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I am...

Here are some things about me...That's what the tests told about also can check them!

I am 48% punk rock

Well,I may know what punk is,but...okay,maybe some people think I am a punk,but is that enough?Nope.

Take this Punk Rock test at

I am 62% goth

Oh my Goth!You Goth,girl.There is a good chance i am bi.Freakiness pumps through my veins,but i can still laugh at myself.

Take the Goth test at

I am 46% Metal Head

Most other metal-heads acknowledge my presence, but they laugh at me behind my back. Maybe I need to stop spending all that money on haircuts and invest in a few Pantera T-shirts.

Take the Metal Head Test at

Which Winona Are You?

I am 46% Raver

Well, I may have been to a rave. I probably know a bunch of ravers, but they may think of me as an outsider. That's okay, at least I am not a complete freak.

Take the Raver Test at

I am 54% Geek

Nerd, Freak, Geek, Dweeb. Sound familiar? That's okay, cause I will be the richest person at my 15th year high school reunion. If a "con" isn't happening that weekend.

Take the Geek Test at

My animagus is a snake - what's yours?
Take the test at the Faery Glade

the internet junk 'how bad are you test' deems me:
40% bad!

Your tendency is to do good. But once in awhile your Bad Self takes takes over. You have lots of friends and generaly get along with everyone. Overall you are a Tom Hanks meets Stephen King kind of character.

I am 15% evil.

I try to stay away from evil deeds but succumb to temptation every once in a while. I'm not quite on my way to hell but I certainly have some explaining to do.

Are you evil? find out at

You are ... Allison Taylor
You are ... Allison Taylor from the Simpsons Quiz at Space Monkey Mafia dot com
Take the Simpsons Quiz @ Space Monkey Mafia dot com

You were a very normal student. Almost everyone liked you and you had good grades. Next year, you were probably going to become a prefect and then ultimately headboy/headgirl. You had lots of promise. However, one evening as you tucked yourself into bed, Voldemort appeared and killed you. Oh well. It happens to the best of us, doesn't it?

Take the How would you die @ Hogwarts? test by Shaolin.

Which 50's teen are you?

Ummm...I'm Sane.
Are You Crazy??Find out!


This quiz says absolutely nothing about your personality. Take it!

What kind of ANGEL are you?
Quiz made by Angela

What Egyptian Deity are you? go to:the quiz!

Who are you?

See what Care Bear you are.

What actress are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

Take the Say Cheese! test.

Which "Natural Wonder" are you?

You're a... SMART DARK LORD Always prepared and ahead of everyone else. And your cunningness has never failed you. What kind of Dark Lord are you? quiz by Maikamariel What'd you get? <<--please take the poll!

Which HP Kid Are You?

You're the FONT tag- some people ignore you, some people adore you. When you like someone, you like them a lot, but when you don't like them- watch out.

You Are Crybaby From "Crybaby."

You are the definition of cool. You may be tough, but deep down you're very emotional and not afraid to show it, even if it means crying. Most people don't know that you have a hidden talent for singing. But come on - that tear tattoo was a pretty stupid idea.
Take The Johnny Depp Quiz!

I am 37% Evil Genius

I want to be evil. I do evil things. But given the opportunity, and a darn good reason I may turn to the good side. Besides I am probably a miserable evil genius.

Take the Evil Genius Test at

Which era in time are you?

Take the M&M's Test @ /~erin

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