Yahoo! Messenger: Conference nsyncqueen123-111846 started. nsyncqueen123: *carefully lifts the wolf and places it between herself and Simgar, lying down across from him, continuing to softly pet the pup* Simgar...? dark_conjurer: Yeah..I'm still awake.. nsyncqueen123: Okay...*looks down at the pup* What should we name him? dark_conjurer: Hmm... dark_conjurer: I don't know... nsyncqueen123: Perhaps we should think one up later...*smiles* dark_conjurer: Nobody said we had to stay here tonight...*smiles* nsyncqueen123: *once again moves the pup, this time gently switching positions with it, and nuzzles against Simgar's chest* Oh really...? dark_conjurer: *smiles* We could go anywhere... dark_conjurer: Anywhere you wanted to go, we could... nsyncqueen123: *whispers sensually* Maybe later...When we have more time on our hands... dark_conjurer: *slightly disappointed* That is somewhat true.. nsyncqueen123: *smiles and kisses him* Oh, do lighten up. We at least have the present time together. dark_conjurer: *smiles* Yes...but I don't feel comfortable around all these people... nsyncqueen123: True...but what can they possibly do? dark_conjurer: Nothing. dark_conjurer: I just don't like being around people... nsyncqueen123: Well, we'll be fine for now...At least we have eachother... dark_conjurer: *kisses her* Yes..we do... nsyncqueen123: *smiles and presses herself closer to him* dark_conjurer: *closes his eyes and half-yawns* dark_conjurer: Strange...knowing that this may be the last time we see this place in a while.. dark_conjurer: Ah well. nsyncqueen123: *turns around, still close against his body, and begins to pet the cub again, stopping its soft wimpering* ...What are we going to do with the assassins? dark_conjurer: Escape, of course... dark_conjurer: Isn't that why we're leaving? dark_conjurer: They can't track us once we are inside... nsyncqueen123: Are we not going to try and attack them? dark_conjurer: No. nsyncqueen123: Why not? dark_conjurer: Three of them... dark_conjurer: If they try and attack us we will. dark_conjurer: But there's no use now nsyncqueen123: But...what about Naylith's village, and the wolf pack? dark_conjurer: Obstacles in their way. dark_conjurer: They're looking for something, and are clearing everything in their way. dark_conjurer: I'm hoping that one of us aren't what they are looking for nsyncqueen123: They saw me...They probably could have killed me...But they didn't...Perhaps they aren't looking for us... dark_conjurer: There's a reason nsyncqueen123: Unless they don't know I'm part of your company...And that you were supposed to kill me...*pauses* Wait, could they be looking for you? dark_conjurer: That is the main reason I want to leave... dark_conjurer: I stand no chance with three of them dark_conjurer: One of them, yes, I would. nsyncqueen123: I...don't want you to die... dark_conjurer: ..I don't want to worry about this now...I can worry later...*turns her around and kisses her* nsyncqueen123: *curls up against him, closing her eyes* I love you, Simgar... dark_conjurer: *smiles* I love you too... nsyncqueen123: *opens her eyes slowly* What is your plan, once we get to the library? dark_conjurer: Find a way to live there, and then look around dark_conjurer: Assuming we get in nsyncqueen123: *nods, yawning* Okay... dark_conjurer: *kisses her again* Good night, Shinketsu.. nsyncqueen123: *kisses him back, then closes her eyes, drifting steadily into sleep* Good night, Simgar-sama... nsyncqueen123: {Save it...}