Ah, I couldn't stay Away: Jon Wonderments

I love how Korn always changes their look, whether it be from casual to extravagant, from skater to grunge to hip hop. Every time I see Korn, they become different people, new and each member more of an individual than the last time. In the Who Then Now? video korn fans were treated to a progression from uniform grungy flannel shirts to a more skater look. And we all love Head's little ponytail/goatee/stretchy hat thing...who couldn't?? But back to Jonathan, the focus of this page. To me, he is perhaps the most unique KoRnster.

Jon And Munky

Jon and Munky are two eccentric individuals, as every member of Korn is, but lately, they have been looking a lot more alike. Jon's newest picture on Revolver Magazine has him sporting a goatee that is uncannily similar to that of Munky, who started his mustache/goatee combo before the onslaught of Issues. I think it looks good on Jon; he's older, more mature...and for the record, I knew without even reading the article that that microphone he's standing with was designed by Swiss artist H.R. Giger (the last name pronounced as if it rhymed with "eager", not as in Gieger Counter or whatever). My friend tried to tell me that it was designed by the guy from Spawn (who would either be Todd McFarlane or Nat Jones), but ha! I'm very cultured! (And of course it's perfect that Jon's on the cover of the Big, Drooling SEX Issue. I had quite a time explaining that one to my mother).

Just to discuss it, because this is Jon Wonderments, I always knew that Jonathan was a pervert. He's always out to get some pussy, and let's admit, what guy isn't?? But most aren't quite as frank about it as Jonathan. He says "dick" and "pussy" more than "and" and "the", and his frank manner makes me wonder just how good he is in bed. Let's see: He's tall, a plus, he has huge feet, a plus, he's about thirty, meaning he has a good deal of experience, a plus, and...um...he's dating a porn star, married her, i think...so all signs point to...YEAH. Ooops! I almost forgot. He's part Italian.

But no matter how perverted, how twisted, he may seem, Jonathan has a sensitive side. Ever since he was really little, he was called a faggot, a queer, a buttfucker, etc, etc. He says, however, that he is not homosexual. His homophobic comments, he claims, are naught more than a "sick sense of humor." If all that he says is true as to his sexuality, than I feel very sorry for Jonathan. Despite countless achievements and successes, even his fellow band members still call him a fag (especially Fieldy, which annoys me sometimes)on national television and in radio/tv/magazine interviews. I hope that someday Jon breaks free of his stereotype. I think his music exposes the turmoil in the lives of those who have worn labels all their lives. He is trying to increase the awareness that words CAN hurt. I know that he has, at least, for me.