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The Forsaken House(Dream)

Me and my friend Elliott started off traped in this really huge house. The walls where Wooden and there were Suits of Ammor next to the walls on both sides. There was a really long hall way and we could run for a long time and not get tired. We ran down three halls and never got tired. As we ran down the halls the lights where coming on. If we went back, same thing would happen. If we passed the lights a good distence they would cut off. We turned to a hall to the left had a table with 5 candles on it, with a golden ring in the middle of the 5 candles, and there was a picture hanging above the table that had an old women that wore a solid white dress. To the right was a glass case filled with weird objects that looked like tools that they would use at a sacrifice or a ritual. We then left that area and could hear voices in the wall as we ran away from the table and the glass case. The further we went there was many different kinds of pictures of people, castles, landscapes, and weapons. We finally ran into another place were we could turn. We could go right or left. We turned right again. There was a ladie spirit that apeared and welcomed us to the house. We freaked out and asked her what they hell is this place. The ladie responded this is a house where all the Freaks, Goths, Satanic, Witches, Vampires, Geeks, and Nerds all lived at one time. When they left the house they were banded from ever coming back. These types of people were also called names because they were different from the rest of the humans on this planet. I enterupted her after that and asked ok heres a question why can we run for hours and not get tired. She said this house is full of energy. You could do just about anything and not get tired withen this house. Me and Elliott looked at each other stuned and shocked from hearing this. Right after that we heard someone screaming and crying for help. Another person ran around the corner and started coming toward us. Elliott said, "I guess we are not the only ones traped here after all." The guy ran up to us scared and asked us if we heard of seen any dark shadows following him. We told him no we had seen nothing but this ghost apear and talk to us out of the blue. He then looked up and saw her. He calmed down a little then said You are the lady that was on the picture on the wall that had the 5 candles under it with the golden ring in the center. She then shook her head and replied if you guys want to leave safely go into this hole and there will be a machine that will slide you down to the exit.
Sorry at that moment I woke up so there is no more to tell.

End of the world as a Vampire Leader(dream)

On a cold day I awake. I was told that our vampires in our clan were getting slaughterd by another clan and we do not know from who. So I said fine find out what clan and investigate. I later that day found a vampire from that clan he had told me about and questioned him. He told me nothing and threatend to destroy me. I laughed wickedly and destroyed the pethitic fool. By the end of the day the same guy that had awoken me came back and had told me that there Master of their clan was called my Morpheus. I thought for a while. It has been 1000 years sense I have last seen any of my real close friends. Maybe they where in his clan. I went to check the place out that I was told where it was. Of course it was heavly guarded. The other weak vampires where no match for me and the ones I trained. I ran into there leader. He destroyed the ones that followed me. Then I seen his face. It was my friend Shane. He reconized me and then we welcomed each other. Then we just let our clans kill each other for there own supidity. The End.

The Lost Boy(being Bored)

Debe do da da the little boy is in a small room long time ago. Do da da he disapears with out a trace. 1000 years later the boy shows up in a jail sell that has been abondon during a tour and the people freak. They wonder how did he just pop up. Why does he look like this. This boy is wearing brown ragged clothing. Long raggedy hair, dark skin as if he had been sun burned to much in those areas. and blue eyes that seem to glow. And the people ask him why is he there looking like a peasent from the dark ages. Some thought he is in a cult. Others are still shocked from his apperence. The boy looks to over his shoulders slowly as if he did not understand there language but it sounds fimuler. He then speaks. He had spoken a language that people no longer speak. It was the time of the Dark Ages. One of the religon studiers have been near looked up and shocked. He then asks where have you come from. That language has been forgotten. The boy looks at the studier. The reliogous man says come and makes hand sign to come with him. So the boy follows him. The studier shows him books and asks him if he have seen them before. the boy smiles wildly and shacks head rapidly back and forth. The boy can understand the books that have been writen and protected so then the studier said write your name and where you came from. Then asks does this language sound some what fimular. The boy shacks his head noding it as a yes. So the boy writes. The studier translated it. It says: Izzaic is what they called me where I came from. But I was born here... The studier looks at Izzaic. Izzaic seemed to know all the books in the room. The studier then said these are just fantasys that people say long ago. He then told Izzaic dont worry about them. Izzaic shacks head NO no.. the studier said ok get some rest so I can study your language better. Here is a book to study mine. So they both studied and gotten rest. The next day he came to his cell the boy is gone again but yet a man stands behind him and say thank you and hands him. The same book that he had given Izzaic is in his hands. The studier jumps back falling to the floor shocked and frightend. The man said why scared of what used to be little. Its me Izzaic. Me studdied your language and practiced for years. Izzaic asked the studier whats your name sir? The studier says my name is MaminKin. Izzaic said those book not a joke. I was taken from this world and brought back here every time I age in that world. The fantasy world you so called it is true. Far Far far future. Man comes to relize life and the true meanings of it. We gothics studied it to where religous people feared us greatly and hated us. We started to have magic and ability to learn much faster then normal. We then learned how to use our mind more and travel faster. I am almost done with my training at my world. Izzaic tell him you can look at this world with me if you like. MaminKin says, "WOW I will have to look another time." Izzaic smiles and says, "when ever you feel ready just call my name." Then walks out of room and disapears. MaminKin could not find anything about real time travel or anything about studing it. So MaminKin changed his ways because of that man. The end.... Makes you wonder does MaminKin go to this world and see what it looks like and how life is there? We might not ever know because its ment to be that way. Hope ya enjoyed. Me think its kinda cornie.

The Mysterious Wonders

Long time ago there was a young boy that had came home to a blood shed. This boy was important for some reason but we did not know.

On day after school the world was changing rapidly around us but seemed a matter of seconds chaos was let loose but we mortals did not know what it was or why it was happening. A boy came home from school. As he opens the doors he can feel an things change around him.. The air, the sky, the door handle as held it to turn it. He slowly walks in wondering what has changed having this sense disturbes him. The door slowly swings open he sees his parents lying in a blood shed. All family dead in front of his eyes. In Terror the boy falls to knees and weeps seeing this. His Sister head had be cut off. Farther had be shot in the head, both hands, and sholders. His mother died having her chest cut down to her stomach and intestents on the floor. The boy screamed in terror, "mommy and daddy WHY.. WHY MUST THIS HAPPEN." Soon after that the military and police walk in the house and see the boy. Immiditally they grab him and bring him out of the house. The boy was asked many questions. He said his name and how old he is. The boy speaked sniffing and whiping the tears away, "My name is Balactious White and I am 10 years old. After the boy spoke they heard a againy scream out side and then a gun shot. All the military rushed towards door to see what the scream was for. A women had blood all over her upper body and a gash in her neck. The cops told the boy to come and the boy gladly jumped up and ran toward the cops. The police men brought him into a cell and gave him a pillow and blankets. and said its not much but we are all gonna have to get used to living her now. Welcome to your new home.

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