You have just entered room "DragonCountess Chat45." QuicksilverMage: Maybe... QuicksilverMage: NOOOOOO!!!!! DragonCountess: *grins* jhysmir96: so what were we talking about? QuicksilverMage: AIM hates me.... QuicksilverMage: Names. QuicksilverMage: I think DragonCountess: *nods* I know, hun... QuicksilverMage: Why is yours normal? QuicksilverMage: No fair!!! jhysmir96: so it will be Cimorene? QuicksilverMage: If you want it to... jhysmir96: alright.. what do you think brooke? QuicksilverMage: HEy lOoK! PiNk!!! DragonCountess: QuicksilverMage: Heh...sorry DragonCountess: *sweatdrops* Simgar...? Are you OK? QuicksilverMage: Aye. he is QuicksilverMage: I am too jhysmir96: yeah.. black looked better. QuicksilverMage: Not totally black... jhysmir96: ok. QuicksilverMage: Now know what to do, Cimorene? jhysmir96: what??? QuicksilverMage: {These are OOC} DragonCountess: Would someone like to fetch the little dracling? QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: *actions and the way you talk or do something* QuicksilverMage: I'm sure Brooke taught you well though... QuicksilverMage: *grins* jhysmir96: sure.... jhysmir would love to play DragonCountess: *grins dragon-like* QuicksilverMage: MR. SQUIRRELY-POO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! QuicksilverMage: OUTSIDE!!! QuicksilverMage: LOOKY LOOKY LOOKY!!! DragonCountess: *blinks* Ahem....Anyway... QuicksilverMage: [sorry...] jhysmir96: i know you're going out but you're making me sick...still QuicksilverMage: Yes, I'm sure he will QuicksilverMage: [What's so bad?] QuicksilverMage: [never mind....] DragonCountess: *mounts Ryujinn* Cimorene, since your dracling is much too small for riding, would you like to join Ryujinn and me? QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: sure.. QuicksilverMage: DragonCountess: *smiles* QuicksilverMage: *Sirtax swoops down right in front of everybody, an arc of fire behind him, fading* DragonCountess: {Sirtax is a phoenix, BTW} jhysmir96: oh. QuicksilverMage: [*falls out of his chair laughing*] DragonCountess: QuicksilverMage: DragonCountess: {*glares at John* WHAT IS SO FUNNY?} QuicksilverMage: *Simgar climbs atop Sirtax* jhysmir96: ok. yeah where are we going? QuicksilverMage: [She didn't know he was a phoenix] DragonCountess: {Oh.} QuicksilverMage: [*grins*] jhysmir96: i'm lost. QuicksilverMage: [I really like Launch now..... plays what I want now!!] DragonCountess: *shrugs* Tour? To find Jhysmir? Whatever you want, Cimorene. jhysmir96: what? QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: *laughes, well, sort of* DragonCountess: {I think Cimorene is lost, dear...} jhysmir96: oh jhysmir just flew by. QuicksilverMage: [true. very true.] QuicksilverMage: [Barbie song!!!] QuicksilverMage: [Whee!!!! *dances around*] DragonCountess: {*slaps him* Shut up, please...} QuicksilverMage: [remember the barney thing to that tune? last year...] jhysmir96: never heard it. QuicksilverMage: [literacy...] DragonCountess: {*nods excitedly* Wasn't that cool?! That was my group!!!} QuicksilverMage: [I know!!!] jhysmir96: must have missed it. QuicksilverMage: [phone phone] DragonCountess: {*sweatdrops* anyway...back to the RPG?} jhysmir96: yes please. QuicksilverMage: [yes, let's.] DragonCountess: Ah yes, Cimorene, they remember Jhysmir when I first got her...She was adorable... QuicksilverMage: could say that DragonCountess: jhysmir96: I know!! she still is!! QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: DragonCountess: *smiles* QuicksilverMage: *sweatdrops* [*hee hee*] jhysmir96: stop!! QuicksilverMage: [ of my scabs is falling off] jhysmir96: i'm getting sick again..... QuicksilverMage: [back to the RPg....again] DragonCountess: {Cimorene, say something like *climbs aboard*, please, so we may fly away into the pretty sunset...*sweatdrops*} QuicksilverMage: [*laughes*] jhysmir96: ok cimorene gets on carefully.... QuicksilverMage: [use these!!!! *********] DragonCountess: {asterisks, please...^_^} jhysmir96: ok*laughs* QuicksilverMage: [don't say "ok" either. please.] DragonCountess: {Hon, she's new...She'll learn as we go along...} jhysmir96: ok*last time!* QuicksilverMage: [M'kay...... Yeah she is] QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: *ahh* go slower riojinn DragonCountess: {WE ARE NOT FLYING YET...} QuicksilverMage: [We haven't gone anywhere yet...] QuicksilverMage: [and please spell ryujinn correctly] DragonCountess: {AND IT'S RYUJINN...Thank you...^_^} DragonCountess: {May we continue?} jhysmir96: sorry.... you never showed me how to spell it ...sorry ryujinn QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: sounds good. QuicksilverMage: [Capitalization, I need to also...] jhysmir96: whatever. QuicksilverMage: {*Whatever} QuicksilverMage: [Better...] jhysmir96: can we go to the dragon lands?*hopeful* DragonCountess: *lifts off...{assuming Cimorene is indeed on board}...* DragonCountess: QuicksilverMage: *Jumps, following Ryujinn* QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: cool*grins* DragonCountess: *arches his eyebrows* DragonCountess: jhysmir96: what should i use? QuicksilverMage: DragonCountess: {An old-English/Medievil type speak...} QuicksilverMage: *Sirtax flinches, mid-air, nearly dropping Simgar* DragonCountess: QuicksilverMage: You should be more careful with your speech, 'friend' QuicksilverMage: *glares at her* jhysmir96: alright. QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: where are we going? DragonCountess: Cimorene? You did say Jhysmir would be joining us? QuicksilverMage: DragonCountess: jhysmir96: yeah.. she should be here... oh there she is! jhysmir96: sounds like fun. QuicksilverMage: DragonCountess: {You role-play for Jhysmir too, Christina, BTW} jhysmir96: hi jhysmir! whats up? jhysmir fly over to see ryujinn.* QuicksilverMage: DragonCountess: QuicksilverMage: DragonCountess: QuicksilverMage: [Capitalization pleae] QuicksilverMage: *please jhysmir96: so i'm not very original... how about...i don't know... DragonCountess: {You *did* show her our RPG, ne?} QuicksilverMage: [I gave her the link] DragonCountess: {Christina, did you look at it?} jhysmir96: no. QuicksilverMage: [Grrr....] DragonCountess: {Give it to her again, please, hon...} QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: The Story button on the left side jhysmir96: I 'll go there later. QuicksilverMage: [NOW!!] DragonCountess: {*nods* Now, please.} DragonCountess: {Calm down, will you? *looks reprimandingly at him*} QuicksilverMage: [Sorry...] jhysmir96: yeah i'm there. jhysmir96: now what? DragonCountess: {Aww....It's OK...I can't stay mad at you...} QuicksilverMage: [*grins*] jhysmir96: sick again.... DragonCountess: {Read the stories...*smiles*} DragonCountess: {It'll give you a basic idea of our story, along with giving you a grasp of how to talk/act/etc...} QuicksilverMage: [Exactly.] DragonCountess: {*smiles* Great minds think alike...} DragonCountess: {Making you sick again, Christina? ^_^{ DragonCountess: *} jhysmir96: this is slow and what is with the music? DragonCountess: {*sighs* Some people just don't understand...} QuicksilverMage: 4:20 already.... DragonCountess: {Crap...I'm taking forever on this stupid dictionary...*snarls*} jhysmir96: i get the general idea.... but i really need to go....... DragonCountess: All right then...Ja ne! QuicksilverMage: {*tune to limbo music* How slow, can you go?? How slow..can you go??} jhysmir96: see you tomorrow!! QuicksilverMage: ohhh QuicksilverMage: Bye.... QuicksilverMage: I ahd the window scrolled up jhysmir96 has left the room. QuicksilverMage: didn't know she was back... QuicksilverMage: She didn't like my music?