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Thoughts on Life
Random Thoughts From the Imprisoned

Some thoughts...If you like them, good. If not, too bad.

Quotes From Me

Life is a double-edged blade-there's always a double side to what you do.

There's a fine line between life and death, and I walk on that line.

Don't worry about what "everyone else" thinks, they shouldn't matter to you.

People can't tell what you want-so speak up and say something.

Don't be afraid to state your won't get anywhere being in a shell.

Only expect of others what you would expect of yourself.

Life sucks. People change. Get used to it.

Miscellaneous Quotes

You are free to sever the chains of fate that bind you...
-Legend of Dragoon

How do you prove that we exist? Maybe we don't exist...
-FF9 - Vivi

Chaos leads to insanity,then to solitude; the fruitless effort of adding meaning to what is meaningless..
- Chrono Cross

Thought without action is a daydream,action without thought is a nightmare.
- Unknown

Anything you would like to add? Comments? Please email me. My address can be found at the home page.

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