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I just spent this past weekend at a free conference put on by my church, Vineyard Christian Fellowship of St. Louis. The conference was entitled, "Prophetic Presbytery." Many know what the term "prophetic" means, but "presbytery" is the Greek word for "elders."

This conference was rather interesting. I went, not knowing was to really expect, but had an interestingly fun time.

Many feel that "prophets" no longer exist, and that the gifts of the Spirit and the other "Acts material" are no longer applicable. I'm not going to get into a theological debate here, but I will say that from my experience, and from lining these experiences up with Scripture, God is very much the same and is very much doing in His Church the same as He was in "Acts days."

The 3-hour segments would start with about 20 minutes of worship, followed by a teaching on prophecy the first night. Following this, the three gentlemen visiting our church led the presbytery - I apologize for not remembering their names - prophesied over our "leaders" in the church by the laying on of hands.

Is prophecy applicable nowadays? From this weekend, after some speculation and discerning, I cannot help but say yes. Prophecy is very real and very for the equipping and building of the Church. Prophecy can also save souls. I mean, what would you do as a non-Christian and someone came up to you with "a word from the Lord," and told you things that were secret?

What prophecy isn't, is a few things. Prophesy is not fortune telling. If you want to know your future, see a sorcerer - no, I don't suggest doing that. There are just some things I personally wouldn't want to know, i.e. how I'm going to die. If I were told I was going to die in an automobile accident, I'd have an extremely heavy burden on my conscious every time I got in my Cutlass.

Prophecy is not an easy way out. Don't seek someone else to seek God's will for you. There is nothing that God will say that He hasn't said already: Bible. Also, if you are seeking Him about His will for your life, He will let you know His answer one way or another. Prophecy isn't the lazy man's way out.

Prophets aren't anyone special. The veins don't get the glory in the Church. They are merely vessels that the Lord uses. I say this because many people think that prophets have this special anointing. They are merely servants that God speaks through, God getting all the glory therefrom.

Did I get "a word from the Lord?" From the prophets, no. From God, yes. I was convicted of some things, and I was affirmed of some things pertaining to my future in the Church, with my future family and with my walk.

I know my calling is in ministry. I have been playing around with my walk with God, from the lack of direction. There are specifics to my calling, but I had let the enemy in, and he had caused me to doubt. The enemy would place thoughts in my mind: "You're not experienced in this area; you're not gifted enough in that area," etc.

No longer. I rebuke these lies from the enemy. We all have a purpose and a calling. No prophet needs to tell the Church that. I'm going to stick to the calling and the blessings that God has for me, seeking His face daily. Father, all your promises are "yes" and "amen" in Jesus.

© 1998 S. S. Hudson, Greenville College Papyrus

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