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Famous People Buried at LaChaise

Guillaume Apollinaire - Poet

Jane Avril - Can-Can dancer, painted by Toulouse Lautrec

Honore de Balzac - French novelist

Henri Barbusse - Writer

Vincenzo Bellini - Opera composer

Sarah Bernhardt - Actress

Georges Bizet - Composer

Alexander Brogniart - Architect

Ettore Bugatti - Car manufacturer

Maria Callas - Opera singer

Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais - Musician & more

Frederic Chopin - Composer

Colette - Writer

Edouard Daladier - Statesman

Jacques Louis David - Painter

Paul Dukas - Composer

Isadora Duncan - Dancer

Paul Eluard - Poet

Max Ernst - Surrealist and Expressionist artist

Jean de La Fontaine - Poet/Fablist

Antonio de La Gandara - Painter

Stephane Grappelli - Jazz violinist

Rene Lalique - Artist in glass

Memorial to the Victims of Auschwitz - Monument to victims of Auschwitz concentration camp

Memorial to the Victims of Dachau - Monument to victims of Dachau concentration camp

Memorial to the Victims of Sachsenhausen - Monument to victims of Sachsenhausen concentration camp

Amedeo Modigliani - Poet

Jean-Baptiste Poquelin Moliere - Writer

Yves Montand - Actor

Jim Morrison - Singer for The Doors

Edith Piaf - French singer

Emilie Schindler - Wife of Oskar Schindler

Georges-Pierre Seurat - Artist

Gertrude Stein - American writer

Oscar Wilde - Playwright, novelist, poet, essayist, and wit

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