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Kelly's Kollum of Innernet Goodness


Why Being Sick Sucks the Big Blue Ball...

I've been sick all week.  I got this nasty sinus infection/cold, even though my doctor told me that I was only "working on a sinus infection." How the hell does one work on an infection?  That implies I want it to happen.  I mean, granted there's nothing sexier than a woman who uses two boxes of facial tissues in one afternoon while shooting green snot out of her nose, but come on.  They hurt like hell, you can't smell or taste anything, and you have to take the all-purpose, icky-tasting medicine.  I wish doctors would get a clue.  No wonder people sue them left and right.  Maybe if they didn't act like jackasses and actually gave a poo-poo about their patients, then maybe people wouldn't sue.  

Another reason why being sick sucks is all the work that piles up while you're in recovery.  No one feels the need to maybe do their own work, so they just let it pile up for you until you decide not to work on that sinus infection anymore.  (Note: I'm a research assistant for one of the professors in the History department at my school who shall remain nameless for fear of me getting fired).  This person is such a baby.   For example, she wanted me to write the index of her book that's coming out.  I was like "umm, do I get royalities."  The prof replied "what royalities?"  Good point, but still.  So now I have to edit 50 pages of index.  Oh well, at least I don't have to write the book for them.

These are only some of the reasons why being sick sucks the big blue ball.  Tune in next week for more fun at casa de Bowling Green.  Luv ya like a sis, Kelly :)