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Love and Betrayl

Love is a strange things
Often leading to betrayl
Betrayl leads to heartbreak
Leading to the question,
"Was it me?"
"Did I do something to lead me to this?"
Nights of endless crying
Can full of tissue
And then to think that it's probably,
Most likely to happen again
Then deciding,
"Why should it happen again?"
If it all could just end here
Leading to the gun in your hand
When so many times you couldn't do it
Thinking it was all going to get better
With time
But this time, it was diffrent
Then you hold the gun to your head
Whisper a silent prayer to any God who is listening
Cry your last tear
Pull the trigger
And remember you already used all the bullets
You shot the boy you loved the most
A single bullet for each time he let you down
When he lied,
And broke your heart
But no matter what heppens now,
At least you know you dumped him before he dumped you again
But still memories linger in your head
When you wished you had never met him!