Candles -

RED: Courage, Energy, Health, Passion, Strength and Vigor
BLUE: Calmness, Creativity, Health, Patience, Tranquility and Wisdom
GREEN: Fertility, Finance, Growth, Luck, Physical Healing and Prosperity
YELLOW: Attraction, Divination, Intelligence and Persuasion
PINK: Friendship, Honor, Love, Morality, Nuturing and Peace
ORANGE: Ambition, Attraction, Justice and Success In Business
PURPLE: Ambition, Power, Psychic Ability, Serious Physical Healing, Spiritual Power and Third Eye
BLACK: Absorbtion, Binding, Protection and Repelling
WHITE: Protection, Purity and Sincerity
SILVER: Astral Projection, Divination and Goddess

Animals -

Badger: Bold Self-Expression and Reliance, Keeper of Stories
Bat: Transition and Initiation
Bear: Awakening the Power of the Unconscious
Cougar: Coming into Your Own Power
Coyote: Wisdom and Folly
Crow: The Secret Magic of Creation is Calling
Deer: Gentleness and Innocence - Gentle luring to new adventure
Dog: Faithfulness and Protection
Dolphin: The Power of Breath and Sound
Eagle: Illumination of Spirit, Healing, and Creation
Elephant: Ancient Power, Strength, and Royalty
Elk: Strength and Nobility
Fox: Feminine Magic of Camouflage, Shape shifting, and Invisibility
Goat: Surefootedness and Seeking New Heights
Groundhog: Mystery of Death without Dying - Trance - Dreams
Hawk: Visionary Power and Guardianship
Heron: Aggressive Self-Determination and Self-Reliance
Horse: Travel, Power, and Freedom
Lion: Assertion of the Feminine and the Power of the Female Sun
Loon: Lucid Dreaming and Reawakening of Old Hopes, Wishes, and Dreams
Lynx: Secrets and Vision of the Hidden and Unseen
Moose: Primal Feminine Energies and the Magic of Life and Death
Mouse: Attention to Detail
Opossum: The Use of Appearances
Otter: Joy, Playfulness, and Sharing
Owl: The Mystery of Magick, Omens, Silent Wisdom, and Vision in the Night
Panther: Reclaiming One's True Power
Peacock: Resurrection and Wise Vision (Watchfulness)
Penguin: Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection
Porcupine: Renewed Sense of Wonder
Prairie Dog: Community
Rabbit (Hare): Fertility and New Life
Raccoon: Dexterity and Disguise
Rat: Success, Restlessness, and Shrewdness
Sea Lion and Seal: Active Imagination, Creativity, and Lucid Dreaming
Raven: Magick, Shape shifting, and Creation
Skunk: Sensuality, Respect, and Self-Esteem
Snow Leopard: Overcoming Our Demons and Haunts, and Renewal of Vision and Vitality
Squirrel: Activity and Preparedness
Swan: Awakening the True Beauty and Power of the Self
Tiger: Passion, Power, Devotion, and Sensuality
Vulture: Purification; Death and Rebirth, New Vision
Weasel: Sly and Secret Circumvention and/or Pursuit
Whale: Creation, Power of Song, Awakening of Inner Depths
Wolf: Guardianship, Ritual, Loyalty, and Spirit

Cats And Their Role In Our Lives

Well, what to say about theses pretty critters? They are very quick-witted and agile. They have those eyes that you can read like a book. So, where am I going with all of this? Well, cats have long since been corresponded with Witches that flew around on broomsticks. If you have read a little more on my page, you would realize that idea is far from the truth.

Cats And Weather!

A sneezing cat means rain is on the way, and three sneezes in a row portends a cold for the cat's owner!
A cat running wildly about (known in our house as 'spacky cat') darting here and there and clawing everything in sight means wind or a storm on the way; when the cat quiets down, the storm will soon blow itself out. Cats washing over their ears has long been held to foretell rain; the old rhyme goes 'When Kitty washes behind her ears, we'll soon be tasting heaven's tears'. A cat which rolls over and over in the grass, claws the ground and behaves in a skittish manner, is indicating that a brief rain-shower is on the way. When the cat is restless and moves from place to place without settling, it is foretelling hard winds.
A cat who sits with its back to the fire is said to be a portent of frost.
When a cat spends the night outdoors and caterwauls loudly, it may be foretelling a period of several days' bad weather.

Cats In Our Dreams!

To dream of a black cat is lucky.
To dream of a tortoiseshell cat means luck in love.
To dream of a ginger cat means luck in money and business.
To dream of a white cat means luck in creativity, spiritual matters, divination and spellcraft.
To dream of a black-and-white cat means luck with children; may also mean the birth of a child.
To dream of a tabby cat means luck for the home and all who live there.
To dream of a grey cat means to be guided by your dreams.
To dream of a calico or multi-coloured cat means luck with new friends and old ones.
To dream of two cats fighting means illness or a quarrel.


Activator: Mistletoe, Dragons's Blood and Mandrake
Banishing: Hellebore and Black Willow
Beauty: Yerba Santa, Maidenhair, Catnip and Ginseng
Courage: Mullem, Cohosh, Yarrow and Thyme
Divination: Dandelion, Broom, Orris, Hibiscus, Medowsweet, Mugwort, Pomegranate, Black Willow and Dragon's Blood
Employment: Pecan, Devil's Shoestring and Lucky Hand
Friendship: Sweetpea, Lemongrass and Passionflower
Happiness: Hawthorn, Lavender, High John the Conquerer, Catnip, Morning Glory, Medowsweet, Rosemary, Life Everlasting, Vervain and Sandalwood
Healing: Blackberry, Bay, Adders Tongue, Cedar, Burdock, Garlic, Hops, Horehound, Fennel, Life Everlasting, Roremary, Vervain and Sandalwood
Health: Galangal, Caraway, Majorin, Nutmeg, Juniper, Tansy and Rue Sassafras
Love: Betony, Chamomile, Basil, Apple, Copal Daiania, Coltsfoot, Gardenia, Verbena, Medowsweet, Jasmine, Poppy, Moonwort, Rose, Raspberry and Violet
Mental Ability: Horehound, Eyebright, Periwinkle and Mustard Seed
Protection: Broom, Ash, Acacia, Dogwood, Datura, Foxglove, Rowan and Elder
Psychic Ability: Honeysuckle and Borage
Purification: Yucca, Thistle, Benzoin, Sage, Copailm Iris and Vervain
Sleep: Chamomile, Agimony, Lavender, Hops, Pepper, Valerian and Passionflower
Spirituality: Heather, Gardenia, Sandalwood and Frankincense
Strength: Mulberry, Carnation, Pennyroyal, Saffron and Oak
Success: Patchhouli, Chamomile, Cinnamon and High John the Conquerer Root
Wisdom: Sage, Iris, Yew and Bodhi
Goddess: Moonwort, Willow and Hawthorn
God: Mandrake, Buckthorne and Holly

Trees -

"Trees?" You must be thinking, "Is she nuts?!"

Nope! I can assure you that I am totally sane. Yes, I did say trees
So, which tree do you correspond with? And what does it mean? Well, check out my list below and find out!!

December 23 - January 1; June 25 - July 4: Apple Tree
May 25 - June 3; November 22 - December 1: Ash Tree
December 22: Beech Tree
Jun 24: Birch Tree
Feb 9 - Feb 18; Aug 14 - Aug 23: Cedar Tree
May 15 - May 24; Nov 12 - Nov 21:Chestnut Tree
Jan 25 - Feb 3; Jul 26 - Aug 4: Cypress Tree
Jan 12 - Jan 24; Jul 15 - Jul 25: Elm Tree
Jun 14 - Jun 23; Dec 12 - Dec 21: Fig Tree
Jan 2 - Jan 11; Jul 5 - Jul 14: Fir Tree
Mar 22 - Mar 31; Sep 24 - Oct 3: Hazelnut Tree
Jun 4 - Jun 13; Dec 2 - Dec 11: Hornbeam Tree
Mar 11 - Mar 20; Sep 13 - Sep 22: Lime Tree
Apr 11 - Apr 20; Oct 14 - Oct 23: Maple Tree
Mar 21: Oak Tree
Sep 23: Olive Tree
Feb 19 - Feb 28; Aug 24 - Sep 2: Pine Tree
Feb 4 - Feb 8; May 1 - May 14; Aug 5 - Aug 13: Poplar Tree
Apr 1 - Apr 10; Oct 4 - Oct 13: Rowan Tree
Apr 21 - Apr 30; Oct 24 - Nov 11: Walnut Tree
Mar 1 - Mar 10; Sep 3 - Sep 12: Weeping Willow Tree

The Elements And Their Correspondences


Gender: Female
Direction: North
Spells Dealing With: Money, Jobs, Fertility, Business, Ecology, Health and Stability
Elementals: Gnomes and Trolls
Time: Midnight
Season: Winter
Colours: Dark Green, Black and Brown
Tools: Pentagram and stone
Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
Animals: Bull, Stag, Bison and Mouse
Places: Caves, Mountains, Caverns and Forests


Gender: Male
Direction: East
Spells Dealing With: Memory, Intellects, Tests, Divination, Psychic Powers and Travel
Elementals: Sprites
Time: Dawn
Season: Spring
Colours: Pastels, Yellow and White
Tools: Athame, Censer and Sword
Zodiac: Gemini, Aquarius and Libra
Animals: Birds and Gryphons
Places: High Mountain Peaks, Windswept Hills and Towers


Gender: Male
Direction: South
Spells Dealing With: Success, Sex, Banishing, Protection, Illness, Legal Matters, Energy, Health and Strength
Elementals: Salamanders and Firedrakes
Time: Noon
Season: Summer
Colours: Crimson, Red, Orange and Fuscia
Tools: Staff and Wand
Zodiac: Aries, Leo and Saggitarius
Animals: Lizards, Snakes and Dragons
Places: Volcanoes, Dry Plains and Deserts


Gender: Female
Direction: West
Spells Dealing With: Love, Friendship, Healing, Meditation, Clairvoyance, Healing, Childbirth, Dreams and Purification
Elementals: Undines and Mermaids
Time: Twilight
Season: Autumn
Colours: Indigo, Blue, Green, Grey and Turquoise
Tools: Chalice and Cauldron
Zodiac: Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer
Animals: Whales, Fish, Dolphins, Seals and Sea-Serpents
Places: Oceans, Rivers, Marshes, Lakes, Pools and Raindrenched Land