Yahoo! Messenger: Conference nsyncqueen123-64930 started. jhysmir96: Why wouldn't we get along??? dark_conjurer: ? dark_conjurer: Hmm? nsyncqueen123: The message that came with the invitation... nsyncqueen123: So where were we? dark_conjurer: Nowhere. jhysmir96: no where.... dark_conjurer: Fighting, actually nsyncqueen123: What was I doing...? dark_conjurer: ? jhysmir96: can we do something exciting..... jhysmir96: Anything.... nsyncqueen123: I wanted to know what we were doing/saying...Then I can go from there... nsyncqueen123: Oh yes, Ryujinn was off in mourning... jhysmir96: We weren't doing anything... dark_conjurer: Ah yes jhysmir96: why is Ryujinn in mourning? nsyncqueen123: You weren't here during much of the Sirtax saga, were you? dark_conjurer: I don't think she was nsyncqueen123: Well, they became closer after a rocky start... jhysmir96: did I miss something? dark_conjurer: I don't think I posted the "Sirtax saga" dark_conjurer: I"ll have to send the whole thing to her dark_conjurer: All of them jhysmir96: The website with all the stories always messes up my computer.... dark_conjurer: Hmm. dark_conjurer: Geocities thing maybe nsyncqueen123: Ah well... dark_conjurer: Mmhmm nsyncqueen123: {Shall we continue?} dark_conjurer: {Yes, of course} dark_conjurer: {Oh no...} nsyncqueen123: {What?} dark_conjurer: {Tomorrow's gonna be the last time I'm going to see you in almost a week} dark_conjurer: {Leaving Tuesday night, getting back Saturday night} jhysmir96: gone... jhysmir96: no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 dark_conjurer: {*counts fingers*} jhysmir96: damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dark_conjurer: {?} jhysmir96: some valuable research... dark_conjurer: {A week *is* seven days, right?} nsyncqueen123: {*looks up worriedly* I don't want you to go... nsyncqueen123: *} nsyncqueen123: {Yes...} jhysmir96: someone threw it away!!!!! dark_conjurer: {Makin sure} dark_conjurer: {What?!} jhysmir96: brb nsyncqueen123: {Uh oh....Someone's gonna die by Christina's wrath...} nsyncqueen123: {*pictures Christina turning Super Saiyajin and snickers*} dark_conjurer: {*grins*} nsyncqueen123: {Speaking of anime...What about that dear little Meowth belonging to your sweet, sweet little sister...?} dark_conjurer: {Ah yes. I'll look for it tonight} jhysmir96: gone...... nsyncqueen123: {I pity you...} jhysmir96: great....just what i need...more work, after I told everyone NOT to touch my stuff... nsyncqueen123: {May the might of the grand Water Dragon destroy the foolish human who touched your materials.} dark_conjurer: {*grins*} dark_conjurer: {Shall we continue then...?} jhysmir96: hold on while I go yell some more... jhysmir96: go ahead.... nsyncqueen123: {Ouch...Someone's gonna hurt tonight...} nsyncqueen123: *Shinketsu notices a large figure flying toward them* Looks like Ryu-kun is back... jhysmir96: {*sigh*} jhysmir96: {all is well.....} nsyncqueen123: *Ryujinn lands next to Shinketsu, his very aura seeming to droop* dark_conjurer: Welcome. jhysmir96: Greetings.... nsyncqueen123: *Shinketsu strokes Ryujinn's scales softly, whispering* My poor little dracling... dark_conjurer: *Simgar closes his eyes , and leans back against the tree again* nsyncqueen123: *claps her hands together, turning back toward the group* Well, what shall we do today? Hunting? Exploring? Ideas? jhysmir96: umm...Why is it that everyone is so depressed? dark_conjurer: *Simgar looks up* Nope...I'm fine right here until something else is introduced jhysmir96: Maybe we need to find a new place to stay...somewhere different? jhysmir96: We could go through the mountains to the other part of the Lake... jhysmir96: {????} jhysmir96: {Is that correct?} dark_conjurer: {Oh what do you mean?} nsyncqueen123: *looks around at everyone* Well, aren't we a lively bunch...Well, Cimorene dear, if no one else has any ideas, I'll take you up on it... jhysmir96: good...this place is getting too old... dark_conjurer: dark_conjurer: dark_conjurer: Well that's why there are trees, Vorgath... jhysmir96: *begins gathering the camping things up* dark_conjurer: nsyncqueen123: Should I travel as human or animal? dark_conjurer: Well, I"m not one to search around by foot, the whole of this continent nsyncqueen123: *Ryujinn looks up* jhysmir96: Stay has a we can have some more company.... dark_conjurer: nsyncqueen123: All right, then. Shall I help you, Cimorene? We can just place those on top of Ryujinn...He won't mind. jhysmir96: nsyncqueen123: I agree, but I think Ryujinn is a bit more capable. *smiles sweetly* dark_conjurer: nsyncqueen123: Vorgath, do be quiet. dark_conjurer: Vorgath, why do you continue to do this..? nsyncqueen123: *quietly* dark_conjurer: *Vorgath grins half-evilly* dark_conjurer: dark_conjurer: *Vorgath leaps up and flies away from the lake* nsyncqueen123: *Ryujinn watches him silently* dark_conjurer: *shakes head in dismay* Vorgath will be Vorgath... jhysmir96: dark_conjurer: Oh come know Vorgath was just...being Vorgath nsyncqueen123: *turns to Jhysmir* <...If you want to carry the belongings, you may...> jhysmir96: nsyncqueen123: Cimorene? How are things coming? jhysmir96: good... jhysmir96: The compaction spell works very well... nsyncqueen123: {I'd like to see an example of your outfit sometime, C...} jhysmir96: *Continues putting things into the leather sack* jhysmir96: {Probably some sort of simple dress with a belt around the middle...with a leather pouch on that...} nsyncqueen123: {*nods*} nsyncqueen123: *kneels down and begins to sharpen her dagger on a rock* You never know when danger might appear... jhysmir96: All finished.... dark_conjurer: *looks up* Would you like me to assist you in doing that...? nsyncqueen123: *smiles, offering the dagger* If you will... dark_conjurer: Because I know a very good spell that enhances the power of an edged weapon dark_conjurer: Nah, you can hold it nsyncqueen123: All right... jhysmir96: *Rolls eyes....* nsyncqueen123: *looks over* Cimorene, just load it onto Ryujinn, or place it around his neck, or something... jhysmir96: {Can I have a sword?} dark_conjurer: *Simgar mutters a few words then waves his hand, seemingly random, then stops, as the dagger is surrounded by a red glow, then disappears as it seeps into the blade* dark_conjurer: That should last you awhile jhysmir96: *Cimorene puts the bag on Ryujinns neck* nsyncqueen123: *runs her finger against the blade* Nice... dark_conjurer: {You want a sword, eh?} dark_conjurer: *nods* No trouble. jhysmir96: {*smiles* jhysmir96: ****} dark_conjurer: In fact, one of the first spells I learned dark_conjurer: Takes very little concentration, on my part dark_conjurer: There are others which do dark_conjurer: {I see no problem with you having a sword} dark_conjurer: {As I have a katana (slender, light short-sword based) and a hunting knife} nsyncqueen123: I was never the magick-oriented one...*looks off into the distance* Gouka, on the other hand...*smiles ruefully* jhysmir96: That is because you are a shape shifter and healer.... jhysmir96: {What kind of sword can I have?} dark_conjurer: {Broadsword, greatsword, warsword} dark_conjurer: {Basically the big heavy ones} dark_conjurer: {Or you can have a short sword} nsyncqueen123: {I think she needs something...more feminine.} jhysmir96: {something light...} jhysmir96: {thanks....*sarcastically speaking.....*} dark_conjurer: {I see...but you *do* want an edged weapon} jhysmir96: {yes...} dark_conjurer: {Because I think a longbow would fit you well} nsyncqueen123: {Femininity, in my opinion, is a compliment, thank ya very much...} dark_conjurer: {*grins*} jhysmir96: {As in not a sword, but a longbow...with arrows...?} jhysmir96: {i'm ignoring that...} dark_conjurer: {Oh?} dark_conjurer: {Ignoring it?} dark_conjurer: {Oh well, fine with me} nsyncqueen123: {She's talking to me, hon...} dark_conjurer: {Ah-ha} dark_conjurer: {Yes, longbows usually have arrows also} jhysmir96: {about all that love stuff....} jhysmir96: {So, you mean like archery....} dark_conjurer: {Mmhmm} nsyncqueen123: {Archery is wicked cool!} jhysmir96: {That I can do...} jhysmir96: {and have done before....*smiles...*} dark_conjurer: {Aye. Me too} nsyncqueen123: {We need an archer...And if you don't take it, I just might adopt it...*grins*} jhysmir96: {I want to be the archer!!!} dark_conjurer: {OK then} nsyncqueen123: {I know, and you can have it, as well...} nsyncqueen123: {Now, may we continue?} jhysmir96: {by all means.....} jhysmir96: * nsyncqueen123: *Ryujinn saunters toward the mountains, Shinketsu leading* dark_conjurer: *Simgar gets up, jogging after* Hey! Wait for me! jhysmir96: * Cimorene slings her bow and arrows across her back and follows Shinketsu* dark_conjurer: {BRB} nsyncqueen123: *giggles softly as the two catch up* Next time, be quicker on your feet. jhysmir96: *sighs* You are too spontaneous.... nsyncqueen123: That's my nature...Can't help it... jhysmir96: Which (mountain) pass are we going to use? dark_conjurer: {back} jhysmir96: nsyncqueen123: Dunno...Whatever we come across, I'm taking the more challenging route... dark_conjurer: {*grins*} nsyncqueen123: {Call me Pocahontas...*smiles*} jhysmir96: * Jhysmir flies into the clouds* dark_conjurer: I know of a very challenging pass that leads to one of the old Great Librarys nsyncqueen123: A library, huh? jhysmir96: I could use some new spells... dark_conjurer: Never been there, but I've read about it in the Tower a bit west of here nsyncqueen123: I like libraries...Per chance, might they have any dragon books with them? *smiles* jhysmir96: Why do you need to know about dragons? You have one... dark_conjurer: Well this specific one is noted for its information of battle, strategy, and hiding nsyncqueen123: Their history...That always interests me. dark_conjurer: Each has a specific focus nsyncqueen123: *nods* Hiding...Hmm.... jhysmir96: Well, lets stop there then... dark_conjurer: And then just the general information nsyncqueen123: Also, *winks* the little draclings at the Hatchery like the old folk tales...Where the dragon always wins! dark_conjurer: But...there is a problem jhysmir96: What? dark_conjurer: One, it's underground, in a mountain, for protection from weather and good hiding dark_conjurer: And, the pass there is narrow and high up dark_conjurer: Ryujinn would not be able to come jhysmir96: What about Vorgath and Jhysmir? nsyncqueen123: *nods* I'll talk to him when he comes to land next... dark_conjurer: And, unfortunately, since of its location, no fogging can be used dark_conjurer: Not much magick, at that dark_conjurer: I don't know the exact location, let me tell you jhysmir96: fogging? what is that? dark_conjurer: Instant transportation dark_conjurer: I"ll show you. dark_conjurer: Where to? dark_conjurer: A shoop, perhaps? We will need ropes and food... dark_conjurer: *Shop nsyncqueen123: Sure. jhysmir96: yes, we are running low on supplies... dark_conjurer: *Simgar offers his hand to Shinketsu and Cimorene* Take hold, or you'll be left behind *grins* nsyncqueen123: *clasps his hand* Ready when you are! jhysmir96: *grabs the offered hand* ready. dark_conjurer: Is Ryujinn coming? Or will we meet him here afterwards nsyncqueen123: We'll meet him later, I suppose... nsyncqueen123: He's not in the mood for much activity... dark_conjurer: *Simgar closes his eyes and concentrates* dark_conjurer: *mutters a few phrases and holds his arms up* dark_conjurer: *A brush of cold whips past everyone, and then warmth* jhysmir96: whoa.... dark_conjurer: *Simgar opens his eyes* Open up! Here we are, in my homeland, so to speak jhysmir96: really? dark_conjurer: Nothing really is my homeland, but this is the Westland, where the Elves reside jhysmir96: Ah... dark_conjurer: We're going to have to take a short hike to get there, as I didn't feel it necessary to fog right to the shop nsyncqueen123: *rushes off* I'll be back...I'd like to do some exploring of my own...Meet back here in ten minutes! nsyncqueen123: {BRB...Gotta eat....} dark_conjurer: {Sure.} jhysmir96: Alright... dark_conjurer: *Simgar starts off through the brush* Follow. jhysmir96: Okay... dark_conjurer: *Simgar stops in a clearing* dark_conjurer: *motions toward a tree* dark_conjurer: Now look here. jhysmir96: *cimorene does as told...* dark_conjurer: Here is a secret little passage that leads right into Archymidlan. dark_conjurer: Right outside the Town Gates, actually jhysmir96: I didn't know elves lived underground.... dark_conjurer: *Simgar clears some leaves from under the tree and, with all his strength, pulls a large stone block aside* dark_conjurer: We don't dark_conjurer: Just a passage jhysmir96: Oh... dark_conjurer: Secrecy. An Elf thing dark_conjurer: *Motions toward the dark passage* You first jhysmir96: *Cimorene looks supiciously....*alright... jhysmir96: * steps down* dark_conjurer: *Simgar steps in after her, pulling the block back behind them* dark_conjurer: *Simgar gestures, and the tunnel is filled with a bright light. The brightness fades and the tunnel is lighted* dark_conjurer: Another of my first spells... dark_conjurer: *Simgar brushes past Cimorene and resumes the walk* jhysmir96: I know one similar to that... dark_conjurer: Come. No time to lose. jhysmir96: * Quickens her pace* dark_conjurer: *Simgar shows the small group through a series of turns, and then abruptly stops in the middle of the passage* jhysmir96: What is it? dark_conjurer: *Simgar pulls his hunting knife out and thrusts it into the celing, and a sharp *clang* is heard* dark_conjurer: Alright. jhysmir96: What was that all about? dark_conjurer: *Simgar puts the knife back into his sheath, and pushes up on the ceiling* jhysmir96: ahhh.... dark_conjurer: *A stone door flips up and he climbs up* dark_conjurer: Here we go jhysmir96: Okay... jhysmir96: * pulls herself up after Simgar* dark_conjurer: *Simgar shuts the door after Cimorene and covers it up* dark_conjurer: We just went under a very fast-moving river dark_conjurer: I wanted to avoid crossing it jhysmir96: oh... dark_conjurer: *Simgar goes through the town gates and stops inside the shop* dark_conjurer: Wait there. jhysmir96: Okay... jhysmir96: *Cimorene looks around at the strange town....* dark_conjurer: *After several minutes, Simgar returns with 3 backpacks, each containing rations for 5 days, and climbing utilities* dark_conjurer: Hold on, we're going back... dark_conjurer: *Simgar extends his hand* jhysmir96: *clasps the offered hand...* okay..... dark_conjurer: *Closes his eyes and chants, and the cold sensation is felt once again, and the group is brought back to the place of their arrival* dark_conjurer: *Sits down, dropping the packs next to him* dark_conjurer: *sighs* That was exhausting... jhysmir96: Well, go ahead and rest until Brooke returns... dark_conjurer: {Shinketsu...} jhysmir96: {Oops...sorry....} dark_conjurer: *Simgar searches around momentarily* dark_conjurer: Ah. dark_conjurer: Good, we have it right here. jhysmir96: what do we have? dark_conjurer: *Simgar pulls up a small plant and tears off the root* jhysmir96: * Looks at him quizzically* dark_conjurer: This root here*holds up the root* helps you with tiring due to magick jhysmir96: I've never seen that one before... dark_conjurer: *breaks a small piece and hands it to her* jhysmir96: *Takes it* jhysmir96: Thank you... dark_conjurer: *pops the remaining in his mouth and chews it, a pained expression shotting acorss his face* dark_conjurer: *Swallows it, gagging* dark_conjurer: Not the best tasting, but efficient nonetheless dark_conjurer: *grins* jhysmir96: * Cimorene reluctantly puts it in her mouth...* jhysmir96: Yuck!* her face screws up with disgust* dark_conjurer: *laughes quietly* dark_conjurer: You know how you tell if it is the Yarbon plant or not? dark_conjurer: Yarbon root has the healing qualities... jhysmir96: How? jhysmir96: It probably is listed in my guide to healing roots.... dark_conjurer: If you look at the plant, it has 9 small petals with a light purple flower on the top dark_conjurer: Probably not. nsyncqueen123: *a small fox comes trotting through a nearby grassland, her bushy tail sashaying behind her, as she carries two roses in her mouth* jhysmir96: I have many things in my pouch...who knows... jhysmir96: Hello. dark_conjurer: Welcome back! nsyncqueen123: *drops a rose in Simgar and Cimorene's lap* *smiles* dark_conjurer: *Picks up the rose and smells it* jhysmir96: Thank you. jhysmir96: *grins* nsyncqueen123: *proudly sticks her nose in the air* jhysmir96: How are you going to travel Shinketsu? dark_conjurer: *puts the rose on the inside of his cloak* dark_conjurer: Yes.thank you dark_conjurer: *Simgar points at the packs* These have all of our supplies for the trip dark_conjurer: Rations for 5 days and plenty of climbing and camping supllies nsyncqueen123: jhysmir96: Yes...are you ready? dark_conjurer: I got it for a bargain. dark_conjurer: Guess how much nsyncqueen123: <...Unless you want me to stay as an animal...How much?> jhysmir96: I don't understand foreign money... dark_conjurer: *Grins evilly* No money was involved. dark_conjurer: You see my knife here is very useful dark_conjurer: He valued his life. dark_conjurer: *grins* dark_conjurer: I shut him up with the silence spell, also. dark_conjurer: You see, I don't really have any money... jhysmir96: Simgar! nsyncqueen123: *a disapproving look appears on her face* jhysmir96: You could have just given him leprechaun gold... dark_conjurer: *opens up his cloak and goes through the pockets* dark_conjurer: *drops a few scrolls* nsyncqueen123: dark_conjurer: *drops some dice, a deck of cards* jhysmir96: What is all of that? dark_conjurer: *Picks the items up and puts them back in his cloak* nsyncqueen123: *peers quizzically at Simgar* dark_conjurer: I lost all of my money gambling... nsyncqueen123: *rolls her eyes* jhysmir96: *Sigh* dark_conjurer: I would've gotten it all, hadn't they realized that I knew what cards they had... dark_conjurer: And that I could control the dice... jhysmir96: You should only gamble with the ignorant ones... nsyncqueen123: dark_conjurer: Well, after losing a few hundred silver one becomes much more observant *laughes* dark_conjurer: Of course it isn't. I can carry it nsyncqueen123: *nods* dark_conjurer: *Simgar picks up both packs and clings them on his back* dark_conjurer: *Slings nsyncqueen123: dark_conjurer: *offers his hand* Back to the lake. jhysmir96: *Cimorene does the same* jhysmir96: *Takes his hand....* nsyncqueen123: *jumps up on his shoulder, teetering precariously* jhysmir96: *again* jhysmir96: Let us go, then. dark_conjurer: *Simgar closes his eyes and mutters something* nsyncqueen123: dark_conjurer: *A flash of light surrounds you, followed by a cold chill, and then you open your eyes and find yourself at the lake* nsyncqueen123: *leaps off* jhysmir96: That was quick...Which direction are we headed to any way? dark_conjurer: *Simgar falls to the ground, dropping the packs, exhausted by the exertion* dark_conjurer: *sits up and opens his cloak, looking for something* nsyncqueen123: jhysmir96: Are you going to be alright? dark_conjurer: *Pulls out a small chrome flask out and takes a swig at it* dark_conjurer: *screws the top back on and places it in his cloak* dark_conjurer: Ah then. Much better! nsyncqueen123: *places her front paws on his chest and licks his cheek* dark_conjurer: Of course I will...*smiles* dark_conjurer: Would you think that such a small thing would tire me? dark_conjurer: Once the root kicks in I'll be fine nsyncqueen123: *nods* <...Okay then, Sir Flashy...I'll be back momentarily...> jhysmir96: *Cimorene looks toward the sky for the dragons* dark_conjurer: *pulls his flask out again and unscrews the top, walking towards a tree at the same time* dark_conjurer: *sits down at the tree and drink from his flask* jhysmir96: *Gives him a worried look* dark_conjurer: *stops when he finds out it is empty, and places it in his cloak yet again* dark_conjurer: *hiccups slightly* dark_conjurer: Uhhh...guess I drank too fast *grins* nsyncqueen123: *returns not long after, lugging a small package out toward Simgar* *winks* jhysmir96: Simgar, can that stuff make you drunk? dark_conjurer: ...drunk? dark_conjurer: Why, me, getting drunk! dark_conjurer: What an unheard thing nsyncqueen123: dark_conjurer: *grins* Same stuff... dark_conjurer: *Simgar stands up and walks out towards Cimorene* jhysmir96: {hello?} dark_conjurer: *Stops* dark_conjurer: *Looks up toward the sky* nsyncqueen123: dark_conjurer: My oh my...tis getting dark! jhysmir96: {oh...} jhysmir96: Very funny... dark_conjurer: Can't go anywhere in the dark, mind you! jhysmir96: just asking... dark_conjurer: Going to have to do something in the meantime... dark_conjurer: {Hi..} nsyncqueen123: *brings the package to him* nsyncqueen123: dark_conjurer: *Simgar grabs the package and stuffs it into one of the packs* jhysmir96: Are you going to change back any time soon? dark_conjurer: *Vorgath swoops in, holding a crate in his talons* dark_conjurer: nsyncqueen123: dark_conjurer: Vorgath you're...unusually merry today. dark_conjurer: dark_conjurer: nsyncqueen123: dark_conjurer: But...I didn't tell you to *Vorgath cuts him off quickly by a quick wink* dark_conjurer: *Simgar walks over to the crate and looks in* Ah yes. I remember now *grins* jhysmir96: What is it? nsyncqueen123: jhysmir96: Me either dark_conjurer: *Simgar opens the crate with his foot, by kicking it and pulls out a sack* jhysmir96: !! dark_conjurer: *Looks in the sack* Exactly what I've been looking for. dark_conjurer: Why thank you Vorgath! dark_conjurer: jhysmir96: WHAT IS IT????? dark_conjurer: did you go about obtaining it? dark_conjurer: nsyncqueen123: dark_conjurer: Vorgath you didn't..- dark_conjurer: *Simgar laughes aloud* I have taugh you well... jhysmir96: Like owner like dragon... nsyncqueen123: dark_conjurer: dark_conjurer: dark_conjurer: *Simgar pulls some black leather silver-streaked boots* jhysmir96: *gasps* dark_conjurer: *Takes off his old black ones and replaces it with the new* dark_conjurer: Ah...much better dark_conjurer: And only the beginning! jhysmir96: Uh oh... nsyncqueen123: dark_conjurer: *Simgar then pulls out a pouch, and looks inside* dark_conjurer: *Gasps in delight* dark_conjurer: *Takes the flasks from the pouch and puts them in his cloak, all the while a wide grin on his face* dark_conjurer: And I was all out too! nsyncqueen123: *sighs* dark_conjurer: jhysmir96: *rolls eyes* dark_conjurer: *Simgar pulls out a bag, jingling as it does* jhysmir96: Money??!!?? dark_conjurer: *looks inside and a yellow light goes across his face* dark_conjurer: I was broke too! nsyncqueen123: dark_conjurer: dark_conjurer: *Simgar peers at Vorgath* dark_conjurer: It wasn't a was gamblers jhysmir96: You shouldn't be taking this.... dark_conjurer: dark_conjurer: *Simgar shakes his head in dismay* You weren't supposed to say that, Vorgath nsyncqueen123: *shakes her head sadly* dark_conjurer: jhysmir96: agreed... nsyncqueen123: dark_conjurer: *Simgar draws the pouch closed and places it in his cloak* dark_conjurer: *Simgar looks in the sack, finding one thing left* dark_conjurer: Hmm...guess what it is everyone! dark_conjurer: *Vorgath grins* nsyncqueen123: *grins airheadedly* dark_conjurer: Guess! jhysmir96: I think I know... nsyncqueen123: jhysmir96: no... dark_conjurer: What do you think, Cimorene dark_conjurer: *? dark_conjurer: And no, tisn't a chicken...*smiles* jhysmir96: I would rather not say... nsyncqueen123: dark_conjurer: {Say it!} jhysmir96: {no...} dark_conjurer: Oh. Please do... jhysmir96: {you'd kill me...} dark_conjurer: {NO I wouldn't} nsyncqueen123: *licks her lips, remembering her earlier chicken dinner* jhysmir96: hold on.... dark_conjurer: Now Vorgath, how much exactly *was* there in the pouch? dark_conjurer: dark_conjurer: OH! Twas all gold? dark_conjurer: jhysmir96: Answer me alreadly... nsyncqueen123: *eyes widen* jhysmir96: ***{ } dark_conjurer: {Guess...} dark_conjurer: That's how many silvers again? jhysmir96: {I did!!} dark_conjurer: nsyncqueen123: {*whispers* Guess a giant *blue* chicken...I bet that's it...} dark_conjurer: Wow... dark_conjurer: Thank you Vorgath! jhysmir96: Was my guess right? dark_conjurer: I guess that theif theived others too...because I only have 200 gold pieces! *grins* dark_conjurer: {You didn't guess...} jhysmir96: Is it a piece of jewelery? dark_conjurer: Nope. dark_conjurer: *Simgar pulls out a box* jhysmir96: Just tell us... dark_conjurer: *places it on the ground* nsyncqueen123: {It's a CHICKEN!!!!!} dark_conjurer: *Closes his eyes and chants* dark_conjurer: *Gestures at the box and it pops open* nsyncqueen123: *walks over in anticipation* jhysmir96: no... jhysmir96: and the verdict is... dark_conjurer: *Eyes widen at the sight of a beautiful gem-hilted long knife* dark_conjurer: Tis wonderful! jhysmir96: oh my... dark_conjurer: *Simgar pulls his old knife out and compares them* dark_conjurer: Anyone need one? nsyncqueen123: *the gemstones seem to sparkle in Shinketsu's fox eyes* dark_conjurer: *Tosses his old one at Cimorene and replaces the new one in it's respectable sheath* nsyncqueen123: dark_conjurer: *Takes his old sheath off and drops it at Cimorene's feet* jhysmir96: I don't know... dark_conjurer: {I threw it to you...} jhysmir96: Thanks... dark_conjurer: *attaches the sheath to his belt and puts the knife in* dark_conjurer: Why thank you, Vorgath! dark_conjurer: dark_conjurer: jhysmir96: hmm...dragons are very thoughtful... dark_conjurer: Of course! dark_conjurer: *whispering* He;s gonna pull something else, I know it nsyncqueen123: *suddenly gets a playful streak in her* *leaps up and grabs Simgar's new knife, running off with it* dark_conjurer: When Vorgath shows off...he *really* shows off... dark_conjurer: *Simgar grins and runs toward the fox* jhysmir96: I'll just stay here...have fun... nsyncqueen123: *darts in between the trees* dark_conjurer: *Follows her carefully* nsyncqueen123: *runs point-blank toward Cimorene, hurdling over her head* jhysmir96: Watch it!! dark_conjurer: *Fails to see her in time and runs into her, both of them hurtling toward the sand* dark_conjurer: *loudly* Sorry! dark_conjurer: *Gets up and resumes running* jhysmir96: ow... nsyncqueen123: *sprints through the shallow part of the lake* jhysmir96: it hurt more when chase ran into me... dark_conjurer: *Follows her and collapses in the water, panting* dark_conjurer: *Gets up quickly and moves toward the shore, exhausted* nsyncqueen123: *kicking up spray, heads back toward Vorgath, sneaking behind the opened crate* dark_conjurer: *Vorgath turns his head toward the crate* nsyncqueen123: *pops out and runs toward the caves* jhysmir96: ah...the young and in love... dark_conjurer: Give up? dark_conjurer: Hah! dark_conjurer: *Simgar stands up and walks over to the caves, collapsing in mid-stride* dark_conjurer: dark_conjurer: *Vorgath walks over to him* nsyncqueen123: *runs into the woods again, leading Simgar without breaking a sweat* dark_conjurer: *Nudges him with his talon* jhysmir96: *Cimorene runs after Shinketsu* nsyncqueen123: *pokes her head back out* jhysmir96: wore him out.... dark_conjurer: jhysmir96: *Cimorene runs over* nsyncqueen123: *comes sidling up next to Vorgath, sniffing cautiously* jhysmir96: Simgar...are you alright...? dark_conjurer: *Simgar pops his head up and yells a *Boo*, Grabbing the fox* dark_conjurer: Gotcha! nsyncqueen123: *yelps* dark_conjurer: Can I have it back now? dark_conjurer: *grins* jhysmir96: *Cimorene falls back* nsyncqueen123: *hesitantly drops the knife into the awaiting palm* dark_conjurer: *puts it back in his sheath* dark_conjurer: Well, that was tiring... nsyncqueen123: *grins evilly* jhysmir96: Anyway...when are we going to leave on our journey? dark_conjurer: I see... dark_conjurer: Sometime tomorrow, when it's light out jhysmir96: any one hungry? jhysmir96: If so...I'll start a fire... dark_conjurer: nsyncqueen123: *jumps onto Simgar's back, bouncing up and down* nsyncqueen123: jhysmir96: Miss energetic.... jhysmir96: Alright... dark_conjurer: *Simgar winces at each landing* dark_conjurer: Please stop...I"m afraid Something might happen... dark_conjurer: *something jhysmir96: *reaches into her cloak and pulls out a sandwich* nsyncqueen123: *springs off onto the ground* dark_conjurer: {I thought you had a dress on...} jhysmir96: {And a cloak......} dark_conjurer: {*glares*} nsyncqueen123: {Everyone, everyone...} jhysmir96: {how am I supposed to stay warm?} dark_conjurer: {*smiles*} dark_conjurer: {Dress.} jhysmir96: {And a cloak...} dark_conjurer: {Well my cloak is better...} jhysmir96: {of course...} nsyncqueen123: {*sighs* Back to the RPG, please...} dark_conjurer: {See the silver runes at the bottom!} dark_conjurer: Hmm..I haven't eaten all day dark_conjurer: I don't remember the last time I did eat anything jhysmir96: Would you like me to fix something? nsyncqueen123: dark_conjurer: dark_conjurer: Chicken. Of course... dark_conjurer: Only meat I ever eat! dark_conjurer: Oh hush.. jhysmir96: I'll just start a fire.. nsyncqueen123: *paces in a circle* jhysmir96: Can you get a chicken,Shinketsu? jhysmir96: For us to eat tonight? nsyncqueen123: dark_conjurer: { this time, how much time do you think has passed since I fond Vorgath..?} dark_conjurer: Only one chicken? nsyncqueen123: dark_conjurer: jhysmir96: Oh, yes...has many has you can find... jhysmir96: And I will start the fire... nsyncqueen123: *shakes her head disapprovingly* dark_conjurer: dark_conjurer: dark_conjurer: Seems fine to me... nsyncqueen123: nsyncqueen123: *grins* nsyncqueen123: *sniffs the air carefully* dark_conjurer: *Vorgath flaps up, and flies over the lake* jhysmir96: What ever... dark_conjurer: {I am so hungry....} dark_conjurer: {So very very hungry} jhysmir96: *Begins clearing a spot for the fire* nsyncqueen123: *heads to the west of the lake* jhysmir96: {Eat dinner} dark_conjurer: {I did.} dark_conjurer: {It was baaaaaad food though} dark_conjurer: {Not my favorite food} nsyncqueen123: {What was it?} dark_conjurer: { pork or something} dark_conjurer: {If it was chicken then I would've had more} dark_conjurer: {Or spaghetti..} dark_conjurer: {Or soup..} dark_conjurer: {But no let's have food tha tI hate!} jhysmir96: * Takes out a bottle of fire powder and sprinkles it on the ground...* jhysmir96: *Collects a few sticks* dark_conjurer: Ya know I could just cast Elemental Fire... dark_conjurer: It would be much easier... jhysmir96: *Then mumurs a few words and a blaze suddenly appears* dark_conjurer: would be easier with Sirtax..... dark_conjurer: {I've got to leave at 9:00...FYI} nsyncqueen123: *exercise dark_conjurer: {?} dark_conjurer: {Why the corrrection?} jhysmir96: *Sits down next to the fire* dark_conjurer: {Last thing I see is when I have to leave and then you put *exercise} dark_conjurer: {I don't get it.. dark_conjurer: *} jhysmir96: {me either....} nsyncqueen123: {Nani?} dark_conjurer: {You said *exercise} dark_conjurer: {Why?} nsyncqueen123: {I didn't spell it right the first time, baka...} dark_conjurer: {What did you say before?} nsyncqueen123: {Excercise...} dark_conjurer: {But in what sentence?} jhysmir96: {Are we going to rpg any more tonight, because if not, I need to get off....} nsyncqueen123: nsyncqueen123: *{...} dark_conjurer: {I...didn't see that} jhysmir96: Okay. nsyncqueen123: {Strange...} jhysmir96: {Are we done rpging?} nsyncqueen123: {nsyncqueen123: *comes sprinting back toward the lake, panting* nsyncqueen123: *drops the chicken at Cimorene's feet* } dark_conjurer: jhysmir96: Thanks. dark_conjurer: *** *-* nsyncqueen123: {Better?} dark_conjurer: {Aye.} dark_conjurer: dark_conjurer: Aye. jhysmir96: you have a spell to clean the chickens with? dark_conjurer: Not a specific one, no nsyncqueen123: *licks her lips* jhysmir96: Or are you going to just put them on the fire? dark_conjurer: If anybody would, I would expect you to jhysmir96: no... nsyncqueen123: jhysmir96: please don't.. dark_conjurer: Well then someone pluck them and then we can cook them, heat cleans things jhysmir96: ewwww...... dark_conjurer: Fine then. nsyncqueen123: *pulls off feathers with her teeth* jhysmir96: {ha!it thought it was a website!!!} dark_conjurer: *Simgar grabs a chicken and starts to pull the feathers out* dark_conjurer: [Eventually, the chickens were plucked] dark_conjurer: Well now, that was a change, eh? jhysmir96: umm...I'll just get the fire ready... dark_conjurer: *Simgar tosses the chicken at Cimorene* Here. dark_conjurer: All done. jhysmir96: *gets the roasting spit and puts it on* dark_conjurer: After you put that one on the spit you can get Shinketsu's nsyncqueen123: *looks greedily down at her chicken* dark_conjurer: Just wait, now. jhysmir96: Actually...if you like it raw.... dark_conjurer: It would probably be more enjoyable if you were a human.. jhysmir96: you can just eat it now... dark_conjurer: No. dark_conjurer: That's not fair nsyncqueen123: *opens her mouth, preparing to bite down on it* *pushes it away* dark_conjurer: That she gets to eat now and we don't... jhysmir96: Not you... nsyncqueen123: {*hisses* The Evil Demon is online!!!! YAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!} jhysmir96: Alright....*puts it on the spit with the other chicken* dark_conjurer: {Calm down...} jhysmir96: {I need to go...} nsyncqueen123: {*smirks*} nsyncqueen123: {Aww....} dark_conjurer: {Oh well} dark_conjurer: {Nice time, hmm?} nsyncqueen123: {Do we have to stop...?} jhysmir96: {please don't rpg without me!!| dark_conjurer: {Ok ok ok....} nsyncqueen123: {*pouts* Bye....} jhysmir96: {I will be on tomorrow...} jhysmir96: and wednesday jhysmir96: ***{ } jhysmir96: bye all.... nsyncqueen123: Ja ne!