Which Invader Zim

character are you?!

By Mandi & Levi

1. You dress...
Strange. Goth. Black.
in nothing! Muhahaha!
Goth like with a un-natural colored hair.
Something dramatic, and eye catching...::gasp:: a dog suit!

2. In your free time...
You focus on your lifes mission.
Spy on your neighbors, (especially the ones you think are aliens.)
Tacos, Piggies, Monkeys, and Moose.
repeating phrases such as "Shut up!" "Go Away!"

3. You hate...
Lack of Pigs
People who interfere with your mission.
Extra terrestrials.
Running out of batteries.

4. Most of your time is spent...
With a gameboy.
With a camera in hand. (one day I will actuallysee a ufo over that house down the street, I know it!)
Tied to a tree.
In the hands of a robot.
In my lab, working on my plot to take over the world! Muhahahah!

5. If I could describe my self in a few words, that word would be:
So happy it hurts!