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In the nights following the anarch revolt and the convention of thorns, Clan Assamite found itself in a deadly predicament. In light of the overwhelming opposition posed by the young Camarilla, the Assamites became targets for the ire of all vampires. To temper the threat the Saracen Assassins posed, the Camarilla subjected Clan Assamite to a powerful Tremere curse, rendering the Assamites unable to partake of Cainite vitae, which was the core to many Assamite's ethical codes.

Not every Assamite succumbed to the blood curse, however. A few bold Assamites, led by the first hulul, al-Numair, went into hiding. In the nights that followed, al-Numair and his band of rebel assassins joined the young Sabbat, more out of defiance of the Camarilla than support for the sect's still-nascent philosophy. Since that time however, the Assamite antitribu have assumed an important role in the Sabbat and become some of the most feared members of the notorious Black Hand.

Assamite antitribu serve their clan first and the Sabbat second, though many of their beliefs coincide with those of the sect. Unlike members of the original clan, Assamite antitribu do not revere Haqim. Rather, they see him as they see all of loathed Antediluvians, as a corrupt, malignant force that will one night rise and devour his childer. Instead, Assamite antitribu seek to grow even closer to Caine, whom the mainstream Assamites regards as an abomination. Regardless, the two clans seem to be on fairly civil terms, though no outsider has come up with a credible reason why. Indeed the Assamite antitribu seem to bear hauteur over their mainstream brethren, whom they chide mercilessly for accepting the Camarilla curse even after they have broken it.

Like the members of their original clan, Assamites are masters of assassination and silent killing. The Angles of Caine are a valuable martial addition to the Sabbat, which would lack a good deal of prowess and tactical brilliance without them. Many Assamites attain significant military rank in the sect, and many more go on to become some of the sect's greatest killer-heroes, leaving the corpses and ashes of fallen infidels to mark their silent passing.

Assamite antitribu do not typically assume the role of pack priest, though many become ducti, especially if combat or assassination is their packs purpose. Most Angles of Caine belong to exclusively Assamite antitribu packs, though more and more of them have broken this mold, becoming valuable additions to more diverse packs. They do not proselytize as strongly as the non-Sabbat clan does; believing that converting others to their faith is vanity. In the end Caine shall recognize his own, and others will have been given the choice to follow him or take their own path.

Clan Disciplines: Celerity, Obfuscate, Quietus

Nickname: Angles of Caine

Haven: Assamite antitribu favor communal havens, which may take the form of pack houses, assassins' cells of other Assamite antitribu or other "nests' of vampires. Favored locations include refrigerated warehouses, abandoned slums and slaughterhouses, where bodies may be disposed of with minimal difficulty.

Organization: The Assamite antitribu maintain a structure similar to that of the original clan Assamite. Members follow a hierarchy, unusual among the clans of the Sabbat (because most other clans devote their duty to the sect first). Instead of the Old Man of the Mountain, however, the Assamite antitribu follow the guidance of the hulul, the eldest member of the clan. Every 100 years, the Assamite antitribu ritually destroy their hulul as an offering to Caine, and one member of the clan is selected to partake of the slain vampires blood and become the new hulul. The hulul is attended and advised by the shakari, the wisest and most accomplished members of the clan. Vampires below these stations operate much like normal Assamites do, taking assassinations contracts and indulging in wanton diablerie.

Quote: You are so frail; I am almost ashamed to take your blood... Almost.

Views of Others
Camarilla Scavengers playing at being lions.
Sabbat I against my brother; my brother and I against our cousin; my cousin and I against the stranger.
Views From Without
Camarilla Antitribue?What's the difference? A killer is a killer. Maybe these guys are even more untrustworthy than their independent kin, but how van you tell when an Assamite is concerned?
Sabbat Beneath their facade of sincerity lies a dead heart of treachery. For the time being, however, they are useful enough.
Independants It is true they are heretics. But when matters of faith arise, who can say which Child of Caine are correct? Perhaps our righteousness shall seal our damnation, should the heretics emerge proven correct, when Gehenna arrives -Assamite