Excuse me..." SilverPhoenixGod: "Have you seen another Phoenix?" SilverPhoenixGod: <......there was..........too many...... I> SilverPhoenixGod: *Sighs* SilverPhoenixGod: "I guess he got hurt" SilverPhoenixGod: "Where did they take him?" SilverPhoenixGod: SilverPhoenixGod: *Mounts Ryujinn* SilverPhoenixGod: "Come on! Let's go!> SilverPhoenixGod: "LEt's go the way we've been going....he should be right ahead" DragonCountess: *struggles for a lift in the ice cold air* SilverPhoenixGod: "Anything I can do?" DragonCountess: *flaps his wings as fast as he can possibly flap* SilverPhoenixGod: DragonCountess: *straightens up suddenly* Wait! Shouldn't I hide somewhere? SilverPhoenixGod: "Why?" SilverPhoenixGod: "We....can explain later....when he's better" SilverPhoenixGod: "The whole thing..." DragonCountess: All right...*eases up* DragonCountess: *turns eastward* SilverPhoenixGod: "Not yet....this wind makes it hard to see" SilverPhoenixGod: *A loud screech pierces through the chilly air* SilverPhoenixGod: "That's him!" SilverPhoenixGod: "Follow it, Ryujinn!" DragonCountess: *flies hard against the hard breeze* SilverPhoenixGod: "I see him!" SilverPhoenixGod: *points directly down* DragonCountess: *swoops down, skidding to a stop on the ice* SilverPhoenixGod: "I have no idea how we are going to save him though" DragonCountess: SilverPhoenixGod: *Jumps off and runs to Sirtax* SilverPhoenixGod: "Sirtax Sirtax!!! Are you alive?" SilverPhoenixGod: SilverPhoenixGod: "Ryujinn, now!" DragonCountess: SilverPhoenixGod: *Gestures and utters a phrase of magic* SilverPhoenixGod: "I can handle it" SilverPhoenixGod: *Gestures at Sirtax* *A beam of fire hits Sirtax, and is absorbed* DragonCountess: *inhales deeply, then exhales in a large burst of flame aimed directly at Sirtax* SilverPhoenixGod: *Gestures and uttes a phrase of magic* SilverPhoenixGod: *Gestures at Sirtax. Sirtax is surrounded by a white light* SilverPhoenixGod: *Gestures and utters a phrase of magic* DragonCountess: *inhales and exhales again, increasing the heat of the fire* SilverPhoenixGod: *Gestures at Sirtax* *Sirtax seems to look a little better* DragonCountess: SilverPhoenixGod: *opens his pouch and gets the leaf* SilverPhoenixGod: *pops the leaf in his mouth and eats it quickly* SilverPhoenixGod: "Sirtax do you feel better?" SilverPhoenixGod: SilverPhoenixGod: "Again." SilverPhoenixGod: *Gestures and utters a phrase of magic* DragonCountess: *inhales an even larger breath and exhales, using the maximum heat possible for his body to handle* SilverPhoenixGod: *Gestures at Sirtax* * a ball of hissing flames hit sirtax in the neck! His flames go brighter* SilverPhoenixGod: "This...is exhausting" SilverPhoenixGod: DragonCountess: SilverPhoenixGod: "I can try something...." SilverPhoenixGod: "I can try to fog us out of here" SilverPhoenixGod: "I would probably pass out after the effort, but, eventually we will all freeze to death!" DragonCountess: *walks over with Shinketsu on his back* SilverPhoenixGod: *Gestures and utters a phrase of magic* SilverPhoenixGod: *Hugs Sirtax's neck* SilverPhoenixGod: *Alright everybody....do what you can to hold on" DragonCountess: *places a taloned foot on Simgar's shoulder* SilverPhoenixGod: *Prays to the gods, beseeching guidance and mercy* SilverPhoenixGod: *Gestures* SilverPhoenixGod: *The world around you turns to a complete halt* SilverPhoenixGod: *You try and speak, but are unable* SilverPhoenixGod: *You are paralyzed* SilverPhoenixGod: *You feel like your body is being torn to pieces* SilverPhoenixGod: *You awaken at the rim of Gefnor, molten rock hissing and spewing throught numerous cracks* SilverPhoenixGod: "What!!! I didn't want to go here!" SilverPhoenixGod: *Stands up slowly, and collapses* SilverPhoenixGod: "Sirtax...are you alright?" SilverPhoenixGod: DragonCountess: SilverPhoenixGod: *gets the remaining leaves from his pouch and stuffs them in his mouth* SilverPhoenixGod: *Simgar's body convulses shortly* SilverPhoenixGod: *Simgar stops moving, and appears fine* SilverPhoenixGod: SilverPhoenixGod: *Sirtax nudges his companion with his talon* SilverPhoenixGod: "Sirtax! You're alright!" SilverPhoenixGod: *Stands up slowly* SilverPhoenixGod: *Jumps onto Sirtax's back* SilverPhoenixGod: "We have no time....." DragonCountess: SilverPhoenixGod: SilverPhoenixGod: DragonCountess: *ignores the rude comment, and lifts off, using the warm thermals to get a nice lift* SilverPhoenixGod: *Sirtax leaps into the air, and streaks across the sky leaving a red trail across the moonlit sky* DragonCountess: *follows quietly yet quickly, thinking the whole situation over* SilverPhoenixGod: *The volcano behind you erupts, ash and lava scatterd everywhere* SilverPhoenixGod: SilverPhoenixGod: SilverPhoenixGod: DragonCountess: SilverPhoenixGod: SilverPhoenixGod: *Approaches the shores and swoops down into the sandy beach* SilverPhoenixGod: *Simgar slides off Sirtax's back, and relaxes in the chilly water* DragonCountess: *lands behind them, approaching softly* SilverPhoenixGod: "Thank you....Ryujinn and Shinketsu" SilverPhoenixGod: "For...everything" DragonCountess: *climbs off Ryujinn's back* You are very welcome, my friends. SilverPhoenixGod: *Gets out of the water, and snuggles up beneath Sirtax's wing> SilverPhoenixGod: "I must ask, Sirtax. WHy were they all there?" SilverPhoenixGod: DragonCountess: But why the cold? SilverPhoenixGod: SilverPhoenixGod: SilverPhoenixGod: DragonCountess: SilverPhoenixGod: SilverPhoenixGod: SilverPhoenixGod: SilverPhoenixGod: DragonCountess: *walks over and lies down, Shinketsu curled up against his side* SilverPhoenixGod: *looks at Simgar lovingly* *Simgar merely snores, enjoying the warmth of Sirtax* *A deep chuckle emerges from the phoenix's mouth* SilverPhoenixGod: *Simgar awakes from the deep vibrations* SilverPhoenixGod: "What....is going on, Sirtax?" SilverPhoenixGod: DragonCountess: *smiles* I suppose this is a happy ending, Simgar. SilverPhoenixGod: *Simgar climbs up on top og Sirtax* SilverPhoenixGod: SilverPhoenixGod: SilverPhoenixGod: *Sirtax makes a dash across the shore, and then jumps* DragonCountess: SilverPhoenixGod: *Flaps his wings mightily, heading in a northeastern direction* DragonCountess: *Shinketsu climbs atop Ryujinn, heading off in the opposite direction* *the two fly off into the horizon, fading to a small black dot...then disappearing altogether*