Ok so this page was supposed to be kind of a tribute to those friends who mean the most to me and who have always been there for me in the end. Some I loose contact with for months, heck even years at times, but in the end they are still there.
My boyfriend Josh.... you have taught me so much and I am so happy that you responded to my message. I love you!!
Maddie... girl your my boo no doubt about it!! Without you gods only know where the hell I would have ended up.
Janie..... You have helped me be free.. and showed me how to party and have a good time... love ya bitch!
Rae... known ya since high school.. and chick your still crazy.. but I do miss taking Isis to Waffel House...
Mel... even tho you had to move I still love ya and miss you!!
Lisa B. and Angie A. .... you two are the best... take care of my nieces!!!
Bradley A... dude it is good to be back in touch again... miss spending time with ya!
Jay and Eric.... Meet Josh at the Waffel House....
Wayne & Leia.... We really need to have more fires and go out to the dirt road and fishing more... good times!!
Alisha... back in touch again... damn it's been a while.. I missed you sis!!!!
Chris P... Miss ya so much bro!!! Wish you were still around man!
And of course...
~Megan S.
~ Desi G.
~ Crystal M.
~ Paul
~ Couri
~ Dustin
~ Josh C.
~ Nate
And If I forgot anyone I'm so sorry just cause your name isn't here doesn't mean I don't care. Much love and Blessed Be!!