Here are all the pages in my home, feel free to roam about them as you wish.

Krystal Illusions Message Board

What few spells I do have are listed here.

Wiccan Sabbats/Holidays

My Book of Shadows
Contents in my book:

What is Wicca?

The Burning Times

Wiccan Creed, Wiccan Law, and the Witches' Rede

The 13 principles of Wicca, and the 13 goals of a witch

Tools of the Craft

Casting a Magick Circle

The Lord and the Lady


Candles, Animals, Herbs, Trees, and Elements

African Deities

Celtic Deities

Egyptian Deities

Greek Deities

Native American Deities

Norse Deities

Roman Deities

Slavic Deities

The Pagan Alphabet
(Great for children!)

Wicca FAQ

Here is where you can learn more about my upcoming store and make a donation if you would like to.

Gifts I have received

Awards I have won

Win my award
(under contruction)

My voting page. Please stop by here.

Links to other realms and my banner exchange.