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My Fiend's

Chris. This is one of my best friends & my brother. Tom. My other best friend Felicia. Well what can I say, Felicia means alot to me & has always been there when I needed someone to talk to. Atleast I know I'll always have a friend. Ğracula xifyre. one of my best friends on the net, although he is weird at times. Ğracula MagnusLee (Mah Brotha Ry)

 This is Nikki "icegirl" and all I can comment on this picture is DAMN!!!! I've know Nikki for a few years now & she's an awesome person even though she's kinda "short" :P

General^G. G^G's a really good guy, never pissed me off only pisses people off that are fucking retards, like 99% of the people on irc. SpOoNMaN. Aaron's a good guy, never done anything to piss ppl off (unless you're canadian) CANADA SUCKS.

 thats right its MoNeY motherbitches (lol) Poo. <Poo> "the day the doctor told me i didnt have worms...was the happiest day of my life"

d3sc3n7 (Jay) venom (Roxy) manic. he's a pretty good guy, just don't piss him off or he'll go away for days (LOL) Jay

Ashley. oh the things i'd do to that mmmm, but anyway...