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Break-Up 4-4-02

I'll throw out everything that reminds me of you
And still I don't feel better
Feel better for yourself
I miss you so much
So much unbareable pain
Maybe it was me the whole time
Maybe I just felt too much
Maybe I just let go too much
Maybe I could have loved
Stay with you though thick and thin
So suicidal this time
May the Gods help me succeed
It could have worked
But your too busy
You weren't there when I pleaded
And my kiss wasn't enough
Or so you say
You felt nothing
I felt everything
I stood up for you
I cared for you
And I still do
I guess I tried too hard
How could you not feel anything
I'm only hopeing you didn't mean the words you said!
------------------------------------------------------- I have no comments on this piece simply because I'm still trying to run through my mind where I went wrong. One word depressed.