Įvairios beveik iš koto verčiančios sentencijos
Citatos.Sorry,bet tekstas cenzūruotas.
- Tiesa neslypi niekur.Tiesiog jos nėra
- The truth is not on the other side.There is no truth at all.
- Snarglajiedai-tai jėga.
- Kaip aš galiu galėti,jei negaliu.
- Aš negaliu negalėti,jei galiu galėti
- Jei negali galėti,tai galėk negalėti
- Viskas eina savo keliu
- Netikėk niekuo,ką girdi ir puse,ką matai
- If the man with the scythe digs black hair and lips and white skin,it doesn't mean that everything is f***ed
- Why you drink and drive if you can smoke and fly
- I can still feel the rain
- Because everythings made to be broken,i just want you to know who i am
- #1This world is a cruel place but it's worth living
- #2 This world is a cruel palce and we're here only to lose
- Just fear for the best and hope for our worst
- The greatest thing you'll ever know is just to love and be loved in return
- it ain't a crime if you ain't got caught
- Stupido Bastardo affanculo Troja Merdo ...Equador!
- You know it smells like shit.Is it Jakas?
- shop till you drop