CANDIDATEnomination i agree not with its term for i cannot explain it. but i do now see there a light exists. what is my roll? a stock or a statue? of laughter or worship? i ask not of either, for i am not worthy of your worship, and i am to be mocked not at like a parrot. seriously, please, accept my words as i hold the sword of wisdom, which i just don't possess. i am quite apologetic for this circumstance. forgive me, if you will. though i look down, i look up with all due respect. i resign my pledge for i cannot afford my dues. broken i am. without a scent of knowledge i stand a child in an elevator clothless. attacks of debate explode, whiz, and strike the heart of city, my body. flesh i am present, yet my mind is content on the mainstream of tardiness. a vocalist death is present as the circumstance of eyes consist of the similar. you mock for you think i am insane, yet i see none of you with this here sword. therefore, i must exit. i am not running. © 1995 S. S. Hudson, Greenwood Leaf |