
5/03:I have added Glen Westall's poem, in the poetry section. Today my short story, which you can find in the My Story section of the website, was sent to the editors. So everyone keep your fingers crossed for me:) Also I just added a new poem from Shadow of Filth (April) so please go check it out. :)

5/04:I have now added music to the site. I hope you like the music. :)

5/05:I got my reply from the editors about the short story. I got a good reply from them, so these next few months I will be writing my novel and when I'm through with it, I will send it to the same editor/profreaders, and they have advanced me to Penguin Pignet Publishings. :) Fingers crossed people. :) Also now added the Short Stories page. It's finished until I get permission from Stephen King's publicist about putting one of his short stories up on my site.

5/06:Today I spoke with the editor again, and she knows that I've won some contest with my drawing ability, and she has now asked me if I would ever be available for illustration on book covers. I said "hell yes" and she is going to keep me in mind...Now for the website news...I have added the Vampires section of the website, so flaunt your ass over there and check it out :) I've changed the site around as you have probably noticed that the links are now in a different part of the site called Links two links have been added aswell. The Cradle of Filth and the Castles on the Web links are the ones that have been added. More news I'm sure will be available tomorrow, so please keep this site flowing. :)

5/07:Today I have added more vampires in the Vampires section. Lilith's page has been added and you can find that under Vampires just scroll down to Lilith and click on Lilith's Pictures or go to this link Lilith . There will be history, portrayings, and even pictures. So enjoy. :)

5/08:More vampires have been added to the Vampires section.

5/12:I have now added new poems to the site from Asmodeus , so please go check them out. Also I have added three new vampires of such in the Vampires section. Please enjoy. :)

5/16:I haven't been working on the site lately, but now I have finally added a new poets page, The Wandering Soul , so please go check that out. I've also added Bleed's section, which is still UNDERCONSTRUCTION 'til I get more info on him, so go check that out aswell. I've just re-arranged the poets names on the Poetry section, and I also changed my name to Serrated Mad Shadows. Nothing biggy there. I added the link to the internet underground and Bleed's section is now updated with his info. So please enjoy what I have added new to the site. :)

5/17:I have added 4 new vampires in the Vampires so go check that out if you wish. As you can see I have changed the colors on this page ;) Nothing much changed this morning. Enjoy.

5/20:I have now added a movies section to my site. They're are only two movies there right now, but soon I will have many there. Go check them out Movies . Well I noticed I had taken the music off the Main Page so I fixed that. That's all for right now. Maybe later I will start adding the Aesop's Fables. Enjoy. :)

5/22:I have remodeled the main page as you have noticed probably. Also I have now added a Castles section to my website. I only have England's Castles up at the moment, but soon more will be up. Please check out what I have finished. Enjoy. :)

5/26:I have now changed My Short Stories section. I have added two short stories as well there. I wrote them all in that section. A House My Mind Last Sought & Arianrhod are the new short stories. Well enjoy. :)

6/02:I have now changed the entry page which you have all probably noticed if you are this far in my site hence you have to see it to get into the site ;)...I've also changed the music on the site aswell...It's all classical piano now and I hope you enjoy that. :)

6/08:It's been awhile since I last worked on the site, but tonight I did. I've been typing for maybe 3 hours now adding the Mary Shelley section and the Johann Ludwig Tieck section. I've been typing forever so I will stop on the site for tonight. Enjoy. :)

7/20:Well looky here. It's been a long time since I got around to working on this site. I stumbled about and I was a bit bored so I came and worked on it a bit. I added an Aesop's Fable section. Not many fables there right now, but expect atleast 80 when I finish. Also my sound on my computer is screwed up so I don't know which pages have music and which ones don't, but I'm sure I'll get my sound fixed and it'll all be alright here soon. Also I changed the new entrance page for right now. It's temporary till I get my old one back up. Thanks for visiting my site and enjoy!! :)