
This will be a page about me when I get organised, but for now here's a piccy of me and my housemates...

from top, clockwise, Jane, Ellie, Kate, Julie, Chris (Ellie's boyfriend) and me(Hannah).

A little about me....I'm 21 now, I live in Lincoln for most of the time, which would be much improved with a better Bus Service and a smaller hill, and the rest of the time I live in London, which is ACE and I am willing to argue about this. The only problems with London are 1) the expense and 2) the smell. It also has the best radio station, xfm. Much better than Radio 1 or any other local radio station.

I'm a part-time goth (ie when I can be bothered), something of a hermit (I came third in the first in my uni awards in the hermit of the year category), I write occasional reports on things I like/ like laughing at.

I've now finished my degree, and am currently bumming around Lincoln, doing a bit of everything I can think of until my gradiation. I make jewellery and cards, and should I ever have access to a digital camera again, I'll put up pictures of them. [index]