I know it's been a while since I've actually worked on this web site, but I'm finally no longer living with family or in a bad neighborhood. Nate has a much better, steady job and Distraida is here now. Since I can finally breathe and worry about things like myself now I'm going to try and update this place more. I have tons of pictures for my picture galleries, including new ones of Baby Girl, so be on the look out for that.
If you would like to be updated more often about what's going on in my life then simply click on the Live Journal link below that's mine (yinepusayi, formerly Princess Eleni). NOTE: I am very frank with what I type in my Live Journal only because that's what a journal is to be used for (to write about however you feel at that particular time). If you cannot handle topics about multiple personalities, being gay, hating your own sex, cursing and other graphic topics then just don't click on any of my Live Journal links. For that matter, if you cannot handle those type of topics on my web page then simply click here to be taken away from my 'horrible page of sin' and your life shall be happy and 'safe' once more, or else you can just wonder why your mommy and daddy even let you log onto a horrible place that's filled with horrible people like me! To the rest of you that are still here I'm sorry for losing it. I still get really mad when people are just so ignorant about other people's feelings and then they raise their kids up to be that way too. ~sighs~ I long for the day when people will just learn that it doesn't matter what a person's skin color, sexual preferance, or whatever makes them different is. We're all still people who have to share this planet and since we're only living here for a very short amount of time, can't we just learn to get along with at least our neighbors for as long as we (and they) are here?...Alright I'm done, here are those links I promised y'all.
My Live Journal
My more graphic Live Journal (rarely used)
My entire collective's Live Journal
My inner lils' Live Journal
Now for your viewing pleasure, the LiveJournal communities that I'm a moderator of:
Icons of Destiny
Parental Rock
Parental Suck
Sucky Shipping
Things That Bump
Yummy Treats
So, did you enjoy the two stories above? Have you even read them yet? Well, if you have read them give me some feedback. My e-mail address is below.
The links below are to the pages I'm currently working on and will probably always be updating.
Yeah, I know I used to have a whole bunch of links to other sites here, but the list just got too long so I just created a new page for them all called: Links
Go there to see the new links that I have posted!
Get your own Meez avatar! | Chat by xat.com
Here is where you can chat with me, or leave me messages, if you so wish.
Please add 'yinepusayi' to the referred box when asked (if you are signing up for the first time, or wish to make a new one).
As always, you can e-mail me (webmaster@werdestiny.com) any questions, comments, flames, etc.