pointing at the groovy stormtrooper

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listen to/download Brides of Jarvis songs!

take a looky at my nice friends

the vespertine lair.

another hopeless chatroom.

brainwash.[an expose about stupid republican rich bitches who make money by brainwashing and torturing teenagers.] [extratartypotatoes.crazyiness.colonelsanders.] col.sanders

photos [sillyness wierdness photography of the me] [scary sadomasochistic bondage dolls] new dolls

me and alice: what we love and hate.

comics that i made...

Sunshines Underground (zine) interviews

a rant on the politics of psychology

[stop consumerism!]  [another rant] [biotech/GMO info...stuff... ] [some songs i wrote] [the acid god Ken Kesey. may he rest in peace. i hear Further is still out there and the merry pranksters are still out there somewhere goofing off without him and probably still dropping acid even though theyre all ancient and theyre poor brains are probably fried from too much of a good thing you must think im such a hippie. if youre a punk rocker youll probably hunt me down and kick me in the head. cause my pink dreadlocks punk friend Su was asking 'what do you want to be when you grow up' and so i say ill be a homeless hippie. she didnt exactly have orgasms at that.] [a rant about punk rock] [pretty wacked out shit.]

[mediaocre.com....another rad punk site] [another rant] [nothingnice.com.....the *first* online punk comic strip] [a short story i wrote] [a strange gothic obsession] [the website for my zine] [muffin films......]

[my friend steves site] [rant] friends have told us we are folk music gone terriably wrong but in a right direction as if a school bus of children were crashing but enjoying it- dude swear bunny-swear bunny walks around all day with these idea in swear bunny's head and then one day swear bunny went to hebrew class too early because had no friends and had nothing better to be doing than walking around with ideas in swear bunny head-so swear bunny is swear bunny early wearing a wale for a tee shirt and this gentile gentile with Yeshua on gentile's watch asks swear bunny [ poemshit--written during mental states of  collapse and reconstruction. open to the public for some reason.] [jhonen vasquez....fucking genius] [ghosts] [punk rock in Yugoslavia]

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