Yahoo! Messenger: Conference itzabreeze12-95729 started. Yahoo! Messenger: nsyncqueen123 has joined the conference. itzabreeze12: *Arrives outside the cave* itzabreeze12: Hello? itzabreeze12: *Walks inside and hears a rustling in a room* Shinketsu? Simgar? nsyncqueen123: *Shukuen appears in the corridor* itzabreeze12: Hey there... nsyncqueen123: *Shukuen looks up at Naylith, then suddenly barks* itzabreeze12: Shhhh! itzabreeze12: *Peeks into the room and jumps* nsyncqueen123: *Shinketsu stirs, still asleep, and tightens her grip on a silver rose* nsyncqueen123: *Shukuen barks again, then howls* itzabreeze12: *Turns to leave and accidentally crunches some gravel* itzabreeze12: Shhh! dark_conjurer: *looks up, surprised* nsyncqueen123: *Ryujinn opens one eye warily, spotting Naylith* itzabreeze12: *Ducks out of sight* dark_conjurer: *nudges her gently* itzabreeze12: *Looks back into the room* nsyncqueen123: *Shinketsu awakens, her eyes fluttering open* Simgar...? Naylith...? itzabreeze12: I should leave... nsyncqueen123: Why? itzabreeze12: *Glances at Simgar who is awake* itzabreeze12: Nevermind dark_conjurer: No...why? itzabreeze12: It doesn't matter... dark_conjurer: *lowers his head back down* Whatever you say... nsyncqueen123: Are you sure, Naylith? itzabreeze12: I can leave if you wish... nsyncqueen123: I don't mind... nsyncqueen123: *looks up* Where is Cimorene? itzabreeze12: She met an ailing relative in the village... She should be back in a day or two... nsyncqueen123: Okay...So what made you come back? itzabreeze12: I had nothing else to do... nsyncqueen123: Stay, if you want...I honestly don't mind. nsyncqueen123: There's food over by the hot springs...Pork and venison... nsyncqueen123: You can have my old room to sleep in... itzabreeze12: I just meant that if you wished me to leave this room I would... nsyncqueen123: Oh... nsyncqueen123: If you wish, go ahead... nsyncqueen123: Unless you have more to say... itzabreeze12: I don't think so... *turns to leave* itzabreeze12: *walks to the opening and goes out* Yahoo! Messenger: itzabreeze12 has left the conference. nsyncqueen123: *settles back down next to Simgar* dark_conjurer: *smiles and gently kisses her* nsyncqueen123: *plays with her rose, running her finger along its petals* dark_conjurer: It won't wilt, or anything...just like love won't... nsyncqueen123: *smiles* Again, thank you... dark_conjurer: So..what are we going to do with Naylith? nsyncqueen123: What do you mean? dark_conjurer: Well she's probably outside..waiting nsyncqueen123: *smiles* Well, she can continue to wait... dark_conjurer: *smiles back* nsyncqueen123: *checks her wound briefly* I think I'm more ways than one. dark_conjurer: *smiles* That's a good thing.. nsyncqueen123: *nods* I know... nsyncqueen123: *sits up and turns to face him* Let me see your hand...I need to check on it. dark_conjurer: *raises his hand and holds it out* It was a bit deeper than yours... nsyncqueen123: *gently takes it, looking it over* That I can see... nsyncqueen123: *opens a small jar of healing herbal ointment, rubbing some slowly onto his hand* You know...I either need a new cloth or I need to wash my old one... dark_conjurer: ..Are you sure it's going to be fine in the open like that...? nsyncqueen123: *looks down at him slyly* I thought you didn't like bandages... dark_conjurer: ..I don't dark_conjurer: ..if you think it needs one then...I'll wear it nsyncqueen123: *pulls out some gauze and wraps it around his hand* I won't put too much on...That way it won't be as noticeable. dark_conjurer: *looks away from his hand* Will it really help that much though? nsyncqueen123: It will help keep bacteria out better...Less chance of infection. Especially with that deep of a wound. dark_conjurer: *moves his fingers on his hand slightly* dark_conjurer: Can't..move them all the way. dark_conjurer: Ah well. dark_conjurer: Well...what do you want to do? nsyncqueen123: *lies back down, facing him* I don't know...Have any ideas? dark_conjurer: ..I don't know either nsyncqueen123: You hungry? Tired? Bored? Wanting an adventure? dark_conjurer: ..last time I had an 'adventure' we ended up here... dark_conjurer: We ate a few hours ago.. dark_conjurer: I'm not bored right now...but I *do* feel like doing something.. dark_conjurer: we need any supplies or anything? nsyncqueen123: Not anything I can think of... dark_conjurer: Maybe we should see why Naylith really came here.. nsyncqueen123: Or not... dark_conjurer: Oh? nsyncqueen123: Come now, must everything you do be so serious? dark_conjurer: Well, what do *you* want to do, Shinketsu? nsyncqueen123: I want to do something relaxing... nsyncqueen123: Something together... dark_conjurer: Such as...? nsyncqueen123: Something that is actually an activity, but doesn't require much effort...Like a walk in the woods... dark_conjurer: Hm. If you want to then we shall be off. nsyncqueen123: Well, either that, or the hot springs... dark_conjurer: *smiles* I like that idea.. nsyncqueen123: *smiles back* Then go ahead and jump in. dark_conjurer: *rises slowly, stretching* dark_conjurer: *picks up his cloak and walks out, pausing* You coming? nsyncqueen123: *smiles and stands up* Of course. dark_conjurer: *walks out and drops his cloak on the ground and slowly lowers himself into the springs* nsyncqueen123: *sneaks up behind him and sits down, placing her hands on his shoulders, beginning to massage them* dark_conjurer: *relaxes some and smiles* nsyncqueen123: *lies down on her stomach, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing his cheek* I love you, Simgar... dark_conjurer: *smiles and turns around, kissing her back* I love you, too.. nsyncqueen123: *trails her fingers in the warm water* So...Peaceful enough for you? dark_conjurer: *smiles* Peaceful enough... dark_conjurer: *looks up* Where'd Naylith go? nsyncqueen123: *shrugs* I don't know...Maybe she joined back up with Cimorene... dark_conjurer: Hmm.. dark_conjurer: Oh well I don't care... nsyncqueen123: *slowly stands up* I'm going back to bed now, honey...I'll be in our room if you need me. dark_conjurer: *looks up at her longingly* I guess I"ll be here, then.. dark_conjurer: ..see you later... nsyncqueen123: *tilts her head, a mischievous smile on her face* You're not going to join me? dark_conjurer: *grins and gets up, drying himself up with the blanket on the ground, then picks up his cloak and joins her*