You have just entered room "jhysmir96 Chat36." QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: { I'm trying.... it's hard though...} QuicksilverMage: {If it is hard then you are not having fun, and f you're not having fun you don't deserve to do this} jhysmir96: {I'm still getting used to this...} DragonCountess: *climb up, then looks down* A newly-acquainted friend. She owns a dragon close to your own age. DragonCountess: Should we carry Vorgath, Simgar? jhysmir96: {R} QuicksilverMage: {?} QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: {She missed the r in Vograth..} QuicksilverMage: {No...} jhysmir96: *Cimorene looks at the skies* QuicksilverMage: {And you mispelled it} DragonCountess: {*nods* He's right, Christina.} QuicksilverMage: {That is exactly what I'm talking about} QuicksilverMage: {Not even being able to see the screen and read it accurately} QuicksilverMage: {Let alone type} jhysmir96: {Oh..sorry... i've only seen the name a few times....} DragonCountess: {BRB} jhysmir96: *Looks sad again...............* jhysmir96: { } jhysmir96: { I shall never be able to please you.......} QuicksilverMage: {That sounds wrong} jhysmir96: {Nani? jhysmir96: } QuicksilverMage: {Correction, you use *** or *} jhysmir96: {oh..} jhysmir96: {Well... at least I jhysmir96: won't make those mistakes again....} QuicksilverMage: {There it is again........} jhysmir96: {Hey... there are some chat rooms listed below here... one is a gay chat and a lesbian chat...........} jhysmir96: {scary....} QuicksilverMage: {You need to go in them, Christina} jhysmir96: {ahhhh... britney spears too!} QuicksilverMage: {Maybe you could talk to other of you rown kind...} QuicksilverMage: ***own jhysmir96: {YOU"RE VERY MEAN!!!!} jhysmir96: {shut up....} jhysmir96: {Baka} jhysmir96: {Freak...} QuicksilverMage: {I would leave but I can't until Brooke gets back} jhysmir96: {Now maybe james would....} QuicksilverMage: {I just want to relax right Brooke has stated} QuicksilverMage: {Along with some other things QuicksilverMage: ***} jhysmir96: {Please don't leave!} DragonCountess: {Don't leave, regardless whether I'm back or not....} QuicksilverMage: {Why shouldn't I, Christina?} QuicksilverMage: {Why would you possibly want me here?} jhysmir96: {It's boring with only two....} QuicksilverMage: {no...} jhysmir96: { what?!} QuicksilverMage: {Damnit lets continue I'm getting restless...} jhysmir96: {*rolls eyes impatiently*} QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: *Vorgath gets up on Ryujinn along with the others* jhysmir96: *Cimorene looks at the skies again* jhysmir96: They are so slow.... DragonCountess: *powers off the ground, heading toward the location where they found Vorgath* QuicksilverMage: {It doesn't matter what you say or do...} jhysmir96: {What is that supposed to mean?} DragonCountess: {We'll do what we like.} QuicksilverMage: {Because we are not there to see or hear you...} jhysmir96: {am i missing something?} DragonCountess: {Scary...We can finish each other's sentences...} QuicksilverMage: {*smiles*} DragonCountess: {We are not in your proximity, therefore we cannot comprehend anything outside of thoughtspeak.} jhysmir96: {Oh... i was talking to Jhysmir.... and do that on you're own time.....} DragonCountess: {Reminds me of Team Rocket...} QuicksilverMage: {*smiles weakly*} jhysmir96: {*rolls eyes again....*] DragonCountess: {Anything wrong?} jhysmir96: DragonCountess: *soars over the forest* DragonCountess: jhysmir96: QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: {We don;t say Ummmmmmmmmmm} jhysmir96: {oh....} DragonCountess: {Not precise enough language...*grins*} DragonCountess: {You have to have read The Giver in order to get that, Christina...} jhysmir96: { is that book fantasy?] QuicksilverMage: DragonCountess: {No, it's not really...Sci-Fi, more like} jhysmir96: < when you get here!> DragonCountess: *flaps slightly, coming in for a landing in the clearing nearby* jhysmir96: < you're finally here! > DragonCountess: *drops off Ryujinn's back* Vorgath, meet Cimorene and Jhysmir...*pulls back the bushes leading into Cimorene's area* QuicksilverMage: *Simgar slides off with Vorgath* QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: QuicksilverMage: {***Hello, little one} jhysmir96: Jhysmir... you're still little too..... QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: QuicksilverMage: *Vorgath exhales deeply, having his growl echo throughout the forest* DragonCountess: *smiles* Cimorene, dear...I have failed to mention he's got an ego the size of Ryujinn... jhysmir96: Oh... sorry.. QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: Oh.. yes you forgot that detail... QuicksilverMage: *Vorgath turns to Shinketsu and glares at her* jhysmir96: Sorry Vogath.. DragonCountess: *grins, rubbing his head playfully* QuicksilverMage: {!!!} jhysmir96: {Vorgath} QuicksilverMage: *Vorgath seems to calm down a little* jhysmir96: So.. where is this party going to be...? QuicksilverMage: DragonCountess: {You don't know about that yet, do you? I don't see how...} jhysmir96: OH... jhysmir96: {Dragons!} QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: {*rolls eyes for the millionth time...*} QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: Yes,, the feast.... QuicksilverMage: DragonCountess: Well, how about we explain this at the la- *stops suddenly, wincing* Is the lake still covered with blood...? QuicksilverMage: *Simgar looks over at Cimorene evily* QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: What did I do now?*looks remorseful again...* QuicksilverMage: *whispers to Cimorene* HE doesn't know about it yet....... DragonCountess: *nods* We'll explain at the lake....Let's go. DragonCountess: *climbs aboard Ryujinn* jhysmir96: Oh... yes i meant the one my .... friend was giving.. QuicksilverMage: *Simgar climbs up* QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: *climbs on Ryujinn* DragonCountess: QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: DragonCountess: Good luck to both of you...See you at the lake! QuicksilverMage: *Simgar whispers to Cimorene and Shinketsu* Please let Vorgath here win....he doesn't need a dissappointment jhysmir96: < well.. if you're sure...I'm quite fast...> QuicksilverMage: {d8oD} DragonCountess: Tell that to Jhysmir, Simgar... jhysmir96: *smiles....* DragonCountess: {*sighs* Not him again...} QuicksilverMage: *Whispers* I was hoping she would listen to you better..... jhysmir96: QuicksilverMage: *nods* QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: *Vorgath crouches down, stretching his wings and legs* DragonCountess: QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: * Jhysmir crouches and prepares to take off* DragonCountess: *nods* All right then....1.... DragonCountess: 2.... DragonCountess: 3! QuicksilverMage: *vorgath leaps up and starts flying* QuicksilverMage: DragonCountess: *takes off, heading for the lake* QuicksilverMage: *Vorgath flaps harder and gains altitude* jhysmir96: * Jhysmir takes off fast but slows to a horses gallop..* DragonCountess: {Christina? Horse gallop?} DragonCountess: {Since when do dragons act like horses?} QuicksilverMage: *Vorgath turns around trying to spot Jhysmir but fails* QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: {I'm is just saying that has an expression...} DragonCountess: *flies ahead* QuicksilverMage: *Vorgath executes a left turn, flying away from the others and the lake* QuicksilverMage: DragonCountess: jhysmir96: * Jhysmir flies down from the clouds and follows Vorgath* QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: *Vorgath turns again and heads to the lake> QuicksilverMage: ***** * jhysmir96: DragonCountess: *sighs* QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: *Simgar shakes his head in dissappointment* jhysmir96: QuicksilverMage: I can't believe him QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: *Vorgath flaps harder, gaining speed* DragonCountess: jhysmir96: DragonCountess: *lands in the water at the lake* *wades toward the shore* QuicksilverMage: "I..might" jhysmir96: *Cimorene gets off and follows...* DragonCountess: *nods* QuicksilverMage: *Vorgath lands at the shore, striding towards the mountains* QuicksilverMage: *Simgar looks through his cloak pockets* How much do you need? QuicksilverMage: I have 3 rolls with me jhysmir96: I've got some in my pouch..... DragonCountess: *Shinketsu jumps off* Depends...How many folk do we want at this...event? DragonCountess: Fairies? Foxes? Whatever you name, I can get... QuicksilverMage: I don't really know any beings here...I usually keep to the Druid towers and study and re-record information QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: Yes.... do we know any other mages or dragons? QuicksilverMage: "I told you..I don't know anyone else...." QuicksilverMage: "I go to the Druid Towers...they are abandoned and very very old...protected my magic, even" jhysmir96: *Jhysmir swoops down from the clouds and lands on the lake.* DragonCountess: I don't know about mages, but dragons I can definitely find out about... QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: *snarls...* DragonCountess: Break it up, break it up... jhysmir96: QuicksilverMage: *Vorgath lowers his head and glares at her...moonlight making his eyes glow* DragonCountess: *frustrated* Can we please get along? QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: *Vorgath snarls menacingly* jhysmir96: DragonCountess: *pulls Simgar aside, whispering* Should we let them do this? I really don't think so... QuicksilverMage: *Fine then.I will go there myself...* jhysmir96: * Takes off fast splashing water* QuicksilverMage: *whispers back* He won't listen....his mind is made QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: QuicksilverMage: *Vorgath lifts his head up and lets loose a loud growl, tremoring off the sides* DragonCountess: *Ryujinn snarls slightly, reaching down and closes his jaws gently around the back of Vorgath's neck* QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: jhysmir96: DragonCountess: *picks him up and brings him over to Simgar and Shinketsu* QuicksilverMage: *Vorgath leaps in surprise, acid streaming out of his mouth and into the water* QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: *Vorgath looks up at Ryujinn's head and growls* DragonCountess: *blinks in surprise* *places him down reluctantly* jhysmir96: Simgar.... what the **** is wrong with him.... QuicksilverMage: *Simgar recovers from his shock* Leave him be......I think he can handle himself QuicksilverMage: Vorgath..what's wrong? jhysmir96: But what about Jhysmir? jhysmir96: *looks very worried* DragonCountess: *strokes Ryujinn's snout nervously* This isn't good, Simgar...Not at all... QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: *sighs slowly* My phoenix has turned me down, and my dragon has decided to become evil.... DragonCountess: jhysmir96: QuicksilverMage: *Vorgath walks over away from everyone, and leaps and flies toward the moon* QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: *Jhysmir flies down and lands next to Ryujinn* jhysmir96: * GROWLS**ROARS* QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: *snarls* DragonCountess: *Shinketsu starts to weep softly* Why...Why must things always turn out like this? All the fighting...And fighting leads to bloodshed...And bloodshed leads to broken hearts and minds... QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: Jhysmir, no!!!!!!!!!! QuicksilverMage: Vorgath..don't do this to yourself..and to us jhysmir96: < YOU give dragons a bad name!> QuicksilverMage: One of you is going to die...and I don't want it to be you QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: *Cimorene breaks into tears* jhysmir96: NO!! QuicksilverMage: How about just don't and we accept that both of you are powerful..... QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: Jhysmir is a dragon, Vorgath jhysmir96: *growls...* QuicksilverMage: You can not deny that QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: I'll tell you what...if you carry on with this, then Ryujinn will have to step in DragonCountess: *Shinketsu's lower lip quivers, then she turns to Simgar, crying on his shoulder* ...too much fighting...why...why must everyone fight...? QuicksilverMage: And we don't want that because you'd both be dead jhysmir96: *Jumps up and roars very loudly* jhysmir96: *shakes the earth* QuicksilverMage: DragonCountess: {A bit too powerful for such a young dragon, Christina} QuicksilverMage: {Yes....} jhysmir96: < I don't wish it but if I don't then you will continue to mock me!> jhysmir96: NO!!! QuicksilverMage: jhysmir96: < what do you think ryujinn?> QuicksilverMage: *Whispers to Shinketsu* Why must he be like this..? jhysmir96: {I need to get off... now ... so speed it up....} DragonCountess: *Ryujinn hangs his head sadly* QuicksilverMage: DragonCountess: *sniffles* I...don't know...It watch them fight... jhysmir96: jhysmir96: *growls* jhysmir96: {I NEED to go....} QuicksilverMage: DragonCountess: {Very well...Ja ne!} QuicksilverMage: {Good bye!} DragonCountess: {Shall we continue?} QuicksilverMage: {Of course...} DragonCountess: *Shinketsu wipes her eyes and pulls away from Simgar, walking toward Vorgath boldly* What did you think you were doing, Vorgath? QuicksilverMage: *Vorgath comes out of an opening in the mountainside* QuicksilverMage: DragonCountess: *Ryujinn, looks up, startled* QuicksilverMage: DragonCountess: QuicksilverMage: DragonCountess: *reels back* QuicksilverMage: DragonCountess: *backs away slowly* QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: Vorgath...come here DragonCountess: *Shinketsu stumbles back to Simgar* Who...who told you this horrid statement? QuicksilverMage: *Vorgath jumps off the ledge and lands in front of Simgar* QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: can't be like this... QuicksilverMage: You can't be this violent, you can't drink blood instead of water....just be normal. QuicksilverMage: DragonCountess: *stands behind Simgar, prepared for any sudden attacks* QuicksilverMage: DragonCountess: QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: That ... is horrible, Vorgath DragonCountess: *closes her eyes* How awful... QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: No, it isn't need to start eating food like Ryujinn does... and not be like a cannibal QuicksilverMage: DragonCountess: *paces around, wings drooping* QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: *Vorgath flaps off* DragonCountess: *stops pacing suddenly, teeth clenched in a snarling position, muscles tense* QuicksilverMage: *nods* DragonCountess: *sighs* Where could Sirtax possibly be? We'll need more firepower to keep Vorgath under control, or so it seems... QuicksilverMage: If, in fact, he is still with us...*sighs* QuicksilverMage: I don't think he's coming back... DragonCountess: Don't say that, Simgar...*looks up at the stars* There's still a chance.... QuicksilverMage: A small chance, at that DragonCountess: *settles down, curled up around Simgar and Shinketsu* QuicksilverMage: I wonder what he would've done with the whole event tonight... DragonCountess: QuicksilverMage: What if Vorgath is lying...? QuicksilverMage: It doesn't sound very reasonable to me... QuicksilverMage: People slaughtering dragons and keeping them captive... QuicksilverMage: Because...dragons can fly DragonCountess: *cringes* But that doesn't stop the dragonslayers... QuicksilverMage: What if Vorgath is just the way he is..? QuicksilverMage: And he is lying.... QuicksilverMage: I sort of wish that he IS telling the truth, and then again I don't QuicksilverMage: *sighs* DragonCountess: QuicksilverMage: *shrugs* Unless he is deciding to get the thing, drain it, and then get another QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: DragonCountess: *Ryujinn looks up* QuicksilverMage: *nods* QuicksilverMage: *Vorgath appears overhead, coming from the west* DragonCountess: QuicksilverMage: *Streaks the water with his talons, leaving a water trail in the air, and then stopping several feet short of the shore* QuicksilverMage: DragonCountess: What did you want us to come and see? QuicksilverMage: was oddly quiet everywhere QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: ***<" "> QuicksilverMage: ***and QuicksilverMage: QuicksilverMage: I am getting very is becoming late. QuicksilverMage: I have done so much today QuicksilverMage: I'm also running out of Histories.... QuicksilverMage: Ah..but no harm in going to the Westlands and visiting some of the old family studies there.... QuicksilverMage: {I have to do Spanish AND The Target LA thing} DragonCountess: {Ouch...} QuicksilverMage: {I know exactly what I'm doing though.....I think} DragonCountess: {All right then...Are you leaving now?} QuicksilverMage: {Of course not....}