Take the quiz: "What Kind of PUNK are you?! (AWESOME PICS FOR GIRLS!)" Take the quiz: "Are you a NECROPHILIAC, a RAPEST, or a CANNIBAL?" Take the quiz: "What does your birth month reveal about you?"
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From Go-Quiz.com
click on this book to read my poems
a few pics that i think are cool!
sleepy heads!
I adopted a cute lil' fairy fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
this is all my fairy pics that i find on the net! (so if you see something from your page and i didn't link you or something and you want me too the just email me please don't be rude or anything i just forgot what page i got them from)
this page here is my dollie page lol :) (i know it is a bit childish. so what :P
DeathRocker Punk
You probably like death, you maybe have even throw up while making out. COOL! you into hardcore stuff and metal too
Remember Hannibal Lector? Well you and him are very close fucking friends there buddy... maybe too close... that's right... you like biting people, you like blood, and you have no fucking problem putting someone on a stick and cooking them like they were a piece of steak in your backyard. You are one sick fuck... not only do you kill people, but you also eat them. Sometimes you even eat them while they are still alive. Would you like fries with your human fingers on a stick?
Active and dynamic. Decisive and haste but tends to regret.Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Emotional. Aggressive. Hasty. Good memory. Moving Motivates oneself and others. Sickness usually of the head and chest. Sexy in a way that only their luver can see.
You belong in the world of leaves and trees, where
the wilderness can claim your soul. Somewhere
like a jungle or a thick wooded forest would be
your world. Intensely in tune with nature, you
feel the world belongs to the natural ways that
once ruled the planet. Be yourself, and
everything will work out. Don't let the grind
of the city destroy your free-as-a-bird nature.
Where do you belong?(ANIME IMAGES)
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"Nancy Boy"
What's Your Inner Placebo Song?
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You are Mudvayne's KUD...or CHUD...whatever name
you go by, you still rock like a motherfucker.
Your lyrics are deep and meaningful, and you
can scream and carry a good tune. Very nice
person too....I love you. =D
What Singer Are You?
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You're a Romantic goth...(Go you!) Your beauty is
beyond belief, and you have a quiet, and
nurturing understanding for everything, and
everyone around...and perhaps, you have a
fondness for vampires aswell?
What Common Gothic Stereo-type Are You?
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You Are F***-able!
And boy do you ever take advantage of your do-ability. And why not?
If you can score, why not go for it? And no matter how many steamy affairs you have...
Well, you always seem to find more. And no wonder - you are hot from any perspective.
Hot attitude, hot appearance, and hot passion equals tons of hot screwing!
Are You F***able?
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Your A Mysterous Fairy
Your a mysterous fairy who doesnt like to be seen by humans, You like to lurk in the shadows with your cape or black dress, but you are sometimes doing bad things too.
give pixie_freak more *HUGS*
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