
You would like to apply for an award aye?
Well, you can choose for the ones below, as long as your site fits the guidelines:

*MUST be a family and child safe site
*Must not contain profanity, porn, hacker, warez, etc
*Must have some content....just links are not cool
*If you offer awards, and you tell the person that they MUST sign the GB, you will not win. GB's are appreciated, not required.
*A link back to my site is appreciated, but no required.
*And last but not least, you must email me with the following info:

- Name
- Email
- Site Title
- Site URL
- What Award(s) you are applying for

And that's all. Not too much is it?

So check out the awards below and see if there's something that you like. Oh yes, and one more thing, if you would like to see a specific type of award here, please email me and I'll make it (or at least try...lol)

~*Beautiful Site Award*~

~*Beautiful Imagination Award*~

~*Beautiful Darkness Award*~
(For Gothic type sites)

~*Fairy Friendly Award*~

~*Magickal Site Award*~

~*Witches' Choice*~
This one cannot be applied for. It will go to the site(s) that I think are the cream of the crop

Email me using the link below, and put "Awards" as the subject line.
)O( Goddess Bless )O(