Yahoo! Messenger: Conference nsyncqueen123-94051 started. Yahoo! Messenger: jhysmir96 has joined the conference. dark_conjurer: {Tired?} jhysmir96: {Who?} nsyncqueen123: *climbs over the rocks toward the caves, clutching the top of her dress* Cursed man-made thread...They don't make it like they used to...*tiptoes toward her room, being careful so as to not wake Simgar* nsyncqueen123: {Not really...} dark_conjurer: {Another "Apology Accepted"!!!!!!!!!!!!} jhysmir96: {Like a disease!} dark_conjurer: { something in the RPG please?} nsyncqueen123: *returns a moment later, wearing her signature skirt outfit and carrying the mountain lion skin dress* jhysmir96: *Cimorene walks out of her room toward the main cave* dark_conjurer: {I'm sorry,,,I believe we are outside} dark_conjurer: {*...} jhysmir96: {sorry, I missed the last rpg,and I'm not too sure...} dark_conjurer: {Well I *Thought* I clarified some of it before ....} dark_conjurer: [I said I was outside byt he fire} nsyncqueen123: {ANYWAY....} dark_conjurer: {And you were in your room} dark_conjurer: {Did I not say that?!} dark_conjurer: {DID I NOT SAY THAT!!!!} jhysmir96: {ummm...okay...I wasn't sure...} dark_conjurer: {!!!!!!} jhysmir96: {Yes, sorry...} dark_conjurer: {Again!} nsyncqueen123: {John, please...} dark_conjurer: {How can you not be sure if I said tha tI was byt he fire?} dark_conjurer: {What is there to -fine let us continue} jhysmir96: {no! John I don't want to start anything, so that is why I did not ask in the first place!} dark_conjurer: {I JUST SAID LET US CONTINUE!!!!!!!} jhysmir96: {okay!} dark_conjurer: {!!!!!!!} nsyncqueen123: {*sighs* Everyone...} dark_conjurer: {ARE......YOU...........BLIND????} dark_conjurer: {I try and do what you ask. But it does *not* matter to her} nsyncqueen123: {John, another outburst from you, and I'm leaving.} dark_conjurer: {I try and stop what I am saying and have us continue the RPG} jhysmir96: *Cimorene comes out of her room to join the others* dark_conjurer: {...Sorry} dark_conjurer: {No, really, I am} nsyncqueen123: {*nods* I understand you are.} jhysmir96: {its okay.} dark_conjurer: *Simgar turns over in his sleep, mumbling something about weapons* jhysmir96: *Cimorene looks around for Shinketsu* nsyncqueen123: *peers at him quizzically, then dismisses the thought from her mind and continues to sew on her dress* jhysmir96: hello, Shinketsu. nsyncqueen123: *looks up* Why, hello Cimorene. jhysmir96: *Sits down next to the fire* nsyncqueen123: *glances over* It's about to go out...Think you could revive it? dark_conjurer: *rolls over again, cloak next to the embers* jhysmir96: Sure, if Simgars cloak doesn't first... nsyncqueen123: *smiles slightly, absorbed in her work* dark_conjurer: {This is my last resort!!!!} jhysmir96: *Walks toward the woods to collect some more wood* jhysmir96: {for the emails?} dark_conjurer: *Simgar sits up, startles, eyes open and knife in hand* dark_conjurer: {No, the song} dark_conjurer: *startled dark_conjurer: *glances around nervously and replaces his knife* dark_conjurer: *stands up and stretches* Everything been fine? nsyncqueen123: *cuts her thread, then fans out her dress, examining it* For the most part... jhysmir96: *Cimorene returns with some wood* jhysmir96: *Puts the wood on the fire* dark_conjurer: *steps back* Cimorene? dark_conjurer: You're...not...ill? jhysmir96: Uhh...Shinketsu, what are you going to do with that dress? jhysmir96: *Looks toward Simgar* jhysmir96: No, I'm fine... dark_conjurer: *surprised* Oh. I thought you were...ill nsyncqueen123: Wear it, of course. What were you thinking? It's not like I can do anything else with it... jhysmir96: I had a cold... dark_conjurer: That's it?! jhysmir96: {hey, it was an excuse!} dark_conjurer: *looks around nervously* ...I thought it was...more serious than that. jhysmir96: Why are you so nervous? dark_conjurer: *mutters something under his breath* dark_conjurer: I am not nervous! jhysmir96: alright.... dark_conjurer: I just...thought you were very ill.... nsyncqueen123: *stares at Simgar* What on earth are you talking about, Simgar? jhysmir96: *understanding comes into her eyes* dark_conjurer: *produces a pouch from his cloak and smells the contents, dropping the pouch and cringing away from it afterwards* jhysmir96: *dismisses the thought* dark_conjurer: Wrong...pouch. dark_conjurer: *grumbles* jhysmir96: You weren't going to poison me, were you?! dark_conjurer: *picks up the pouch and throws it into the fire, flames burning brighter* jhysmir96: Or did you already try....? dark_conjurer: Well I accidentally switched the got lucky dark_conjurer: *turns around* Kill me if you wish...I am only a threat to you. jhysmir96: hm. jhysmir96: I thought we were safe with you... nsyncqueen123: *blinks hard* Simgar...You tried to...poison Cimorene? dark_conjurer: *turns around* You could call it that, yes. nsyncqueen123: ...Why? dark_conjurer: ...never mind, it's over now nsyncqueen123: Tell me. Please. dark_conjurer: No, I'm fine now...I need no more money dark_conjurer: I can get plenty of money in ... other ways jhysmir96: Then why do you want to get rid of me? dark_conjurer: Second easiest target. jhysmir96: Who is the first? dark_conjurer: But...I will get money from other sources dark_conjurer: *looks over at Shinketsu* Easiest, yet the hardest. jhysmir96: *sighs* dark_conjurer: So easy to just be a back-stabber. So hard to actually do that nsyncqueen123: *looks at him, hurt, a moment longer, then speaks hesitatingly* ...Perhaps I should leave then...if it will make your life easier... dark_conjurer: Nothing can make my life easier. dark_conjurer: Except, maybe death. jhysmir96: But there isn't any reason for it. dark_conjurer: *turns away, walking towards the entrance* I need a walk.. jhysmir96: *sighs, and sits down next to Shinketsu* dark_conjurer: *turns around* Has anyone seen Vorgath? nsyncqueen123: *shakes her head absentmindedly* jhysmir96: I haven't seen Jhysmir either... dark_conjurer: *a wide grin appears on Simgar's face* jhysmir96: You haven jhysmir96: 't, have you???? dark_conjurer: Is anyone still up to go that library? dark_conjurer: If, in fact, you could call it a library nsyncqueen123: *sighs heavily, then picks up her dress and heads toward her room* No... dark_conjurer: I think there is something in there that may have some use to us.... dark_conjurer: Oh? dark_conjurer: Then I shall go myself. dark_conjurer: I would wish for Vorgath to be large enough to fly me around in a few days. I'm sure Cimorene would appreciate that also dark_conjurer: But I do not know if it still even exists... nsyncqueen123: *turns around slowly* Wait...Is that what would be of use to us? dark_conjurer: It would be of use to me, perhaps Cimorene dark_conjurer: *also jhysmir96: What is it? nsyncqueen123: Why could you not use Ryujinn? Or even me, in a dragon-shifted form? dark_conjurer: How would you like it if Jhysmir was large and strong enough to fly around? jhysmir96: You can't shift into an immortal.... dark_conjurer: Because then I could go my own way, or have my own transportation... jhysmir96: You would never be able to turn back. nsyncqueen123: Ryujinn is not an immortal. jhysmir96: Dragons are immortals. nsyncqueen123: Not necessarily. dark_conjurer: {Then how did Draco die then?!} dark_conjurer: {If dragons were immortal then Draco would still be alive!} nsyncqueen123: {Exactamente.} dark_conjurer: {*grins*} jhysmir96: {READ THE IMMORTALS SERIES!!!!!} dark_conjurer: {Every author has a different view on things} nsyncqueen123: {That is but one series of hundreds.} nsyncqueen123: {It is not the all-knowing source...None are.} dark_conjurer: {Just because something is written and published, does not mean it is true.} jhysmir96: {This one does a good job with explaining the shape shifting thing...} jhysmir96: {you really should read it.....} nsyncqueen123: {Anyway...} dark_conjurer: {Even if it is fiction-truth} nsyncqueen123: {Continue, please...?} dark_conjurer: {A quien hablas?} nsyncqueen123: {To who are you talking...?} jhysmir96: {yes, continue} dark_conjurer: {To whom is the continue directed to, and in which reality} dark_conjurer: *? nsyncqueen123: {Continue in the RPG, to both of you...} nsyncqueen123: Not all dragons are immortals. Some are, some aren't. It depends. jhysmir96: Still, I think it would be impossible for you to shift into one without getting stuck. nsyncqueen123: {Kate is on...She can't do much right now if she's going to RPG...So whatever you guys think.} nsyncqueen123: Oh really? Why do you say that? dark_conjurer: But, as you wish I shall journey alone. You two can stay here and do whatever you want as you want to do. dark_conjurer: I am going to find it. And when I do, if I do, I will use it. nsyncqueen123: *looks at Simgar* How long will you be? dark_conjurer: Well, first I have to go all the way there jhysmir96: It's really hard to explain the dragon shifting thing... dark_conjurer: Then, I have to search for the entrance dark_conjurer: Then search for it, itself dark_conjurer: Then return dark_conjurer: A week or so, I suppose... nsyncqueen123: *nods to Simgar, then turns back to Cimorene* How would you know, Cimorene? You are not a shapeshifter. jhysmir96: *rolls her eyes* jhysmir96: I like to read... dark_conjurer: You are not a mage, yet you must know something about magick. jhysmir96: and I grew up with a library....nearby. jhysmir96: I am a Mage!!! dark_conjurer: I am talking to Shinketsu.. jhysmir96: oh... jhysmir96: sorry. nsyncqueen123: Whatever do you mean, Simgar? dark_conjurer: Just because you are not something does not mean you have to know nothing about it. dark_conjurer: That may be why she thinks what she does, because with whatever information she has, she has based that on it. nsyncqueen123: {Kate RPGing? Yea or nay?} dark_conjurer: Experience is better though. dark_conjurer: {I have no preference...whichever she feels like doing} dark_conjurer: {Actually, yes. We need to see the 4 people thing} jhysmir96: {yes...} Yahoo! Messenger: itzabreeze12 has joined the conference. dark_conjurer: {You advise her on our position} nsyncqueen123: {Me?!} dark_conjurer: {Of course!} jhysmir96: *Cimorene looks startled* jhysmir96: What is that noise? dark_conjurer: {Copy and paste in a separate window} jhysmir96: {nani?} itzabreeze12: {um...what's going on?} dark_conjurer: *grins* My stomach. I need food. dark_conjurer: {Never mind} dark_conjurer: {You nae not know} jhysmir96: *Crinkles her forehead* dark_conjurer: {She would not know in RL} dark_conjurer: {She can figure it out} jhysmir96: What was that noise, in the woods? dark_conjurer: Could it animal perhaps? jhysmir96: *Shurgs* dark_conjurer: Cimorene, really. Use some common sense. jhysmir96: {I haven't met naylith yet, remember?] dark_conjurer: {I know....} nsyncqueen123: *pulls out her dagger* Want me to check it out? jhysmir96: Nevermind... jhysmir96: Did you say you were hungry? dark_conjurer: Very hungry... nsyncqueen123: *points toward the frozen deer meat* Over there, Cimorene and Simgar... dark_conjurer: Exactly my thoughts. dark_conjurer: It's in the large room, Cimorene jhysmir96: *Begins to pull pots and food from a sack, and then begins to cook the meat* dark_conjurer: {What the hell?!} jhysmir96: *after getting it from the big room* dark_conjurer: {You need to get the meat before you cook it} dark_conjurer: {No, that won't cut it} jhysmir96: {sorry} jhysmir96: {trying} dark_conjurer: {It's not like poof and it's there...most of the time} itzabreeze12: {except in my case} jhysmir96: {*sweatdrops begin running down her forehead*} jhysmir96: [sorry! jhysmir96: ***} dark_conjurer: {Well still she just can't get the meat from one room, through solid rock into her hands without doing anything} jhysmir96: {Okay...} dark_conjurer: {And I could've easily yelled, but I have not.} nsyncqueen123: {Thank you.} jhysmir96: *Cimorene walks into the cave and returns with the deer meat* dark_conjurer: {*nods* That's why I didn't} jhysmir96: {yes, thanks for your patience...} jhysmir96: *Brings it to the fire and begans to roast it* Yahoo! Messenger: jhysmir96's status is now "Greetings from Cimorene and Jhysmir." (12/09/2000 at 10:25 PM) dark_conjurer: {Normally, I probably would've pressed caps lock and yelled, followed by alot of exclamation marks) itzabreeze12: *runs out of the woods* dark_conjurer: {But I need to stop doing that, hmm?} jhysmir96: *Screams* itzabreeze12: *screams* jhysmir96: What is that!!!!!????????? dark_conjurer: *Turns his head to the forest* Naylith?! jhysmir96: What??? dark_conjurer: Centaur...can be more annoying than you, Cimorene. jhysmir96: Would someone explain??? itzabreeze12: hey! nsyncqueen123: *laughs* That's Naylith, our forest friend. jhysmir96: *rolls her eyes* jhysmir96: thanks... dark_conjurer: That is an explanation in itself itzabreeze12: *pants* jhysmir96: oh...I've never met a centaur before... dark_conjurer: That's because some of us have killed them off... dark_conjurer: *stretches slightly* itzabreeze12: And it's about to happen again jhysmir96: oh.... jhysmir96: Anyway, I'm Cimorene... nsyncqueen123: *turns the side of her head toward the forest, narrowing her eyes in concentration* Call of nature...Literally. Wolf cub is hurt...I'm needed. I'll be back... *slides down the side of the mountain, darting through the forest* jhysmir96: and your...Naylith, right? dark_conjurer: You think about killing me or Shinketsu you are dead 20 times over and sent to eternal fire. itzabreeze12: yeah jhysmir96: What about me? dark_conjurer: You seem to have gotten off on a good start. itzabreeze12: I would do no such thing. Besides, that's your line of work jhysmir96: that right, you want me dead... jhysmir96: ***thats dark_conjurer: I never said that...even though I made an attempt and failed jhysmir96: *Shrugs* dark_conjurer: That is in the past. jhysmir96: *Returns to cooking* itzabreeze12: An evil mage has found our village. dark_conjurer: Who? jhysmir96: *Jumps up* itzabreeze12: I don't know itzabreeze12: It happened so fast dark_conjurer: What is the description? dark_conjurer: And what happened? jhysmir96: It seems as if more and more mages are turning evil these days... dark_conjurer: Power does that to you. dark_conjurer: Not to me, it doesn't dark_conjurer: I feel no remorse for deathes itzabreeze12: I was about to go hunt and a small, frail looking man entered our village and we had to flee. jhysmir96: How did you know he was evil? dark_conjurer: Your forest magick didn't protect you this time! itzabreeze12: He began to use dark magic and some of us were trapped dark_conjurer: To hell with talking pinecones and magick rocks. dark_conjurer: You see an intruder and have someone kill them. dark_conjurer: Simple. jhysmir96: *Looks at John* itzabreeze12: He must have studied for many years to learn our ways. jhysmir96: What can we do about it? dark_conjurer: Absolutely nothing. jhysmir96: ****Simgar itzabreeze12: Half of my people are dead dark_conjurer: You never step in an assassin's way dark_conjurer: An a assassin sorceror....even worse dark_conjurer: *An assassin jhysmir96: *turns back to the food* dark_conjurer: Interfere and be sure to suffer a fate far worse than death. jhysmir96: Ready. Would you like some Naylith? itzabreeze12: Sure. dark_conjurer: How short was he? jhysmir96: If her village is destroyed, couldn't she stay in the cave with us? dark_conjurer: A little shorter than Cimorene? jhysmir96: *Hands out the food to Naylith and Simgar* itzabreeze12: Much shorter itzabreeze12: Thank you dark_conjurer: *starts eating the food* itzabreeze12: *eats slowly* dark_conjurer: Hmm... dark_conjurer: Much shorter, hmm? jhysmir96: *begins eating* dark_conjurer: White facial hair? itzabreeze12: Do you know anything? itzabreeze12: Yes! dark_conjurer: *grins slowly* dark_conjurer: Weakling. jhysmir96: Someone you know? itzabreeze12: Tell me. dark_conjurer: It just so happens that he is talented at a few spells. dark_conjurer: No, a generalization. dark_conjurer: He's an Eastlander. jhysmir96: ah. dark_conjurer: All Eastlanders are weak. dark_conjurer: Short and white facial hair... itzabreeze12: Then it must be another for this man was not weak dark_conjurer: Maybe due to his being old dark_conjurer: No, he is weak. dark_conjurer: Clever and skilled in a few spells. dark_conjurer: That's how it works with them Eastlanders. dark_conjurer: Most of the time jhysmir96: {Them eastlanders?} nsyncqueen123: *returns, carrying a dark bundle pressed against her chest, and clambers up the rocks, sweating hard* was awful...the wolves...the power...the death... dark_conjurer: He poses no threat as long as you have something to neutralize magic. dark_conjurer: {Ah. *the} itzabreeze12: As I ran he destroyed everything we had created in one spell. Only true and difficult dark magic could have done that. jhysmir96: Whats the matter? dark_conjurer: {Thank you I didn't see that} jhysmir96: What is that Shinketsu? dark_conjurer: *looks over quickly at Shinketsu* dark_conjurer: What happened? dark_conjurer: Or he may not be an Eastlander. dark_conjurer: He just may be a short, old being itzabreeze12: short, old, evil mage itzabreeze12: If I were to be polite about it jhysmir96: {The fat sister song!} dark_conjurer: {?} itzabreeze12: {huh?} dark_conjurer: {Oh yeah!} jhysmir96: {All star} itzabreeze12: {are you on Chase's page?} jhysmir96: {radio.} nsyncqueen123: *stutters, overcome with fear and emotion* I...had just arrived to care for the pup...Met the pack, was just leaving when I saw two figures arrive, male and female...They...killed the wolves...using magick... dark_conjurer: What?! itzabreeze12: Who? jhysmir96: Something is wrong... dark_conjurer: All these one area... dark_conjurer: Not a good sign. itzabreeze12: Perhaps they are one and the same nsyncqueen123: *swallows, then continues* save myself and the pup...but barely...I looked back briefly...And they looked at me...*winces* jhysmir96: We need to do something.... jhysmir96: before it is too late... dark_conjurer: We need to go to that library I was talking about dark_conjurer: Total protection there nsyncqueen123: Their dark_conjurer: Total protection from magick. dark_conjurer: And then we can kill off any intruders dark_conjurer: They are here for some purpose itzabreeze12: Nothing is protected from the darkest magick dark_conjurer: *shakes his head* dark_conjurer: The Faerie magick. jhysmir96: When are we going to leave? dark_conjurer: The very old Faerie magick. dark_conjurer: Such as the place I am talking about dark_conjurer: If I am correct, it is. itzabreeze12: If they can get our village they can break into any faerie library nsyncqueen123: *the bundle whimpers softly, and Shinketsu nuzzles against its pitch black fur, cooing softly* It's all right, little one... jhysmir96: *offers food to Shinketsu* dark_conjurer: I doubt that. nsyncqueen123: *takes a small portion and attempts to hand-feed the pup* dark_conjurer: The Faerie magick created this world! Nothing is stronger than that! dark_conjurer: Nothing! itzabreeze12: But the magick that can destroy it jhysmir96: If we are going to get to the library, we need to leave as soon as possible. dark_conjurer: *shakes his head* If you wish to argue then argue with your pinecones. I have no use for your foolishness. I am leaving before dawn. dark_conjurer: *Simgar walks into his room to gather his few belongings* itzabreeze12: Our pinecines are destroyed. Besides, it would be a onesided arguement. itzabreeze12: They don't know how to argue nsyncqueen123: *the pup nibbles on the deer meet, and Shinketsu carefully rises* I'm going with him... jhysmir96: *Cimorene begins to clean up the cooking supplies* itzabreeze12: I have no other choice, do I? jhysmir96: I'm going too. itzabreeze12: I will go dark_conjurer: *Simgar walks back out* You have plenty of choice, Naylith jhysmir96: *Goes to her room to gather her belongings* dark_conjurer: You can stay here, thinking that this place offers no protection and most likely be killed dark_conjurer: Or you can flee and be killed eventually itzabreeze12: Like what? Stay here and await certain death or go to the library and maybe die. dark_conjurer: Or you can go with us and die a natural death. dark_conjurer: Unless you fall off a cliff. dark_conjurer: Or something falls upon you dark_conjurer: Or I kill you. dark_conjurer: Other than that it is safe there. jhysmir96: *Walks back out* dark_conjurer: *Drops his sack on the ground* itzabreeze12: I am coming with you dark_conjurer: I have all of my things right here. dark_conjurer: How are you going to manage, Naylith? nsyncqueen123: *securely sheathes her dagger, then gathers her few supplies, placing them in her small pouch* itzabreeze12: I have nothing but my spear and empty sack jhysmir96: What is the best way to go, without being noticed? dark_conjurer: How are you going to manage passing through caves and crevices and such. dark_conjurer: *Simgar points up* Dragons. jhysmir96: *Looks up* itzabreeze12: *Looks* jhysmir96: *smiles* itzabreeze12: Wow jhysmir96: Jhysmir! dark_conjurer: We use dragons. Then hike the rest of the way. jhysmir96: dark_conjurer: Too bad Jhysmir can't carry us. Nor Vorgath, for that matter nsyncqueen123: *trots back to her room, then appears a moment later with a larger pouch around her waist* Can you call Ryujinn, Simgar? dark_conjurer: *Simgar closes his eyes momentarily, apparently calling Ryujinn and Vorgath* jhysmir96: Shinketsu, Jhysmir and Vorgath are twice our size...why can't we ride them? jhysmir96: *Calls Jhysmir, silently* nsyncqueen123: {Vorgath is not that large yet...Neither is Jhysmir.} dark_conjurer: {Another reason we are going where we are} jhysmir96: {*sighs* just asking.....} nsyncqueen123: {Vorgath is approximately, judging by age, up to Simgar's waist...And Jhysmir is as tall as Simgar.} jhysmir96: {Really? I thought they were at least taller than me.....} itzabreeze12: {dang} jhysmir96: {darn.} dark_conjurer: {It takes years for a human to grow full-size. How do you expect something with many times more life expectancy to grow faster?} dark_conjurer: {*years of life} nsyncqueen123: *Ryujinn flaps fiercely, precariously landing on the edge of the outcropping* jhysmir96: {well, years go by faster for dragons...} itzabreeze12: { C and I need to start a dragon illiterate fan club} jhysmir96: [Definately!!} nsyncqueen123: {Ryujinn ages approximately 10 years for every one human year.} jhysmir96: *Jhysmir looks at the space for landing* jhysmir96: itzabreeze12: *backs up, awed* jhysmir96: dark_conjurer: *Vorgath lands on the top of a small peak* itzabreeze12: A reunion? dark_conjurer: *Vorgath swoops down and lands nearby* nsyncqueen123: Should I travel by paw, Simgar? That will allow more room on Ryujinn... jhysmir96: *Jhysmir spots a small area next to Ryujinn* jhysmir96: *Lands carefully* dark_conjurer: dark_conjurer: {Stupid keyboard} dark_conjurer: {Heh....yeah right} dark_conjurer: {Stupid me} nsyncqueen123: *Ryujinn shifts nervously* itzabreeze12: Sorry jhysmir96: {Mine is very annoying...It doesn't pull out...} nsyncqueen123: {Do shut up, John...You are not stupid.} jhysmir96: {Yet......} dark_conjurer: {For the errors, for the errors....} dark_conjurer: {I am not saying I am stupid. I am saying I am stupid for those minor errors} nsyncqueen123: {I asked Simgar a question, John...} nsyncqueen123: {yes, yes, whatever...} dark_conjurer: No, you should be able to ride Ryujinn... dark_conjurer: How is Naylith going to be transported? nsyncqueen123: *shrugs, then climbs atop Ryujinn* I truthfully do not know. dark_conjurer: I feel uncomfortable fogging us there...that is why I want to use dragons. nsyncqueen123: {I need to go at 11:30...} dark_conjurer: But, I can fog to the...previous spot jhysmir96: {my parents aren't home.*grins* jhysmir96: } dark_conjurer: We must travel afoot from there though. dark_conjurer: {Then I leave at that time, also} jhysmir96: *Collects her belongings and the food supplies* nsyncqueen123: ...Previous spot? Do you mean...? dark_conjurer: Oh you do remember, don't you? jhysmir96: *Climbs onto Ryujinn* dark_conjurer: The spot where I found you, so to speak. jhysmir96: Are you coming Jhysmir? dark_conjurer: {Should we cut it here so we can have time later? Or hope we have plenty of time later} jhysmir96: nsyncqueen123: {Doesn't matter to me...} itzabreeze12: {huh?} dark_conjurer: {Because I see this as a good oppurtunity to stop.} jhysmir96: {yes...} dark_conjurer: {Without getting too incredibly involved} jhysmir96: {I agree...} nsyncqueen123: {All right then.} itzabreeze12: {ok...*sighs*} dark_conjurer: We will spend one last night here, as a rememberance. nsyncqueen123: {Save it, Kojiro-kun...} dark_conjurer: The rising sun marks our leaving. jhysmir96: {Are we ever going back to the hot springs?} dark_conjurer: {I do believe we are there....} dark_conjurer: {Hot springs/cave...same thing} itzabreeze12: {can someone tell me the website where I can read all this?} nsyncqueen123: *drops from Ryujinn's back* Very well... nsyncqueen123: {Not up yet...} jhysmir96: {After we go to the library} jhysmir96: *Slides off8 jhysmir96: ***** dark_conjurer: I am going to burn the rest of the wood now.. jhysmir96: Are we coming back here, after we go to the library? dark_conjurer: I am also going to stand guard tonight, while everybody sleeps dark_conjurer: Possibly, I do not know. dark_conjurer: Time will tell. itzabreeze12: I cannot sleep this close to the village dark_conjurer: Sleep inside then. nsyncqueen123: I will stay out here with the cub and Simgar...You can take my room, Naylith. itzabreeze12: No... I mean I won't be able to fall asleep tonight. jhysmir96: {Brooke!} nsyncqueen123: {What?!} dark_conjurer: Does anybody deem it necessary for a guard? Or should I just sleep? dark_conjurer: Take some herbs...that will help. itzabreeze12: You should sleep. If anyone guards, I will. jhysmir96: {I will sleep out here with the cub and Simgar.....} dark_conjurer: {Do not be a pervert} jhysmir96: {*grins} nsyncqueen123: {It says 'stay', hentai...} itzabreeze12: {C, shut up!} jhysmir96: {JJJJJJJJJJJ////////////////////////kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk jhysmir96: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!}}}}}}}} nsyncqueen123: {Anyway...} jhysmir96: *grins* jhysmir96: yells "Hey Kool Aid!" and crashes into a brick wall nsyncqueen123: {What are you doing?} jhysmir96: {going crazy} dark_conjurer: {Nobody guards. Naylith, you take some herbs. Cimorene, burn the rest of the wood. Shinketsu is staying with the cub, and I am going to pack everything. nsyncqueen123: {We are still in the RPG, baka.} dark_conjurer: Afterwards, we sleep. dark_conjurer: You pack. dark_conjurer: I'll burn the wood. dark_conjurer: *Simgar walks over to the woodpile, grabs a few logs, and places them in the fire, repeating the process* itzabreeze12: *walks away to get herbs* dark_conjurer: *then repeats jhysmir96: *Cimorene digs into her pack for some herbs* jhysmir96: I have some! itzabreeze12: Thanks. jhysmir96: *hands them to her* nsyncqueen123: *sidles up beside Simgar, softly stroking the ball of fur on her lap* itzabreeze12: *takes herbs* dark_conjurer: Now what are you going to do with that little cub? jhysmir96: *Sits down next to the gigantic blaze* nsyncqueen123: *looks down and smiles slightly* I don't know...I just might have to adopt it... dark_conjurer: Don't get too close now, Cimorene *grins evilly* nsyncqueen123: *smile disappears* After all...It has no family now... jhysmir96: *Backs away a few inches* itzabreeze12: *laughs* jhysmir96: *Glares* itzabreeze12: What?! dark_conjurer: *Simgar gestures at the fire, and a burning log rolls next to Cimorene* jhysmir96: AHHH! jhysmir96: *Jumps up* nsyncqueen123: *smiles weakly* itzabreeze12: You're worse than me and him! itzabreeze12: *laughs* jhysmir96: Watch it.... dark_conjurer: *laughes at Cimorene, then motions at the log and it is extinguished* jhysmir96: I do know fire protection spells... itzabreeze12: Too bad. I do. dark_conjurer: *gestures at the fire and relaxes some* dark_conjurer: You can add extra protection if you so wish to... jhysmir96: *Sits back down a few more inches away* itzabreeze12: That's ok. dark_conjurer: *exhales deeply, and closes his eyes* nsyncqueen123: *hums an old forest lullaby softly to the pup* dark_conjurer: Enjoy's probably going to be the nicest one we'll experience in a while.. itzabreeze12: *folds legs and rests* itzabreeze12: Are you trying to scare me? jhysmir96: *Lays back and stares into the fire* dark_conjurer: *whispering to Shinketsu* You know I could put him to sleep, if you want me to.. dark_conjurer: No, not at all. nsyncqueen123: *shakes her head slightly* No, that's fine...He's being a perfect little angel anyway... dark_conjurer: Well...we wouldn't want the little critter waking up and tearing your face off... nsyncqueen123: *smiles* Don't worry about that...It seems I'm his mother now, and I think he knows it... dark_conjurer: Let's hope so. dark_conjurer: {AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!} nsyncqueen123: {What?} dark_conjurer: {It's Barney!!!!!!!} dark_conjurer: {The ad!!! It's Barney!!!!} nsyncqueen123: {*arches her eyebrow*} jhysmir96: {on TV? at this time?} dark_conjurer: [He's going to hug me!!!!!} dark_conjurer: {On the top of the conference!!!!} itzabreeze12: {what the freak?!} jhysmir96: {Living nightmare...} dark_conjurer: {AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!} dark_conjurer: Everybody, I hope you rest well. jhysmir96: {Mine is something about savings for trips} nsyncqueen123: {Mine is Shutterfly...} itzabreeze12: {mine is get Yahoo!} nsyncqueen123: *kisses Simgar softly* You too, dearest. dark_conjurer: *whispering* Especially you, my love...*kisses her gently and then gets in a position to fall asleep*