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The Cleansing Fires

We have gone through some drastic changes, so I will just lay them out in the hopes of keeping confusion and rumors to a minimal.

I have removed Cardinal Loki from the sect. This was not easy for me to do, and I would rather not go into a lot of detail about the matter, but I understand the pack must be informed, so I will make this brief. There was to be a deal between Loki and the Elders... if he overtook the clan, and got rid of me... there would be peace. Loki called me on the phone, and more or less said he felt this was the best course of action. For a brief moment... I considered quitting. Then I remembered the oath I made to the sect. I swore I would see this through to the end. THE WAR WILL END WHEN THE ELDERS SURRENDER... NOT ONE SECOND BEFORE THEN. So, rather than quit, I decided it was best to remove Cardinal Loki from the sect. Linc will not surrender... Linc will not disband... no one is taking Linc away from me. That's all I have to say about the matter.

Several other members have also been removed from the sect. I don't want people to think I booted them. I didn't. Raptor, and Katrina left on their own. Raptor felt the war was putting too much strain on him, so he left to start his own clan. All I can say is, everyone knows how I feel about people joining and rejoining guilds, and I hate it. If you leave... you're gone for good. Keep that in mind.

Now... on to something we can feel good about. Our galleries on the main site are bursting with pictures of dead §, or § in locked and password protected rooms. Regardless of what Renee says... the proof is in the tape. Our kills are clean.. tagged... kills. Cayman can use Axis and Allies analogies all he wants to cover the simple fact that in game mechanics... raiding without tags puts the player in a no-lose situation. Its no better, or worse than using mods, or crashing games. So I look at the Elders little head counter, and see the pictures they have posted, to which only about 70% are accurate, and it makes me laugh. We are doing much better than others give us credit for... stings like a bitch I know, but... facts are facts. One of our main problems in Legion Incorporated is that we let how we feel we are doing in this war be reported to us by those we are fighting. This needs to stop. If you look to the § for updates on the war... you won't like what you see. I challenge you to compare their photos with ours. Don't let the Society tell you how Linc is doing.

I don't think everyone fully understood the timetable when we started this war. Wars are not won in a day, a week, or even a year in many cases. I don't want anyone to think I underestimate the (~§~) Society of Elders (~§~). I don't. Only a fool would do that. I knew coming into this that it would be the hardest thing we have ever done. We must be patient. Dig in and make the best of it for now. I think there are many clans who don't full understand how strenuous a war can be if you intend to win it. We all see clans like MAN, who declare war on 15 groups at once only to be pounded into the ground. I think this is foolish. During war, players need to be somewhat serious and pay close attention to the actions they take. Wars can take a long time, and make the game feel like work to some. Wars hurt feelings. Wars do a lot of harm to the game. Players who use the declaration of war as a tool, or joke need to keep this in mind.

Also, Gwen has posted about 25 new pictures in the galleries. She has had to move the site a few times due to her silent feuds with Geocites, and Angelfire. If for some reason your picture has not been posted, please send it to Gwen or I, and it will be put up ASAP.

For those who are staying; I can't tell you how much your courage and loyalty means to me. You have stood through some very dark moments and refused to break. You have embraced the pack as your family, and will not consider retreat, or surrender. You are true Sabbat. I love you all.

Stay cool... stays Sabbat,


"Once more unto the breech dear friends... once more... or close their walls up with our English dead." -Henry V, William Shakespeare