The Story of Caine

Caine and Abel were brothers. Caine tended the fields and grew food while Abel watched over the animals. Caine loved Abel with all his heart and they led a happy life.

One day, god spoke to Caine and Abel and told them to give him a sacrifice. Caine gathered the best of his crops and Abel the best of his animals and they were laid upon the altar. When Caine lit the fire under Abel's offering the smoke rose to heaven and god was pleased. When the fire was lit under Caine's the smoke did not rise but instead went towards the ground. God swore to Abel and made known his displeasure.

The next night of the sacrifice came and Caine had decided to give God what was most precious to him. Caine took Abel to the altar and sacrificed him to God because he knew god would not be pleased by anything less.

God cursed Caine and threw him from his sight. Caine was left to wander the land of Nod, alone.

The Coming of Lillith

Caine wandered the land alone and afraid. He wandered until he found another in the land. Her name was Lillith. Lillith offered him food and shelter. She also offered him companionship and comfort. When Caine asked her for the reason she explained that she was the first wife of Adam who was thrown from Eden. She knew his pain of wandering Nod alone. Caine cried in relief and joined Lillith so that neither would be alone.

Lillith's Magick

Caine asked Lillith how she had come to survive and thrive in the land of Nod. She told him she had been awakened and had made her home and food out of power. Caine begged her to awaken him so that he may take care of himself. Lillith was not sure though. She knew Caine was truly cursed by god and the awakening could kill him. Caine pleaded and Lillith agreed out of her love for him.

She cut herself and let her blood drip into a bowl from which Caine drank. Caine then fell into a deep darkness.

The Coming of the Angels

The coming of Michael

In the darkness Caine saw a light and the Archangel Michael, who was the angel of the flames, came to him. He told Caine of God's mercy and asked Caine to repent in God's name.

He answered that he would not live by God's mercy but his own.

Michael cursed him. Caine and his children would fear flame and flame wold destroy them.

The coming of Rapheal

In the morning the next angel came, Rapheal. Angel of the sun. He spoke to Caine and told him of Abel's forgiveness for his crime. Would he repent in the name of forgiveness?

Caine answered that he would repent in Abel's forgiveness but his own.

Rapheal cursed him. Caine and his children would fear the dawn and the sun would seek to burn them. Caine crawled into the earth and hid till night.

The coming of Uriel

That night Uriel, angel of death, came to him. He spoke of God's forgiveness for the crime Caine had committed. Would he repent in God's forgiveness?

Caine answered that he would not live by God's mercy but his own.

Uriel cursed Caine and his children to only be able to drink blood and live in death. All that they touched would crumble.

Caine cried at this and the tears of blood he caught and drank.

The coming of Gabriel

When Caine looked up he found the archangel Gabriel, angel of mercy, looking at him. He told Caine of the path still open for forgiveness, called Golconda. He told Caine to pass it to his children so that they may one-day walk in God's light.

Caine's awakening

Caine awoke then to see Lillith. He felt the power in him and discovered his new powers. He moved quickly. He could become strong from the earth, and could make himself like stone. Lillith showed him others. She showed him how to hide and command others to his will. He found he could alter his form, and control the animals, and see more than he cold before.

Lillith tried to stop him. She was afraid he would burn himself out with these new powers. She used one to stop him and Caine did. He did not forget this though and grew to hate Lillith for it. He left her that evening.