The Lord and the Lady (The God and the Goddess)

The God is a life force, the impregnator.
He initiates change and action, he is movement and purpose.
He empowers and protects the creations of the Goddess.
As a horned God, he is Phallic and fierce.
The Horns depict the cresent moons,
the sweeping fallopian tubes of a woman's reproductive system,
or simply animal exuberance.
the God of Witches tends to be playful and instictual.

The Goddess is the substance of the Universe.
She is the womb from which we, and all of life have sprung.
The Goddess is all around us as Mother Earth, Moon and Stars.
To the Witches the Goddess is first but not superior,
for Witchcraft is about balance.

We need both our Goddess and God,
as they are the divine partnership of creation.
There are many different Gods and Goddesses.
For example one Goddess will best express our feelings about Spring,
Another will seem to embody the implacability of tempest.
One God may represent all that is Phallic, Another may represent Wisdom.

When casting a Spell you may call upon the God and Goddess to be present,
for instance if your working was about pregnancy or creativity
you might think of the great mother as Isis, Brighid or Demeter,
which are some of the names of Goddesses.