~=Dameon Darklight=~

- Name:
Dameon Darklight
- Species:
- Age:
- Ship:
The Velker
- Family:
None Living
- Education:
Imperial Space Academy at Cardia, His parents before then and some time under various smugglers and mercenaries.
- History:
Dameon's parents were great activists of the Camassi massacre. They traveled to each refugee camp bringing supplies and helping rebuild what was lost. This is where he met his lover a Camassi female named T'ukthor. They grew very close, and due to the family situation and need of money to help the Cammassi, Dameon volunteered to join the Imperial Academy to help out the family. He learned much of what he knows there, as well as earning the Corellian Blood Stripes. He parents offered to take him to Alderaan on his shore leave but he declined due to being secretly assigned to the first Death Star as its gunner. His lover, father, mother, little sister we're all on Alderaan when he pulled the lever to fire the massive weapon. It was not until much later that he learned that the planet he destroyed was Alderaan, and that he was responsible for the destruction of his family. When he found this out, he single-handily killed every living thing on a lancer frigate and flew it into the Impireal Academy at Caridia, although he missed it. He soon traveled home to Corellia, the Imperials never found out that he was the one behind the lancer "accident". They left him marginally alone. He soon became a smuggler, blaming not the Rebels, not the Imperials, but himself for the death of his family. He lives on, but somehow knows he's different from the rest. He carries with him the memory of Darth Vader himself asking if he would become his right-hand man for some unknown reason. Dameon refused because his father once told him, "With great power comes great responsibilty," and he knew he was no man to have as much power as the Dark Lord Offered. Amazingly, Darth Vader accepted his answer and went away to never bug him again. Dameon now lives on Corellia with a small fleet of ships (a Head Hunter, two YT freigthers, and an X-Wing) and does all kinds of work for both the Imps and the Rebels.