Wiccan Faq

Q: Are Witches Satanists?
A: Witches don't believe in a character of supreme evil, such as Satan. You can't worship something you don't believe in.

Q: Do all Witches believe in a Goddess?
A: Every Witch has their own beliefs and views. Not all Witches believe in the Goddess and not all Witches believe in the God. Everyone is different.

Q: Do Witches cast curses on people?
A: It's true that some Witches cast curses, but they soon realize that such an evil form of magick is not what they truly want. Every Witch is usually familiar with the Rule Of Three and won't do evil things with magick, some never cast curses and learn from other people's mistakes or just don't feel comfortable doing so.

Q: What's the difference between Wicca and Paganism?
A: Wicca is a form of Paganism. So is Druidic. Paganism is an Earth based religion and has many sub religions like Wicca. Some may not agree with me on this, but it's what I have come to over time.

Q: Why do some people spell magic with a 'k' at the end?
A: Magic spelled with a 'k' at the end, Magick, is used to differenciate it from magic, card tricks and pulling rabbits out of hats. Card tricks is not true magic and MUST be seperated from it. Magick is how most Pagans and Wiccans spell it.

Q: Do Witches want to kill Christians?
A: HAHAHAHAAAA!!! Of course not. No Witch would try to kill someone using Magick. Witches are known for their religious tolerence. They aren't prejudice.

Q: Are all Witches women?
A: In short, no. There are many male Wiccans out there. Although, the majority of Wiccans are women because there is a Goddess and she is, sometimes, placed higher than the God. Because of the respect for women, there are many female Wiccans.