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Nickname: Brutes

The Sabbat Brujah Antitribu are fanatical about thier loyalty to the Sabbat.. or at least to Sabbat ideals. They left the Camarilla for the idea of freedom and support the Sabbat in its nightly battle in the Jyhad. They make good shock troops and or one of the most numerous clans besides Lasombra and Tzimisce.

They use thier disciplines of celerity and potence to be fierce fighters and thier Presence to make them all that much more fearful.

They dress to impress, or at lwast scare the hell out of anyone near them. They will often use Tzimisce flesh craft to make themselves more shocking.

They se;ect thier childer mostly from blue-collar workers. What they look for is an abilty for violence and cruelty.

Views of Others
Camarilla Roll over and kiss your master's feet... cowards.
Sabbat As long as they dont try and tell me what to do they are okay. the moment it tries, it better have something to make up for it.
Views From Without
Camarilla The antribue embody all that is flawed in Clan Brujah.
Sabbat Too brutal to trust; too simple not to.
Independants Easy to win over but thier only real use is hurting others.