Erotic Responses Survey #2: Slightly Spicy!
Among your friends, to whom would you give each of the following designations? (Include yourself)
Whore Spice
Hooker Spice
Prostitute Spice
Kinky Spice
Gigolo Spice
Pimp Spice
Horny Spice
BJ Spice
Oral Spice
First Base Spice
Second Base Spice
Third Base Spice
All-the-way Spice
Oops I Did It Again Spice
Oops My Thong Fell Down Spice
What is your favorite Role-Playing Fantasy?
From the following list of role playing fantasies (or use one of your own!), select one that you have done (or would like to do) and describe the slightly spicy details.
Thank you for enjoying and filling out this slightly spicy survey! Return soon for even more wonderful, and sexy, surveys!