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Set myself on fire
You are the one I hate
I’ll demonstrate and soon expire
This is everyone’s fate
The world determination held in a kingdom
Kill me and all those with individualality
Show me your faith
Are you as holy as you seem to appear
That’s your damn congress man
He stands in front with an illusion in mind
His suggestion box burned accidently
Here’s your congress man, lies and war
Capture my mind and kill my sons
You and your violence
Your lies, your guns
Tell your mom you love her
Then I know you’ll kill my sons
You and your leader
How much did you pay per lie
How many people have you witnessed die
That’s your suggestion box you burned to the ground
My favorite priest died for you
Put a gun in his hands
Ready, aim, backfire
You and your thought up lies
Damn you, they sinned for you
Capitol punishment, you must shoot yourself or kill someone else
You and your beliefs
You must be right up there
With Jesus and his saints
What thing did you risk your life for
To get where you are and become what you have
Whom did you fuck to have the judgment you do
Secrets and lies shot down in battle
You suggestion box is waiting
How much do you care about people
How much do you want to live
How many times did you visit your dead priest and confess your deepest sins
Kill your generation and everyone thereafter
“Egocentric Killing Bastard” your campaign slogan
Kill everyone you know and let your mom watch the show
Send your daughter to the battle
Put her ahead of the pack
Send your son to stand by your side
Find him annoying, kill him on your orders
So how independent do you want to be
How many people are you willing to let die Do you pray to your god and ask for your country to die
Your reign of happy economy and fire will soon be pissed at whats soon to come
Your people bow down but have you told them your secret and the truth of whats going on
No those poor brain-washed people don’t know what to do
You corrupted their minds and stole their judgment
Every piece of goodness you stole
Every rainbow they imagined you made thunder reality
Every smile was the face of a demon
Behind that demon was a lost soul trying to break free
You can be their Satan and they can be your toys
Corrupt them
Torture them
Kill them