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On all the stars in the sky
I wish I could only just die
And whatever is in store for my next life
I can only hope it's better than this one
Don't try to understand why i say this
Just know it would be the best thing to do
Just fade away and die
Know that I do regret the majority of choices I've made
And that fear was the only reason I didn't pull the trigger
And every person I've ever cared for, has fucked me over
Too many times, that now when my heart beats, blood rushes to my head and comsumes my eyes
And my sould was lost when i was raped
And the thumbprints of my lovers are still on my neck
And oxygen no longer passes in my lungs
Instead the stench of death
Everything I love, Hates me
Everything I touch, Dies
But touching myself only makes me cry
So on every star in the blackest sky
My one and only wish
Is to fade away and die!

> Poems