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You and Me 9-15-01

I want someone to see my twisted reality.
What I got in my head is mostly dead.
You in my dreams night after night.
Can't you just die.
You pick my black rose and smell the stench.
How come you won't die?
Dark as you can possibly be, maybe your already dead.
In that case why don't you stay.
Your thoughts consume my time.
But every night I get to look in your eyes and see your life as dead as I wish was mine.
Free my soul and make me what you are.
Dark king of the night, I'd like to be your bride.
I give you my soul with no hesitation or regret.
Time doesn't come fast enough for you to say your mine.
Don't make me live life until I can see you when I die.
Stay in my dreams and we can live a seperate life.
Just you, me, and the children of the undead!
Some dreams i wish i would just stay stuck in so i wouldn't have to return to reality. This was written after a very intense dream i had that when i woke up it made me cry. You can read what the dream was under stories.