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The Precious People I Love.....

True Friends are the people who are always there for you, supporting you, not judging you, and not talking shit behind your back. My friends are all I have. If I loose them I know I'll go crazy.

Chesca - Nobody could ask for a sweeter friend. I've known her since 8th grade. Even with a few periods of not contacting each other we always find each other eventually. To me, she has always respected and always stood up for. Honestly there were a few cases where i wouldnt be here if it weren't for her friendship.

Tiffany aka Poxy- I've known her since about 4th grade and there were times where we hated each other. And of course it was over stupid stuff. When we are together there are no rules. And apparently she thinks i'm a good kisser. lol

Jenifer - She's the shyest person in the world but also nice. She's the guitarist in my band whom kicks ass while kissing James Iha. LOL.

Amanda - Nobody gets away with talking shit about her, she'll come back and kick their ass. But she's also a sweet person who is there to listen to problems... even weird dreams. Kelly and Amanda sittin in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g.... =)

Selena- Soooo sorry I didn't add you on here sooner. You know I didn't forget about you. I luv you too. ANYWAY Selena is a person whom at times is very strong willed and at other times she's down in the blue. i've known her for about 6 years now ever though we didn't talk much at first.

Jon - I miss him soo much, apparently he moved to TEXAS?? You guys absolutly have to listen to Jon play the drums. He beats the shit out of 'em. He's also a cool friend who'll listen to anything you say ... well almost. Kool JokEr!!

Travis - Well Travis .... Also a cool guy but don't piss him off. He and I havent really talked a lot but he's still a cool person if you know him and he's always there for his friends.

Brittani - I miss her sooo much. She got in a little trouble and I havent seen her in a few months. She was always there to joke around with me, she didnt judge me, never said anything bad about me, she was just a cool friend.

John - BEER KING! LOL. If you know him as I do he can always say something or make a little face that will stupidly make you laugh... uhm he's just weird! =p AND he shaved.. omg!!

Josh- Someone I will never quite know where our relationship will end. He's a very open person with his religion and i congratulate him for that. But he needs to tell his teacher to take his bible preaching staff and stick it up his ass!!

Mike- He also lives in Tx. and even though I've never actually met him, he is probably the sweetest guy I've ever known. Mike if your reading this, I luv you and don't leave your mustang in the rain...please, or i'll steal your car!!