Yo yo yo, all u ho ho ho's!! It's time for ma gurlie gurliez y'all!!!
First: Daphne
Next, Kristen, Daphne's ex-lover (the one she cheated on me with, you know)
Now that those pieces of trash are out of the way, onto my real cheeky chicas! Hehe. OMG. The other day, we all got together w/my good friend Jason who is a PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER and he wuz like takin' pix of all of us and stuff ... so there are some of those here (the ones that look all professional like and stuff, heh, THANK U JASON I LUV U SWEATY!! SMOOCHES!), and also some older ones ... but I finally managed to sort thru them all (which took a LOT of time and effort, TRUST ME!!), and that's what this page is for, to display my friends pix. Altho eventually i WILL get like separate pages and stuff for all of 'em, and I'll organize them better too, but for now, I'm just gettin' this down cuz i spent like soooo long working on it, i need me sum tangible results y'all! Hehe. Ok. So here are da piccy pix!!
First Up: Elena!
I know, I know. You're thinking "but I've already seen Elena's pix!" But u know what? U haven't seen 'em all! I've got some more for ya right here, gurliez.
Janet: The Terminatrix (yeah I know, from here on our I'm gonna skimp on descriptions and just get u sum pix and sum names, cuz i'm kinda tired rite now, and I'm gonna organize it all more later, w/info about all my gurlie gurlz so just be patient and u'll learn all about 'em. ok?
Betsy: The Betster
Katie P
Katie C
Katie D
Ashleigh S
Ashley V
Jessica M
Jessica P