jhysmir96: *Cimorene begins rummaging in her pack for food.* dark_conjurer: *Mutters a few words while moving his hands over his legs* jhysmir96: We need more supplies... dark_conjurer: *Moves them several times with no pain* dark_conjurer: Ahhh.....much better nsyncqueen123: {back...And it's: His wrath undoes the wicked} dark_conjurer: {Ah-ha} jhysmir96: {would you be annoyed if I did spells and such that quickly like you do?} dark_conjurer: {Well....} nsyncqueen123: *looks at Cimorene* Don't worry...We can get supplies at that place we went last time...And we'll go back to our lake as soon as possible. jhysmir96: But it is quite boring there.... dark_conjurer: *Simgar looks over at Cimorene* Yes, I do work a bit quickly, hmm? dark_conjurer: Elven blood. dark_conjurer: Magick is Elven. nsyncqueen123: Do you have a better place in mind, Cimorene? jhysmir96: Weren't we going to that library? dark_conjurer: That is why I work quickly jhysmir96: Maybe we can go to....umm... dark_conjurer: And to the fact that I've been practicing ever since I was about 10! dark_conjurer: Ah yes. the library dark_conjurer: What was the name for it... nsyncqueen123: *shrugs* I don't know. jhysmir96: The divine realms, where the dragons are from? dark_conjurer: Ah well I'll remember sometime or another nsyncqueen123: *looks over at Cimorene* Need help packing anything? jhysmir96: {book four of the Immortals} jhysmir96: No.... dark_conjurer: I wouldn't mind going to the library myself! nsyncqueen123: *nods* Okay. jhysmir96: *Moves a hand over the camp* jhysmir96: All finished.... dark_conjurer: Where exactly are we? dark_conjurer: Do you know the name or will I have to see for myself? nsyncqueen123: I don't really know, to be exact...We were looking for you, but then you surprised us last night. dark_conjurer: *Simgar gets a faroff look in his eyes and collapses on the ground* nsyncqueen123: *immediately is at his side* Simgar? dark_conjurer: *Simgar's body starts moving again and he sits back up* jhysmir96: Whats the matter? dark_conjurer: We're not too far away, actually. jhysmir96: What just happened? jhysmir96: Oh.... dark_conjurer: Oh. dark_conjurer: You don't know that one, do you? jhysmir96: Not well.... jhysmir96: So I never use it... dark_conjurer: I keep forgetting that not all magick-users have been raised in a magick environment jhysmir96: I have been raised in a magick enviornment! dark_conjurer: Where? dark_conjurer: In the capital city of the Elves? nsyncqueen123: *tensely paces around* jhysmir96: I lived at some castle...they studied magick there.... dark_conjurer: Well...I guess we can go somewhere else dark_conjurer: I'll explain on the way there jhysmir96: but it got too boring... dark_conjurer: You don't appreciate it do you? jhysmir96: What? jhysmir96: Magick? dark_conjurer: That type of life dark_conjurer: The studying.. jhysmir96: no... dark_conjurer: I do that alot jhysmir96: you learn spells, but never practice... dark_conjurer: I just go to the same old study and rewrite and read dark_conjurer: One of the lesser ones, almost in the middle of this continent dark_conjurer: Learn alot dark_conjurer: Maybe I"m the few who can appreciate it... dark_conjurer: *Goes to walk over to Ryujinn, then remembers his injuries* jhysmir96: Most of the people studying at that castle became mages for the king... dark_conjurer: *looks around quickly* nsyncqueen123: *packs the miscellaneous belongings onto Ryujinn, then comes back to Simgar's side* You all right? dark_conjurer: What the...? dark_conjurer: My cloak! dark_conjurer: Where'd my cloak go? jhysmir96: *Eyes widen* jhysmir96: Call it. dark_conjurer: *looks down and notices that he is sitting on it* nsyncqueen123: *sighs, shaking her head sadly* dark_conjurer: *Pulls the cloak out and looks at it disapprovingly* dark_conjurer: *Turns it from side to side on the ground* jhysmir96: Can we please get going ? dark_conjurer: Get going? dark_conjurer: But why? jhysmir96: *Looks around warily* dark_conjurer: Nobody is following us I checked briefly dark_conjurer: I will check again, if you wish nsyncqueen123: No, that's fine... jhysmir96: Good. dark_conjurer: We are 100% safe here, let me assure you dark_conjurer: The only thing that could go wrong is maybe a tree falling nsyncqueen123: dark_conjurer: I really dislike these wounds... dark_conjurer: Ryujinn, you know you can leave any time you wish... jhysmir96: Where is the library anyhow? dark_conjurer: In some mountain jhysmir96: dark_conjurer: The passage is about 7 miles northwest from here dark_conjurer: There is a river valley around here dark_conjurer: If we can get there we can get to the study. dark_conjurer: Of course I can't get anywhere... jhysmir96: *Takes a leap off the cliff, then flaps her wings hard.* nsyncqueen123: *follows Jhysmir* dark_conjurer: Shall we get moving now? dark_conjurer: I want to get to a ... certain place jhysmir96: We need supplies.... nsyncqueen123: I could always shift into a horse so you could ride, Simgar. dark_conjurer: Actually I was thinking of fogging there... dark_conjurer: I have plenty of the iribis root with me nsyncqueen123: I could get food along the way, no problem, Cimorene. What is it you need? dark_conjurer: Well...is anyone coming with me? nsyncqueen123: *shakes her head firmly* I don't think so. You've been through too much already. dark_conjurer: My body has...my mind hasn't dark_conjurer: My mind has taken a rest dark_conjurer: My body needs to recover jhysmir96: You might not have enough strength.... nsyncqueen123: And you could do that by riding. dark_conjurer: I have plenty of strength damn you! nsyncqueen123: *glares at Simgar* dark_conjurer: Now, if you will assist me to walk over there we can get going! jhysmir96: *Glances at jhysmir96: Shinketsu* dark_conjurer: Or are you going to doubt me and take the hard way? jhysmir96: If you tell me the transport spell, I could do it.... dark_conjurer: *Simgar looks away in frustration and pulls a flask from his cloak, drinking from it* nsyncqueen123: *walks behind a rock; moments later returns as a soft cream horse with her clothes in a pouch around her neck* dark_conjurer: *Puts the flask in his cloak and turns to Cimorene* dark_conjurer: Damn you Cimorene! nsyncqueen123: *nips at him* dark_conjurer: Spells require much more than words! dark_conjurer: No. jhysmir96: same to you..... dark_conjurer: Much more than words and gestures jhysmir96: Well, maybe if you showed me the spell, I would be able to do it. jhysmir96: I am a mage too.... dark_conjurer: No. You wouldn't. nsyncqueen123: dark_conjurer: How much of Elven descent are you? nsyncqueen123: dark_conjurer: None? jhysmir96: Who said only elves were magick oriented? jhysmir96: Others are too! dark_conjurer: Why must we ride more than 100 miles into some mountains instead of just instantly getting transported there dark_conjurer: I would like to see a human use an Elven spell on their first attempt! jhysmir96: *Turns around and begins to walk up the trail* nsyncqueen123: nsyncqueen123: dark_conjurer: You need not move when you are in a hot spring damnit! dark_conjurer: I wanted to go, put some healing herbs in, and relax for awhile jhysmir96: WHO SAID WE WERE IN A HOT SPRING???????? dark_conjurer: We aren't dark_conjurer: That is why I wanted to go there jhysmir96: AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! dark_conjurer: Damn you Cimorene nsyncqueen123: *snorts, then stomps her hooves impatiently* dark_conjurer: You can go wherever you want. jhysmir96: Damn you, Mr. high and mighty mage..... dark_conjurer: Thank you for the compliment, Cimorene. jhysmir96: *Disappears into the woods* dark_conjurer: Why do you want to take your way instead of mine, Shinketsu? dark_conjurer: Good. dark_conjurer: Leave! dark_conjurer: Be gone with you! dark_conjurer: If you *really* want me to then fine I will. nsyncqueen123: *gallops back behind the rock, and shifts back into a human, tears running down her face*No, forget it...I'm going back home... dark_conjurer: Fine then. dark_conjurer: I'll go off to my place and you go to yours. dark_conjurer: *Simgar closes his eyes and begins to chant something* dark_conjurer: *Simgar stops, and nothing happens* dark_conjurer: Damn. nsyncqueen123: *turns and scrambles up the rocks, looking once more at Simgar* dark_conjurer: Well I guess I'll be here jhysmir96: TOLD YOU SO!!!! jhysmir96: Wait up, Shinketsu. dark_conjurer: I'd like to see you get tossed about by a bunch of trolls jhysmir96: Go jump off a cliff.... dark_conjurer: *Looks at Cimorene* dark_conjurer: You know maybe I will. jhysmir96: *Scrambles up the rocks after Shinketsu* dark_conjurer: But you see I"m sort of stuck dark_conjurer: I can't walk jhysmir96: *Turns around, a smug smile on her face* nsyncqueen123: *looks from Simgar to Cimorene, then back again* dark_conjurer: *Simgar looks at his bandages and then to the ground* dark_conjurer: ...Thank you for helping me... dark_conjurer: I can't believe I'm doing this... jhysmir96: I suppose I can leave you some food.... dark_conjurer: *sighs* I...shouldn't have been so mean nsyncqueen123: *looks up suddenly, choking back a sob* dark_conjurer: It's just... dark_conjurer: I've been through alot recently and I"m sure you have too. dark_conjurer: If anyone I should've taken it out an myself dark_conjurer: Not you. dark_conjurer: *Simgar looks up to the sky and then to Shinketsu and Cimorene* dark_conjurer: But you can leave me here I should be fine for awhile dark_conjurer: And then I would just fog back somewhere jhysmir96: *Glances at Shinketsu* nsyncqueen123: I'm not leaving... jhysmir96: no.... dark_conjurer: ...You were going to. dark_conjurer: You were just going to leave me here jhysmir96: I should......but I'm not nsyncqueen123: *looks away, a single tear falling to the ground* dark_conjurer: I wasn't even kidnapped by Trolls either dark_conjurer: I set it up. dark_conjurer: It did have some wrong turns, yes. nsyncqueen123: *startled* Wha....What? jhysmir96: What???!! jhysmir96: Why? dark_conjurer: You weren't supposed to go this way dark_conjurer: You were supposed to go back. jhysmir96: Is there something you're not telling us? dark_conjurer: And then you would've either been killed or captured dark_conjurer: Oh yes. dark_conjurer: Oh yeah and Sirtax. dark_conjurer: Everything was set up. jhysmir96: Can you start from the beginning? dark_conjurer: Almost everything dark_conjurer: I don't know if I could.. jhysmir96: *slides down the rocks to the camp* nsyncqueen123: *backs up slowly, pressing herself against the rock wall* Simgar...What do you mean? dark_conjurer: I'm an assassin, in a way... jhysmir96: *quickly climbs up to where Shinketsu is* dark_conjurer: And right now, you're supposed to be dead or in some prison somewhere dark_conjurer: *Pulls his katana from his cloak* jhysmir96: What the hell are you talking about??? dark_conjurer: *Tosses it towards them, it sliding in front of their feet* But kill me now. jhysmir96: *Puts up a shield spell around the two girls* dark_conjurer: Kill me before you get killed. nsyncqueen123: Let me out, Cimorene. jhysmir96: *Reluctantly does so......8 jhysmir96: **** dark_conjurer: I'm not...not anymore dark_conjurer: That's why I look like the way I do now jhysmir96: Will you please explain????????? nsyncqueen123: *walks cautiously toward Simgar* Is there anyway we can escape...? dark_conjurer: I was going to carry out my orders and kill you. dark_conjurer: And they weren't trolls jhysmir96: Orders from who? dark_conjurer: I was "taken" from Trolls to a band of ... some other people dark_conjurer: I was the leader of them... dark_conjurer: I knew I couldn't kill you dark_conjurer: So...I tried to kill them jhysmir96: You.....you....betrayed us? dark_conjurer: I did, of course dark_conjurer: I was going to betray you yes.. nsyncqueen123: ...Why? dark_conjurer: One reason why Sirtax left jhysmir96: why.......? dark_conjurer: He found my plans and didn't like them dark_conjurer: I...had to kill him jhysmir96: *GASPS* dark_conjurer: Hopefully...Vorgath will understand dark_conjurer: That stuff he brought me dark_conjurer: PArt of the reward jhysmir96: For what? dark_conjurer: You. dark_conjurer: I have no idea why it's you jhysmir96: Did you become friends with us for this reward? dark_conjurer: *nods sadly* Yes... dark_conjurer: In the beginning, I was out to get Shinketsu nsyncqueen123: *falters, collapsing to the ground* All this time...I...never knew...Sirtax... *tears well up in her eyes* nsyncqueen123: *looks up suddenly* ...Why? dark_conjurer: *looks at her sadly, then looks away quickly* dark_conjurer: I do'nt know why. dark_conjurer: Then I met Cimorene here dark_conjurer: And then since it was 2 dragons and 2 people, the reward was upped alot dark_conjurer: Nearly doubled. nsyncqueen123: *wipes her eyes fiercely* So you took orders from someone for something you don't even know why you're doing? jhysmir96: Do these....people.....want us because of our magick? dark_conjurer: I needed and still need money... dark_conjurer: *shrugs* dark_conjurer: I am in debt....great debt dark_conjurer: From the Elves... jhysmir96: Are there others looking for us? nsyncqueen123: ...Money isn't everything...And I could have helped you...If I had only known... dark_conjurer: I thought, that if you knew I would get killed dark_conjurer: You would either kill me dark_conjurer: Or you would tell someoen who would kill me dark_conjurer: *someone dark_conjurer: Hopefully, they think I"m dead now, and they'll give it a rest dark_conjurer: But, otherwise, I"m a dead man. jhysmir96: But who were you taking orders from? dark_conjurer: Someone. jhysmir96: You don't know, or you're just not telling us? dark_conjurer: I'm...not telling you nsyncqueen123: *clambers over to him* Please...If we don't know, we can't help you... jhysmir96: *Motions for Shinketsu to come back up the mountain* dark_conjurer: You are afraid of me, aren't you?